
Cutoff brane vs the Karch-Randall brane: the fluctuating case. (arXiv:2312.03531v2 [hep-th] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Tue, 2024-01-02 16:45

Recently, certain holographic Weyl transformed CFT$_2$ is proposed to capture the main features of the AdS$_3$/BCFT$_2$ correspondence \cite{Basu:2022crn,Basu:2023wmv}. In this paper, by adapting the Weyl transformation, we simulate a generalized AdS/BCFT set-up where the fluctuation of the Karch-Randall (KR) brane is considered. In the gravity dual of the Weyl transformed CFT, the so-called cutoff brane induced by the Weyl transformation plays the same role as the KR brane. Unlike the non-fluctuating configuration, in the $2d$ effective theory the additional twist operator is inserted at a different places, compared with the one inserted on the brane. Though this is well-understood in the Weyl transformed CFT set-up, it is confusing in the AdS/BCFT set-up where the effective theory is supposed to locate on the brane. This confusion indicates that the KR brane may be emergent from the boundary CFT$_2$ via the Weyl transformations.

We also calculate the balanced partial entanglement (BPE) in the fluctuating brane configurations and find it coincide with the entanglement wedge cross-section (EWCS). This is a non-trivial test for the correspondence between the BPE and the EWCS, and a non-trivial consistency check for the Weyl transformed CFT set-up.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Decomposition of State Spaces into Subobjects in Quantum Field Theory. (arXiv:2312.17275v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Mon, 2024-01-01 11:45

This paper introduces a comprehensive formalism for decomposing the state space of a quantum field into several entangled subobjects, i.e., fields generating a subspace of states. Projecting some of the subobjects onto degenerate background states reduces the system to an effective field theory depending on parameters representing the degeneracies. Notably, these parameters are not exogenous. The entanglement among subobjects in the initial system manifests as an interrelation between parameters and non-projected subobjects. Untangling this dependency necessitates imposing linear first-order equations on the effective field. The geometric characteristics of the parameter spaces depend on both the effective field and the background of the projected subobjects. The system, governed by arbitrary variables, has no dynamics, but the projection of some subobjects can be interpreted as slicing the original state space according to the lowest eigenvalues of a parameter-dependent family of operators. The slices can be endowed with amplitudes similar to some transitions between each other, contingent upon these eigenvalues. Averaging over all possible transitions shows that the amplitudes are higher for maps with increased eigenvalue than for maps with decreasing eigenvalue.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Quantum entanglement approaching with concurrence in the presence of chaos. (arXiv:2312.17280v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Mon, 2024-01-01 11:45

The concept of concurrence is researched to characterize the dynamical behavior of the bipartite systems. The quantum kicked top model has great significance in the qubit systems and the chaotic properties of the entanglement. The eigenvalues of the reduced symmetric density matrix are determined, it allows us to understand this driven system to distinguish between regularity and chaoticity dynamics in the finite simulation, which depend on the strength excitation in the framework of the concurrence.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Quantum circuits with multiterminal Josephson-Andreev junctions. (arXiv:2312.17305v1 [cond-mat.mes-hall]) Quantum Physics - Mon, 2024-01-01 11:45

We explore superconducting quantum circuits where several leads are simultaneously connected beyond the tunneling regime, such that the fermionic structure of Andreev bound states in the resulting multiterminal Josephson junction influences the states of the full circuit. Using a simple model of single channel contacts and a single level in the middle region, we discuss different circuit configurations where the leads are islands with finite capacitance and/or form loops with finite inductance. We find situations of practical interest where the circuits can be used to define noise protected qubits, which map to the bifluxon and $0{-}\pi$ qubits in the tunneling regime. We also point out the subtleties of the gauge choice for a proper description of these quantum circuits dynamics.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Exact, Average, and Broken Symmetries in a Simple Adaptive Monitored Circuit. (arXiv:2312.17309v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Mon, 2024-01-01 11:45

Symmetry is a powerful tool for understanding phases of matter in equilibrium. Quantum circuits with measurements have recently emerged as a platform for novel states of matter intrinsically out of equilibrium. Can symmetry be used as an organizing principle for these novel states, their phases and phase transitions? In this work, we give an affirmative answer to this question in a simple adaptive monitored circuit, which hosts an ordering transition in addition to a separate entanglement transition, upon tuning a single parameter. Starting from a symmetry-breaking initial state, depending on the tuning parameter, the steady state could (i) remain symmetry-broken, (ii) exhibit the average symmetry in the ensemble of trajectories, or (iii) exhibit the exact symmetry for each trajectory. The ordering transition is mapped to the transition in a classical majority vote model, described by the Ising universality class, while the entanglement transition lies in the percolation class. Numerical simulations are further presented to support the analytical understandings.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Quantum jumps in driven-dissipative disordered many-body systems. (arXiv:2312.17311v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Mon, 2024-01-01 11:45

