Quantum Physics

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Quantum Physics (quant-ph) updates on the e-print archive
Updated: 27 weeks 4 days ago

Machine learning optimal control pulses in an optical quantum memory experiment. (arXiv:2401.05077v1 [quant-ph])

Fri, 2024-01-12 01:45

Efficient optical quantum memories are a milestone required for several quantum technologies including repeater-based quantum key distribution and on-demand multi-photon generation. We present an efficiency optimization of an optical electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) memory experiment in a warm cesium vapor using a genetic algorithm and analyze the resulting waveforms. The control pulse is represented either as a Gaussian or free-form pulse, and the results from the optimization are compared. We see an improvement factor of 3(7)\% when using optimized free-form pulses. By limiting the allowed pulse energy in a solution, we show an energy-based optimization giving a 30% reduction in energy, with minimal efficiency loss.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Quantum Computation and Quantum Simulation with Ultracold Molecules. (arXiv:2401.05086v1 [cond-mat.quant-gas])

Fri, 2024-01-12 01:45

Ultracold molecules confined in optical lattices or tweezer traps can be used to process quantum information and simulate the behaviour of many-body quantum systems. Molecules offer several advantages for these applications. They have a large set of stable states with strong transitions between them and long coherence times. They can be prepared in a chosen state with high fidelity, and the state populations can be measured efficiently. They have controllable long-range dipole-dipole interactions that can be used to entangle pairs of molecules and generate interesting many-body states. We review the advances that have been made and the challenges still to overcome, and describe the new ideas that will unlock the full potential of the field.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Nonreciprocal Quantum Batteries. (arXiv:2401.05090v1 [quant-ph])

Fri, 2024-01-12 01:45

Nonreciprocity, arising from the breaking of time-reversal symmetry, has become a fundamental tool in diverse quantum technology applications. It enables directional flow of signals and efficient noise suppression, constituting a key element in the architecture of current quantum information and computing systems. Here we explore its potential in optimizing the charging dynamics of a quantum battery. By introducing nonreciprocity through reservoir engineering during the charging process, we induce a directed energy flow from the quantum charger to the battery, resulting in a substantial increase in energy accumulation. Despite local dissipation, the nonreciprocal approach demonstrates a fourfold increase in battery energy compared to conventional charger-battery systems. We demonstrate that employing a shared reservoir can establish an optimal condition where nonreciprocity enhances charging efficiency and elevates energy storage in the battery. This effect is observed in the stationary limit and remains applicable even in overdamped coupling regimes, eliminating the need for precise temporal control over evolution parameters. Our result can be extended to a chiral network of quantum nodes, serving as a multi-cell quantum battery system to enhance storage capacity. The proposed approach is straightforward to implement using current state-of-the-art quantum circuits, both in photonics and superconducting quantum systems. In a broader context, the concept of nonreciprocal charging has significant implications for sensing, energy capture, and storage technologies or studying quantum thermodynamics.

Categories: Journals, Physics

On characteristics of mixed unitary channels being additive or multiplicative with respect to taking tensor products. (arXiv:2401.05104v1 [quant-ph])

Fri, 2024-01-12 01:45

We study mixed unitary channels generated by finite subgroups of the group of all unitary operators in a Hilbert space. Based on the majorization theory we introduce techniques allowing to calculate different characteristics of output states of channels. A class of channels has been allocated for which the use of entangled states doesn't give any advantage under taking supremum and infimum for output characteristics of channels. In particular, $l_p$-norms are multiplicative and the minimal entropy is additive with respect to taking tensor products of channels. As an important application of the obtained results the classical capacity of channel is calculated in the evident form. We compare our techniques with the informational characteristics of Boson quantum channels.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Rydberg molecules bound by strong light fields. (arXiv:2401.05129v1 [quant-ph])

Fri, 2024-01-12 01:45

The coupling of an isolated quantum state to a continuum is typically associated with decoherence and decreased lifetime. Here, we demonstrate that Rydberg macrodimers, weakly bound pairs of Rydberg atoms, can overcome this dissipative mechanism and instead form bound states with the continuum of free motional states. This is enabled by the unique combination of extraordinarily slow vibrational motion in the molecular state and the optical coupling to a non-interacting continuum. Under conditions of strong coupling, we observe the emergence of distinct resonances and explain them within a Fano model. For atoms arranged on a lattice, we predict the strong continuum coupling to even stabilize molecules consisting of more than two atoms and find first signatures of these by observing atom loss correlations using a quantum gas microscope. Our results present an intriguing mechanism to control decoherence and bind multiatomic molecules using strong light-matter interactions.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Reducing measurement costs by recycling the Hessian in adaptive variational quantum algorithms. (arXiv:2401.05172v1 [quant-ph])

