
Speed Limit of Efficient Cavity-Mediated Adiabatic Transfer. (arXiv:2401.00384v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Tue, 2024-01-02 16:45

Cavity-mediated adiabatic transfer (CMAT) is a robust way to perform a two-qubit gate between trapped atoms inside an optical cavity. In the previous study by Goto and Ichimura [H. Goto and K. Ichimura, Phys. Rev. A 77, 013816 (2008).], the upper bound of success probability of CMAT was shown where the operation is adiabatically slow. For practical applications, however, it is crucial to operate CMAT as fast as possible without sacrificing the success probability. In this paper, we investigate the operational speed limit of CMAT conditioned on the success probability being close to the upper bound. In CMAT both the adiabatic condition and the decay of atoms and cavity modes limit the operational speed. We show which of these two conditions more severely limits the operational speed in each cavity-QED parameter region, and find that the maximal operational speed is achieved when the influence of cavity decay is dominant compared to spontaneous emission.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Fault-tolerant quantum computation by hybrid qubits with bosonic cat-code and single photons. (arXiv:2401.00450v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Tue, 2024-01-02 16:45

Hybridizing different degrees of freedom or physical platforms potentially offers various advantages in building scalable quantum architectures. We here introduce a fault-tolerant hybrid quantum computation by taking the advantages of both discrete variable (DV) and continuous variable (CV) systems. Particularly, we define a CV-DV hybrid qubit with bosonic cat-code and single photon, which is implementable in current photonic platforms. By the cat-code encoded in the CV part, the dominant loss errors are readily correctable without multi-qubit encoding, while the logical basis is inherently orthogonal due to the DV part. We design fault-tolerant architectures by concatenating hybrid qubits and an outer DV quantum error correction code such as topological codes, exploring their potential merits in developing scalable quantum computation. We demonstrate by numerical simulations that our scheme is at least an order of magnitude more resource-efficient over all previous proposals in photonic platforms, allowing to achieve a record-high loss threshold among existing CV and hybrid approaches. We discuss its realization not only in all-photonic platforms but also in other hybrid platforms including superconduting and trapped-ion systems, which allows us to find various efficient routes towards fault-tolerant quantum computing.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Quantum and Classical Communication Complexity of Permutation-Invariant Functions. (arXiv:2401.00454v1 [cs.CC]) Quantum Physics - Tue, 2024-01-02 16:45

This paper gives a nearly tight characterization of the quantum communication complexity of the permutation-invariant Boolean functions. With such a characterization, we show that the quantum and randomized communication complexity of the permutation-invariant Boolean functions are quadratically equivalent (up to a logarithmic factor). Our results extend a recent line of research regarding query complexity \cite{AA14, Cha19, BCG+20} to communication complexity, showing symmetry prevents exponential quantum speedups.

Furthermore, we show the Log-rank Conjecture holds for any non-trivial total permutation-invariant Boolean function. Moreover, we establish a relationship between the quantum/classical communication complexity and the approximate rank of permutation-invariant Boolean functions. This implies the correctness of the Log-approximate-rank Conjecture for permutation-invariant Boolean functions in both randomized and quantum settings (up to a logarithmic factor).

Categories: Journals, Physics

Higher-Order Cellular Automata Generated Symmetry-Protected Topological Phases and Detection Through Multi-Point Strange Correlators. (arXiv:2401.00505v1 [cond-mat.str-el]) Quantum Physics - Tue, 2024-01-02 16:45

Higher-order cellular automata (HOCA) are a type of cellular automata that evolve over multiple time steps. These HOCA generate intricate patterns within the spacetime lattice, which can be utilized to create symmetry-protected topological (SPT) phases. The symmetries of these phases are not global, but act on lower-dimensional subsystems of the lattice, such as lines or fractals. These are referred to as HOCA generated SPT (HGSPT) phases. These phases naturally encompass previously studied phases with subsystem symmetries, including symmetry-protected topological phases protected by symmetries supported on regular (e.g., line-like, membrane-like) and fractal subsystems. Moreover, these phases include models with subsystem symmetries that extend beyond previously studied phases. They include mixed-subsystem SPT (MSPT) that possess two types of subsystem symmetries simultaneously (for example, fractal and line-like subsystem symmetries or two different fractal symmetries), and chaotic SPT (CSPT) that have chaos-like symmetries, beyond the classification of fractal or regular subsystems. We propose that each HOCA pattern with a finite initial condition can be represented by a mathematical object $X=(d,M)$, and HOCA rules $\mathbf{f}$ can be categorized into different classes $[\mathbf{f}]$ based on the pattern that the rule can generate. The class of the HOCA rule of a given HGSPT can be identified by what we dub as the multi-point strange correlator, as a generalization of the strange correlator. We have raised a general procedure to construct multi-point strange correlators to detect the nontrivial SPT orders in the gapped ground states of HGSPT models and the their classes.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Amplification of quantum transfer and quantum ratchet. (arXiv:2401.00508v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Tue, 2024-01-02 16:45