We discuss how quantum jumps affect localized regimes in driven-dissipative disordered many-body systems featuring a localization transition. We introduce a deformation of the Lindblad master equation that interpolates between the standard Lindblad and the no-jump non-Hermitian dynamics of open quantum systems. As a platform, we use a disordered chain of hard-core bosons with nearest-neighbor interactions and subject to coherent drive and dissipation at alternate sites. We probe both the statistics of complex eigenvalues of the deformed Liouvillian and dynamical observables of physical relevance. We show that reducing the number of quantum jumps, achievable through realistic post-selection protocols, can promote the emergence of the localized phase. Our findings are based on exact diagonalization and time-dependent matrix-product states techniques.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Emerging Entanglement on Network Histories. (arXiv:2312.17313v1 [hep-th]) Quantum Physics - Mon, 2024-01-01 11:45

We show that quantum fields confined to Lorentzian histories of freely falling networks in Minkowski spacetime probe entanglement properties of vacuum fluctuations that extend unrestricted across spacetime regions. Albeit instantaneous field configurations are localised on one-dimensional edges, angular momentum emerges on these network histories and establishes the celebrated area scaling of entanglement entropy.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Vacuum Energy from Qubit Entropy. (arXiv:2312.17317v1 [hep-th]) Quantum Physics - Mon, 2024-01-01 11:45

We develop a non-conventional description of the vacuum energy in quantum field theory in terms of quantum entropy. Precisely, we show that the vacuum energy of any non-interacting quantum field at zero temperature is proportional to the quantum entropy of the qubit degrees of freedom associated with virtual fluctuations. We prove this for fermions first, and then extend the derivation to quanta of any spin. Finally, we use these results to obtain the first law of thermodynamics for a non-interacting quantum vacuum at zero temperature.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Nonunitary gates using measurements only. (arXiv:2312.17325v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Mon, 2024-01-01 11:45

Measurement-based quantum computation (MBQC) is a universal platform to realize unitary gates, only using measurements which act on a pre-prepared entangled resource state. By deforming the measurement bases, as well as the geometry of the resource state, we show that MBQC circuits always transmit and act on the input state but generally realize nonunitary logical gates. In contrast to the stabilizer formalism which is often used for unitary gates, we find that ZX calculus is an ideal computation method of these nonunitary gates. As opposed to unitary gates, nonunitary gates can not be applied with certainty, due to the randomness of quantum measurements. We maximize the success probability of realizing nonunitary gates, and discuss applications including imaginary time evolution, which we demonstrate on a noisy intermediate scale quantum device.

Categories: Journals, Physics

A note on degeneracy of excited energy levels in massless Dirac fermions. (arXiv:2312.17357v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Mon, 2024-01-01 11:45

We propose a mechanism to construct the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of the massless Dirac-Weyl equation in the presences of magnetic flux $\Phi$ localized in a restricted region of the plane. Using this mechanism we analyze the degeneracy of the existed energy levels. We find that the zero and first energy level has the same $N+1$ degeneracy, where $N$ is the integer part of $\frac{\Phi}{2\pi}$. Finally, we show that higher energy levels are $N+m$ degenrate, beign $m$ the level of energy.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Theory of Quantum Light-Matter Interaction in Cavities: Extended Systems and the Long Wavelength Approximation. (arXiv:2312.17374v1 [cond-mat.mes-hall]) Quantum Physics - Mon, 2024-01-01 11:45