Fri, 2024-01-12 01:45

Adaptive protocols enable the construction of more efficient state preparation circuits in variational quantum algorithms (VQAs) by utilizing data obtained from the quantum processor during the execution of the algorithm. This idea originated with ADAPT-VQE, an algorithm that iteratively grows the state preparation circuit operator by operator, with each new operator accompanied by a new variational parameter, and where all parameters acquired thus far are optimized in each iteration. In ADAPT-VQE and other adaptive VQAs that followed it, it has been shown that initializing parameters to their optimal values from the previous iteration speeds up convergence and avoids shallow local traps in the parameter landscape. However, no other data from the optimization performed at one iteration is carried over to the next. In this work, we propose an improved quasi-Newton optimization protocol specifically tailored to adaptive VQAs. The distinctive feature in our proposal is that approximate second derivatives of the cost function are recycled across iterations in addition to parameter values. We implement a quasi-Newton optimizer where an approximation to the inverse Hessian matrix is continuously built and grown across the iterations of an adaptive VQA. The resulting algorithm has the flavor of a continuous optimization where the dimension of the search space is augmented when the gradient norm falls below a given threshold. We show that this inter-optimization exchange of second-order information leads the Hessian in the state of the optimizer to better approximate the exact Hessian. As a result, our method achieves a superlinear convergence rate even in situations where the typical quasi-Newton optimizer converges only linearly. Our protocol decreases the measurement costs in implementing adaptive VQAs on quantum hardware as well as the runtime of their classical simulation.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Intertwining Curvature Bounds for Graphs and Quantum Markov Semigroups. (arXiv:2401.05179v1 [math.FA])

Fri, 2024-01-12 01:45

Based on earlier work by Carlen-Maas and the second- and third-named author, we introduce the notion of intertwining curvature lower bounds for graphs and quantum Markov semigroups. This curvature notion is stronger than both Bakry-\'Emery and entropic Ricci curvature, while also computationally simpler than the latter. We verify intertwining curvature bounds in a number of examples, including finite weighted graphs and graphs with Laplacians admitting nice mapping representations, as well as generalized dephasing semigroups and quantum Markov semigroups whose generators are formed by commuting jump operators. By improving on the best-known bounds for entropic curvature of depolarizing semigroups, we demonstrate that there can be a gap between the optimal intertwining and entropic curvature bound. In the case of qubits, this improved entropic curvature bound implies the modified logarithmic Sobolev inequality with optimal constant.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Non-inertial motion dependent entangled Bell-state. (arXiv:2401.05186v1 [quant-ph])

Fri, 2024-01-12 01:45

We show the targeted phase-manipulation of an entangled photonic Bell state via non-inertial motion. To this end, we place a very compact laboratory, consisting of a SPDC source and a Sagnac interferometer, on a rotating platform (non-inertial reference frame). The photon pairs of a $\ket{\phi}$-state are in a superposition of co- and counter-rotation. The phase of the $\ket{\phi}$-state is linearly dependent on the angular velocity of the rotating platform due to the Sagnac effect. We measure the visibility and certify entanglement with the Bell-CHSH parameter $S$. Additionally, we conduct a partial quantum state tomography on the Bell states in a non-inertial environment. Our experiment showcases the unitary transformation of an entangled state via non-inertial motion and constitutes not only a switch between a $\ket{\phi^{-}}$-state and a $\ket{\phi^{+}}$-state but also a further experiment at the interplay of non-inertial motion and quantum physics.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Chaos and quantization of the three-particle generic Fermi-Pasta-Ulam-Tsingou model I: Density of states and spectral statistics. (arXiv:2401.05188v1 [cond-mat.stat-mech])

