Work Package 3

6th Winterschool on quantum communications

Date: 19 to 21 January 2014

Place: Les Diablerets, Switzerland

Main leader organizer: IDQ

Several talks were given on quantum communications by several SIQS speakers.

Speaker: Nicolas Gisin (UNIGE), Mikael Afzelius (UNIGE), Grégoire Ribordy (IDQ), Matthieu Legré (IDQ)



Date: 10 April 2014

Place: Helsinki, Finland

Main leader organizer: Cygate

Title of the talk: Quantum Technologies for a Quantum-Safe ICT

Speaker: Grégoire Ribordy (IDQ)


Photonics 21 Annual Meeting

Date: 28 March 2014

Place: Brussels, Belgium

Main leader organizer: Photonics 21

Title of the talk: Quantum Key Distribution Solutions

Speaker: Grégoire Ribordy (IDQ)


Optical Fiber Communications Conference

Date: 9-13 March 2014

Place: San Francisco, USA

Main leader organizer: American Association for the Advancement of Science

Title of the talk: Quantum Key Distribution Solutions

Speaker: Grégoire Ribordy (IDQ)


Quantum Information Science. More ready than you think!

Date: 14-17 February 2014

Place: Chicago, USA

Main leader organizer: American Association for the Advancement of Science

Title of the talk: Opportunities and Challenges for Commercial Quantum Cryptography

Speaker: Grégoire Ribordy (IDQ)


Quantum-Safe Cryptoworkshop

Date: 26-27 September 2013

Place: Sophia-Antipolis, France

Main leader organizer: ETSI

Title of the talk: Quantum Key Distribution in the Real World

Speaker: Grégoire Ribordy (IDQ)


Matrix product states for quantum metrology

2014-02-03 - 2014-02-07

Marcin Jarzyna

QIP 2014, Barcelona, Spain
Presented material: 

Quantum metrology gives bounds on achievable precision in measurements of parameters like phase delays, frequencies etc. However it is not known if those bounds are saturable and what is the optimal state, i.e. what quantum resources like entanglement should be used to get it. It is known that asymptotically optimal states should be tensor products of some states with lower particle number, thus they would not be highly entangled.

6Th Winter School on Practical Quantum Communications

2014-01-19 - 2014-01-23
Les Diablerets, Switzerland

The program of the 6th winterschool on quantum communications deals with quantum cryptography, quantum computing and quantum repeaters. The goal of this event is to introduce this exciting topic in a relaxed and stimulating atmosphere to a general audience of physicists and computer scientists with little or no background in practical quantum communications. Special emphasis will be placed on practical aspects of quantum communications, such as the implementation of quantum key distribution systems and quantum repeaters, as well as concrete steps towards a quantum computer.

6Th Winter School on Practical Quantum Communications

The program of the 6th winterschool on practical quantum communications deals with quantum cryptography, quantum computing and quantum repeaters. The goal of this event is to introduce this exciting topic in a relaxed and stimulating atmosphere to a general audience of physicists and computer scientists with little or no background in practical quantum communications. Special emphasis will be placed on practical aspects of quantum communications, such as the implementation of quantum key distribution systems and quantum repeaters, as well as concrete steps towards a quantum computer.

QUTE-EUROPE Summer School 2014

2014-08-18 - 2014-08-28
Registration deadline: 
2014-05-15 (All day)
Smolenice castle, Slovak Republic

QUTE-EUROPE SUMMER SCHOOL is focused on training of graduate students in current research topics and challenges of quantum computation and quantum communication technologies. 

The program includes eight series of lectures by leading experts, short presentation of participants on the topics of the lectures.
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