When light and matter interact strongly, the coupled system inherits properties from both constituents. It is consequently possible to alter the properties of either by engineering the other. This intriguing possibility has lead to the emergence of the cavity-materials-engineering paradigm which seeks to tailor material properties by engineering the fluctuations of a dark electromagnetic environment. The theoretical description of hybrid light-matter systems is complicated by the combined complexity of a realistic description of the extended electronic and quantum electromagnetic fields. Here we derive an effective, non-perturbative theory for low dimensional crystals embedded in a paradigmatic Fabry-P\'erot resonator in the long-wavelength limit. The theory encodes the multi-mode nature of the electromagnetic field into an effective single-mode scheme and it naturally follows from requiring a negligible momentum transfer from the photonic system to the matter. Crucially, in the effective theory the single light mode is characterized by a finite effective mode volume even in the limit of bulk cavity-matter systems and can be directly determined by realistic cavity parameters. As a consequence, the coupling of the effective mode to matter remains finite for bulk materials. By leveraging on the realistic description of the cavity system we make our effective theory free from the double counting of the coupling of matter to the electromagnetic vacuum fluctuations of free space. Our results provide a substantial step towards the realistic description of interacting cavity-matter systems at the level of the fundamental Hamiltonian, by effectively including the electromagnetic environment and going beyond the perfect mirrors approximation.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Confined Meson Excitations in Rydberg-Atom Arrays Coupled to a Cavity Field. (arXiv:2312.17385v1 [cond-mat.quant-gas]) Quantum Physics - Mon, 2024-01-01 11:45

Confinement is a pivotal phenomenon in numerous models of high-energy and statistical physics. In this study, we investigate the emergence of confined meson excitations within a one-dimensional system, comprising Rydberg-dressed atoms trapped and coupled to a cavity field. This system can be effectively represented by an Ising-Dicke Hamiltonian model. The observed ground-state phase diagram reveals a first-order transition from a ferromagnetic-subradiant phase to a paramagnetic-superradiant phase. Notably, a quench near the transition point within the ferromagnetic-subradiant phase induces meson oscillations in the spins and leads to the creation of squeezed-vacuum light states. We suggest a method for the photonic characterization of these confined excitations, utilizing homodyne detection and single-site imaging techniques to observe the localized particles. The methodologies and results detailed in this paper are feasible for implementation on existing cavity-QED platforms, employing Rydberg-atom arrays in deep optical lattices or optical tweezers.

Categories: Journals, Physics

PT-symmetric quantum mechanics. (arXiv:2312.17386v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Mon, 2024-01-01 11:45

It is generally assumed that a Hamiltonian for a physically acceptable quantum system (one that has a positive-definite spectrum and obeys the requirement of unitarity) must be Hermitian. However, a PT-symmetric Hamiltonian can also define a physically acceptable quantum-mechanical system even if the Hamiltonian is not Hermitian. The study of PT-symmetric quantum systems is a young and extremely active research area in both theoretical and experimental physics. The purpose of this Review is to provide established scientists as well as graduate students with a compact, easy-to-read introduction to this field that will enable them to understand more advanced publications and to begin their own theoretical or experimental research activity. The ideas and techniques of PT symmetry have been applied in the context of many different branches of physics. This Review introduces the concepts of PT symmetry by focusing on elementary one-dimensional PT-symmetric quantum and classical mechanics and relies in particular on oscillator models to illustrate and explain the basic properties of PT-symmetric quantum theory.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Quantum Hamiltonian Learning for the Fermi-Hubbard Model. (arXiv:2312.17390v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Mon, 2024-01-01 11:45

This work proposes a protocol for Fermionic Hamiltonian learning. For the Hubbard model defined on a bounded-degree graph, the Heisenberg-limited scaling is achieved while allowing for state preparation and measurement errors. To achieve $\epsilon$-accurate estimation for all parameters, only $\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(\epsilon^{-1})$ total evolution time is needed, and the constant factor is independent of the system size. Moreover, our method only involves simple one or two-site Fermionic manipulations, which is desirable for experiment implementation.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Benchmarking of Universal Qutrit Gates. (arXiv:2312.17418v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Mon, 2024-01-01 11:45

We introduce a characterisation scheme for a universal qutrit gate set. Motivated by rising interest in qutrit systems, we apply our criteria to establish that our hyperdihedral group underpins a scheme to characterise the performance of a qutrit T~gate. Our resulting qutrit scheme is feasible, as it requires resources and data analysis techniques similar to resources employed for qutrit Clifford randomised benchmarking. Combining our T~gate benchmarking procedure for qutrits with known qutrit Clifford-gate benchmarking enables complete characterisation of a universal qutrit gate set.