Fri, 2024-01-12 01:45

We study the mixed-type classical dynamics of the three-particle Fermi-Pasta-Ulam-Tsingou (FPUT) model in relationship with its quantum counterpart, and present new results on aspects of quantum chaos in this system. First we derive for the general N-particle FPUT system the transformation to the normal mode representation. Then we specialize to the three-particle FPUT case, and derive analytically the semiclassical energy density of states, and its derivatives in which different singularies are determined, using the Thomas-Fermi rule. The result perfectly agrees with the numerical energy density from the Krylov subspace method, as well as with the energy density obtained by the method of quantum typicality. Here, in paper I, we concentrate on the energy level statistics (level spacing and spacing ratios), in all classical dynamical regimes of interest: the almost entirely regular, the entirely chaotic, and the mixed-type regimes. We clearly confirm, correspondingly, the Poissonian statistics, the GOE statistics, and the Berry-Robnik-Brody (BRB) statistics in the mixed-type regime. It is found that the BRB level spacing distribution perfectly fits the numerical data. The extracted quantum Berry-Robnik parameter is found to agree with the classical value within better than one percent. We discuss the role of localization of chaotic eigenstates, and its appearances, in relation to the classical phase space structure (Poincar\'e and SALI plots), whose details will be presented in paper II, where the structure and the statistical properties of the Husimi functions in the quantum phase space will be studied.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Loophole-free test of macroscopic realism via high-order correlations of measurement. (arXiv:2401.05246v1 [quant-ph])

Fri, 2024-01-12 01:45

Test of {macroscopic realism} (MR) is key to understanding the foundation of quantum mechanics. Due to the existence of the {non-invasive measurability} loophole and other interpretation loopholes, however, such test remains an open question. Here we propose a general inequality based on high-order correlations of measurements for a loophole-free test of MR at the weak signal limit. Importantly, the inequality is established using the statistics of \textit{raw data} recorded by classical devices, without requiring a specific model for the measurement process, so its violation would falsify MR without the interpretation loophole. The non-invasive measurability loophole is also closed, since the weak signal limit can be verified solely by measurement data (using the relative scaling behaviors of different orders of correlations). We demonstrate that the inequality can be broken by a quantum spin model. The inequality proposed here provides an unambiguous test of the MR principle and is also useful to characterizing {quantum coherence}.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Stability of superfluids in tilted optical lattices with periodic driving. (arXiv:2401.05265v1 [cond-mat.quant-gas])

Fri, 2024-01-12 01:45

Tilted lattice potentials with periodic driving play a crucial role in the study of artificial gauge fields and topological phases with ultracold quantum gases. However, driving-induced heating and the growth of phonon modes restrict their use for probing interacting many-body states. Here, we experimentally investigate phonon modes and interaction-driven instabilities of superfluids in the lowest band of a shaken optical lattice. We identify stable and unstable parameter regions and provide a general resonance condition. In contrast to the high-frequency approximation of a Floquet description, we use the superfluids' micromotion to analyze the growth of phonon modes from slow to fast driving frequencies. Our observations enable the prediction of stable parameter regimes for quantum-simulation experiments aimed at studying driven systems with strong interactions over extended time scales.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Quantum Modeling of Filter Bubbles Based on Kubo-Matsubara Form Green's Functions Considering Remote and Proximity Interactions:Ultraviolet Divergence to Indefinite Ghosting, Consideration of Cut Surfaces. (arXiv:2401.05266v1 [physics.soc-ph])

Fri, 2024-01-12 01:45

This research aims to model tracks the evolution of opinions among agents and their collective dynamics, and mathematically represents the resonance of opinions and echo chamber effects within the filter bubble by including non-physical factors such as misinformation and confirmation bias, known as FP ghosting phenomena.The indeterminate ghost phenomenon, a social science concept similar to the uncertainty principle, depicts the variability of social opinion by incorporating information uncertainty and nonlinearities in opinion formation into the model. Furthermore, by introducing the Kubo formula and the Matsubara form of the Green's function, we mathematically express temporal effects and model how past, present, and future opinions interact to reveal the mechanisms of opinion divergence and aggregation. Our model uses multiple parameters, including population density and extremes of opinion generated on a random number basis, to simulate the formation and growth of filter bubbles and their progression to ultraviolet divergence phenomena. In this process, we observe how resonance or disconnection of opinions within a society occurs via a disconnection function (type la, lb, ll, lll). However, the interpretation of the results requires careful consideration, and empirical verification is a future challenge.Finally, we will share our hypotheses and considerations for the model case of this paper, which is a close examination of regional differences in media coverage and its effectiveness and considerations unique to Japan, a disaster-prone country.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Classical verification of a quantum simulator: local relaxation of a 1D Bose gas. (arXiv:2401.05301v1 [cond-mat.quant-gas])

