Optical Sensors Lab

Research Type: 

Development and applications of advanced laser-based methods for high-performance optical sensing

Metrology with frequency comb synthesizers and absolute optical frequency references

Whispering-gallery-mode resonators made from solid & liquid dielectric media: cavity optomechanics and biosensing with metallic and dielectric nanoparticles

Fiber-optic resonators and interferometers: investigation on fundamental thermal noise limit

Excitation of surface-plasmon phenomena in high-Q optical resonators

Gianluca Gagliardi

Quantum Measurement Laboratory

Research Type: 

Quantum optics and electrodynamics in superconducting nanostructures, Quantum computing and simulation, Tunneling spectroscopy, Material science. 


Miroslav Grajcar

Mediterranean Institute of Fundamental Physics

Research Type: 

The Mediterranean Institute of Fundamental Physics (MIFP) is a virtual institute uniting over 190 physicists from EU, USA, China, Russia, Australia, Latin America. Its goal is promotion of international research projects involving European scientists currently based oversees. The Scientific Council of MIFP is headed by Prof. Boris Altshuler (Columbia university, New York). The Scientific Director of MIFP is Prof. Alexey Kavokin (Southampton university, UK, CNR-SPIN, Italy, Russian Quantumm Center). MIFP involves a plethora of leading theoretical quantum physicists, e.g.

Alexey Kavokin

Report from the workshop on Quantum Technologies and Industry


The report of the workshop on Quantum Technologies and Industry was held in Brussels on 6 May 2015 has been published

A participatory workshop on Quantum Technologies and Industry was held in Brussels on 6 May 2015. The aim was to identify what could be the markets for quantum technologies, and how these could be industrialised. The workshop report (available here) summarises the discussions and the action plan which emerged as a conclusion.

QIPC Young Investigator Award 2015 goes to Oriol Romero Isart


We are ahppy to anounce that this year's winner of QIPC Young Investigator Award is Oriol Romero Isart from University of Innsbruck (https://iqoqi.at/en/romero-isart-gruppe/staff/oriol-romero-isart)

"for his seminal contributions to many interdisciplinary topics in quantum physics, which range from degenerate quantum gases to quantum nanooptics and opto-nanomechanics, and have opened new doors both for theory and for experiments."

Quantum Communications and Information Technology (QCIT’15)

2015-12-06 - 2015-12-10
Registration deadline: 
2015-07-01 (All day)
San Diego, CA, USA

Call for Contributions for Workshop on

Quantum Communications and Information Technology (QCIT’15)

Quantum Technologies in H2020

The on-line version of the document can be browsed here,
a pdf of the full document will be generated following 
this link.

10 Key Tenets of Quantum Investment and QT2 Innovation


DK MataiChairman and Founder at Quantum Innovation Labs (QiLabs.net) take a look of what he believes are the 10 key facts for investing in the Quantum Technologies field.

DK MataiChairman and Founder at Quantum Innovation Labs (QiLabs.net) take a look of what he believes are the 10 key facts for investing in the Quantum Technologies field.

Read the full Linkedin entry here.

Physics of Information Group

Research Type: 

Quantum Information
We are interested in entanglement theory, non-locality, as well as in developing low-control schemes to generate entanglement in solids. Furthermore, we investigate quantum walks and their applications to quantum algorithms and quantum simulation. Finally, we collaborate with other colleagues at IT in the development and quantum optical implementation of cryptographic protocols.

Yasser Omar

Quantum seismology

E. G. Brow, W. Donnelly, A. Kempf, R. B. Mann, E. Martín-Martínez, and N. C. Menicucci
New Journal of Physics 16, 105020 (2014)

Entanglement farming is a protocol that involves successively sending pairs of “particle detectors” (such as atoms, ions, molecules, etc) transversely through an optical cavity. As pair after pair traverses the cavity, the field approaches a fixed-point state, where every pair of atoms emerges from the cavity in the same state, which is generically entangled. The fixed point is generally stable to small changes in the parameters.

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