Categories: Journals, Physics

On Wigdersons' approach to the uncertainty principle. (arXiv:2312.17438v1 [math.FA]) Quantum Physics - Mon, 2024-01-01 11:45

We revisit the uncertainty principle from the point of view suggested by A. Wigderson and Y. Wigderson. This approach is based on a primary uncertainty principle from which one can derive several inequalities expressing the impossibility of a simultaneous sharp localization in time and frequency. Moreover, it requires no specific properties of the Fourier transform and can therefore be easily applied to all operators satisfying the primary uncertainty principle. A. Wigderson and Y. Wigderson also suggested many generalizations to higher dimensions and stated several conjectures which we address in the present paper. We argue that we have to consider a more general primary uncertainty principle to prove the results suggested by the authors. As a by-product we obtain some new inequalities akin to the Cowling-Price uncertainty principle and derive the entropic uncertainty principle from the primary uncertainty principles.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Information Fragility or Robustness Under Quantum Channels. (arXiv:2312.17450v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Mon, 2024-01-01 11:45

Quantum states naturally decay under noise. Many earlier works have quantified and demonstrated lower bounds on the decay rate, showing exponential decay in a wide variety of contexts. Here we study the converse question: are there uniform upper bounds on the ratio of post-noise to initial information quantities when noise is sufficiently weak?

In several scenarios, including classical, we find multiplicative converse bounds. However, this is not always the case. Even for simple noise such as qubit dephasing or depolarizing, mutual information may fall by an unbounded factor under arbitrarily weak noise. As an application, we find families of channels with non-zero private capacity despite arbitrarily high probability of transmitting an arbitrarily good copy of the input to the environment.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Balancing error budget for fermionic k-RDM estimation. (arXiv:2312.17452v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Mon, 2024-01-01 11:45

The reduced density matrix (RDM) is crucial in quantum many-body systems for understanding physical properties, including all local physical quantity information. This study aims to minimize various error constraints that causes challenges in higher-order RDMs estimation in quantum computing. We identify the optimal balance between statistical and systematic errors in higher-order RDM estimation in particular when cumulant expansion is used to suppress the sample complexity. Furthermore, we show via numerical demonstration of quantum subspace methods for one and two dimensional Fermi Hubbard model that, biased yet efficient estimations better suppress hardware noise in excited state calculations. Our work paves a path towards cost-efficient practical quantum computing that in reality is constrained by multiple aspects of errors.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Demonstration of a low loss, highly stable and re-useable edge coupler for SOI correlated photon pair sources. (arXiv:2312.17464v1 [physics.optics]) Quantum Physics - Mon, 2024-01-01 11:45

We report a stable, low loss method for coupling light from silicon-on-insulator (SOI) photonic chips into optical fibers. The technique is realized using an on-chip tapered waveguide and a cleaved small core optical fiber. The on-chip taper is monolithic and does not require a patterned cladding, thus simplifying the chip fabrication process. The optical fiber segment is composed of a centimeter-long small core fiber (UHNA7) which is spliced to SMF-28 fiber with less than -0.1 dB loss. We observe an overall coupling loss of -0.64 dB with this design. The chip edge and fiber tip can be butt coupled without damaging the on-chip taper or fiber. Friction between the surfaces maintains alignment leading to an observation of += 0.1 dB coupling fluctuation during a ten-day continuous measurement without use of any adhesive. This technique minimizes the potential for generating Raman noise in the fiber, and has good stability compared to coupling strategies based on longer UHNA fibers or fragile lensed fibers. We also applied the edge coupler on a correlated photon pair source and observed a raw coincidence count rate of 1.21 million cps and heralding efficiency of 21.3%. We achieved an auto correlation function g_H^2 (0) as low as 0.0004 at the low pump power regime.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Quantum logarithmic multifractality. (arXiv:2312.17481v1 [cond-mat.dis-nn]) Quantum Physics - Mon, 2024-01-01 11:45

Through a combination of rigorous analytical derivations and extensive numerical simulations, this work reports an exotic multifractal behavior, dubbed "logarithmic multifractality", in effectively infinite-dimensional systems undergoing the Anderson transition. In marked contrast to conventional multifractal critical properties observed at finite-dimensional Anderson transitions or scale-invariant second-order phase transitions, in the presence of logarithmic multifractality, eigenstate statistics, spatial correlations, and wave packet dynamics can all exhibit scaling laws which are algebraic in the logarithm of system size or time. Our findings offer crucial insights into strong finite-size effects and slow dynamics in complex systems undergoing the Anderson transition, such as the many-body localization transition.

Categories: Journals, Physics
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