Fri, 2024-01-12 01:45

In [Nat. Phys. 8, 325-330 (2012)], Trotzky et al. utilize ultracold atoms in an optical lattice to simulate the local relaxation dynamics of a strongly interacting Bose gas "for longer times than present classical algorithms can keep track of". Here, I classically verify the results of this analog quantum simulator by calculating the evolution of the same quasi-local observables up to the time at which they appear "fully relaxed". Using a parallel implementation of the time-evolving block decimation (TEBD) algorithm to simulate the system on a supercomputer, I show that local densities and currents can be calculated in a matter of days rather than weeks. The precision of these numerics allows me to observe deviations from the conjectured power-law decay and to determine the effects of the harmonic trapping potential. As well as providing a robust benchmark for future experimental, theoretical, and numerical methods, this work serves as an example of the independent verification process.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Information scrambling -- a quantum thermodynamic perspective. (arXiv:2401.05305v1 [quant-ph])

Fri, 2024-01-12 01:45

Recent advances in quantum information science have shed light on the intricate dynamics of quantum many-body systems, for which quantum information scrambling is a perfect example. Motivated by considerations of the thermodynamics of quantum information, this perspective aims at synthesizing key findings from several pivotal studies and exploring various aspects of quantum scrambling. We consider quantifiers such as the Out-of-Time-Ordered Correlator (OTOC), the quantum Mutual Information, and the Tripartite Mutual Information (TMI), their connections to thermodynamics, and their role in understanding chaotic versus integrable quantum systems. With a focus on representative examples, we cover a range of topics, including the thermodynamics of quantum information scrambling, and the scrambling dynamics in quantum gravity models such as the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev (SYK) model. Examining these diverse approaches enables us to highlight the multifaceted nature of quantum information scrambling and its significance in understanding the fundamental aspects of quantum many-body dynamics at the intersection of quantum mechanics and thermodynamics.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Comparing Classical and Quantum Ground State Preparation Heuristics. (arXiv:2401.05306v1 [quant-ph])

Fri, 2024-01-12 01:45

One promising field of quantum computation is the simulation of quantum systems, and specifically, the task of ground state energy estimation (GSEE). Ground state preparation (GSP) is a crucial component in GSEE algorithms, and classical methods like Hartree-Fock state preparation are commonly used. However, the efficiency of such classical methods diminishes exponentially with increasing system size in certain cases. In this study, we investigated whether in those cases quantum heuristic GSP methods could improve the overlap values compared to Hartree-Fock. Moreover, we carefully studied the performance gain for GSEE algorithms by exploring the trade-off between the overlap improvement and the associated resource cost in terms of T-gates of the GSP algorithm. Our findings indicate that quantum heuristic GSP can accelerate GSEE tasks, already for computationally affordable strongly-correlated systems of intermediate size. These results suggest that quantum heuristic GSP has the potential to significantly reduce the runtime requirements of GSEE algorithms, thereby enhancing their suitability for implementation on quantum hardware.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Quantum Time-Space Tradeoffs for Matrix Problems. (arXiv:2401.05321v1 [cs.CC])

Fri, 2024-01-12 01:45

We consider the time and space required for quantum computers to solve a wide variety of problems involving matrices, many of which have only been analyzed classically in prior work. Our main results show that for a range of linear algebra problems -- including matrix-vector product, matrix inversion, matrix multiplication and powering -- existing classical time-space tradeoffs, several of which are tight for every space bound, also apply to quantum algorithms. For example, for almost all matrices $A$, including the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) matrix, we prove that quantum circuits with at most $T$ input queries and $S$ qubits of memory require $T=\Omega(n^2/S)$ to compute matrix-vector product $Ax$ for $x \in \{0,1\}^n$. We similarly prove that matrix multiplication for $n\times n$ binary matrices requires $T=\Omega(n^3 / \sqrt{S})$. Because many of our lower bounds match deterministic algorithms with the same time and space complexity, we show that quantum computers cannot provide any asymptotic advantage for these problems with any space bound. We obtain matching lower bounds for the stronger notion of quantum cumulative memory complexity -- the sum of the space per layer of a circuit.

We also consider Boolean (i.e. AND-OR) matrix multiplication and matrix-vector products, improving the previous quantum time-space tradeoff lower bounds for $n\times n$ Boolean matrix multiplication to $T=\Omega(n^{2.5}/S^{1/3})$ from $T=\Omega(n^{2.5}/S^{1/2})$.

Our improved lower bound for Boolean matrix multiplication is based on a new coloring argument that extracts more from the strong direct product theorem used in prior work. Our tight lower bounds for linear algebra problems require adding a new bucketing method to the recording-query technique of Zhandry that lets us apply classical arguments to upper bound the success probability of quantum circuits.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Fermi polaron in atom-ion hybrid systems. (arXiv:2401.05324v1 [cond-mat.quant-gas])

Fri, 2024-01-12 01:45

Charged quasiparticles dressed by the low excitations of an electron gas, constitute one of the fundamental pillars for understanding quantum many-body effects in some materials. Quantum simulation of quasiparticles arising from atom-ion hybrid systems may shed light on solid-state uncharted regimes. Here we investigate the ionic Fermi polaron consisting of a charged impurity interacting with a polarized Fermi bath. Employing state-of-the-art quantum Monte Carlo techniques tailored for strongly correlated systems, we characterize the charged quasiparticle by computing the energy spectrum, quasiparticle residue, and effective mass, as well as the structural properties of the system. Our findings in the weak coupling regime agree with field-theory predictions within the ladder approximation. However, stark deviations emerge in the strongly interacting regime attributed to the vastly large density inhomogeneity around the ion, resulting in strong correlations for distances on the order of the atom-ion potential range. Moreover, we find a smooth polaron-molecule transition for strong coupling, in contrast with the neutral case, where the transition smoothens only for finite temperature and finite impurity density. This study may provide valuable insights into alternative solid-state systems such as Fermi excitons polarons in atomically thin semiconductors beyond the short-range limit.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Realizing limit cycles in dissipative bosonic systems. (arXiv:2401.05332v1 [cond-mat.quant-gas])

Fri, 2024-01-12 01:45

We propose a general mechanism for generating limit cycle (LC) oscillations by coupling a linear bosonic mode to a dissipative nonlinear bosonic mode. By analyzing the stability matrix, we show that LCs arise due to a supercritical Hopf bifurcation. We find that the existence of LCs is independent of the sign of the effective nonlinear interaction. The LC phase can be classified as a continuous time crystal (CTC), if it emerges in a many-body system. The bosonic model can be realised in three-level systems interacting with a quantised light mode as realised in atom-cavity systems. Using such a platform, we experimentally observe LCs for the first time in an atom-cavity system with attractive optical pump lattice, thereby confirming our theoretical predictions.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Approximation of multipartite quantum states and the relative entropy of entanglement. (arXiv:2103.12111v2 [quant-ph] UPDATED)

Fri, 2024-01-12 01:45

Special approximation technique for analysis of different characteristics of states of multipartite infinite-dimensional quantum systems is proposed and applied to study of the relative entropy of entanglement and its regularisation. We prove several results about analytical properties of the multipartite relative entropy of entanglement and its regularization (the lower semicontinuity on wide class of states, the uniform continuity under the energy constraints, etc.). We establish a finite-dimensional approximation property for the relative entropy of entanglement and its regularization that allows to generalize to the infinite-dimensional case the results proved in the finite-dimensional settings.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Dualities in one-dimensional quantum lattice models: topological sectors. (arXiv:2211.03777v2 [quant-ph] UPDATED)

Fri, 2024-01-12 01:45

It has been a long-standing open problem to construct a general framework for relating the spectra of dual theories to each other. Here, we solve this problem for the case of one-dimensional quantum lattice models with symmetry-twisted boundary conditions. In ref. [PRX Quantum 4, 020357], dualities are defined between (categorically) symmetric models that only differ in a choice of module category. Using matrix product operators, we construct from the data of module functors explicit symmetry operators preserving boundary conditions as well as intertwiners mapping topological sectors of dual models onto one another. We illustrate our construction with a family of examples that are in the duality class of the spin-$\frac{1}{2}$ Heisenberg XXZ model. One model has symmetry operators forming the fusion category $\mathsf{Rep}(\mathcal S_3)$ of representations of the group $\mathcal S_3$. We find that the mapping between its topological sectors and those of the XXZ model is associated with the non-trivial braided auto-equivalence of the Drinfel'd center of $\mathsf{Rep}(\mathcal S_3)$.

Categories: Journals, Physics