Amplification of quantum transfer and ratchet--type processes are important for quantum technologies. We also expect that quantum ratchet works in quantum photosynthesis, where possible role of quantum effects is now widely discussed but the underlying dynamical processes are still not clearly known. In this work, we study a model of amplification of quantum transfer and making it directed which we call the quantum ratchet model. The model is based on a special quantum control master equation with dynamics induced by a feedback-type process. The ratchet effect is achieved in the quantum control model with dissipation and sink, where the Hamiltonian depends on vibrations in the energy difference synchronized with transitions between energy levels. A similarity between this model and the model of coherent transport in quantum photosynthesis, where the time dependence of the Hamiltonian arises due to vibrons, is studied. Amplitude and frequency of the oscillating vibron together with the dephasing rate are the parameters of the quantum ratchet which determine its efficiency. We study with which parameters the quantum ratchet minimizes the exction recombination time and show that the experimentally known values of the parameters of the photosynthetic reaction center correspond to values of the parameters of the quantum ratchet which realize a local minimum of the exciton recombination time. We also find another values of the parameters of the quantum ratchet minimizing the exciton recombination time, which corresponds to a twice smaller frequency of the vibron compared to that observed in experiments.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Multiplexed entanglement swapping with atomic-ensemble-based quantum memories in the single excitation regime. (arXiv:2401.00519v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Tue, 2024-01-02 16:45

Entanglement swapping (ES) between memory repeater links is critical for establishing quantum networks via quantum repeaters. So far, ES with atomic-ensemble-based memories has not been achieved. Here, we experimentally demonstrated ES between two entangled pairs of spin-wave memories via Duan-Lukin-Cirac-Zoller scheme. With a cloud of cold atoms inserted in a cavity, we produce non-classically-correlated spin-wave-photon pairs in 12 spatial modes and then prepare two entangled pairs of spin-wave memories via a multiplexed scheme. Via single-photon Bell measurement on retrieved fields from two memories, we project the two remaining memories never entangled previously into an entangled state with the measured concurrence of C = 0.0124(0.003). The successful probability of ES in our scheme is increased by three times, compared with that in non-multiplexed scheme. Our presented work shows that the generation of entanglement (C>0) between the remaining memory ensembles requires the average cross-correlation function of the spin-wave-photon pairs to be >30 .

Categories: Journals, Physics

Krylov Spread Complexity of Quantum-Walks. (arXiv:2401.00526v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Tue, 2024-01-02 16:45

Given the recent advances in quantum technology, the complexity of quantum states is an important notion. The idea of the Krylov spread complexity has come into focus recently with the goal of capturing this in a quantitative way. The present paper sheds new light on the Krylov complexity measure by exploring it in the context of continuous-time quantum-walks on graphs. A close relationship between Krylov spread complexity and the concept of limiting-distributions for quantum-walks is established. Moreover, using a graph optimization algorithm, quantum-walk graphs are constructed that have minimal and maximal long-time average Krylov $\bar C$-complexity. This reveals an empirical upper bound for the $\bar C$-complexity as a function of Hilbert space dimension and an exact lower bound.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Probing topological phase transition with non-Hermitian perturbations. (arXiv:2401.00530v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Tue, 2024-01-02 16:45

We demonstrate that non-Hermitian perturbations can probe topological phase transitions and unambiguously detect non-Abelian zero modes. We show that under carefully designed non-Hermitian perturbations, the Loschmidt echo(LE) decays into 1/N where N is the ground state degeneracy in the topological non-trivial phase, while it approaches 1 in the trivial phase. This distinction is robust against small parameter deviations in the non-Hermitian perturbations. We further study four well-known models that support Majorana or parafermionic zero modes. By calculating their dynamical responses to specific non-Hermitian perturbations, we prove that the steady-state LE can indeed differentiate between different phases. This method avoids the ambiguity introduced by trivial zero-energy states and thus provides an alternative and promising way to demonstrate the emergence of topologically non-trivial phases. The experimental realizations of non-Hermitian perturbations are discussed.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Proximal quantum control of spin and spin ensemble with highly localized control field from skyrmions. (arXiv:2401.00573v1 [cond-mat.mes-hall]) Quantum Physics - Tue, 2024-01-02 16:45

Selective control of individual spin qubits is needed for scalable quantum computing based on spin states. Achieving high-fidelity in both single and two-qubit gates, essential components of universal quantum computers, necessitates highly localized control fields. These fields must be capable of addressing specific spin qubits while minimizing gate errors and cross-talk in adjacent qubits. Overcoming the challenge of generating a localized radio-frequency magnetic field, in the absence of elementary magnetic monopoles, we introduce a technique that combines divergent and convergent nanoscale magnetic skyrmions. This approach produces a precise control field that manipulates spin qubits with high fidelity. We propose the use of 2D skyrmions, which are 2D analogues of 3D hedgehog structures. The latter are emergent magnetic monopoles, but difficult to fabricate. The 2D skyrmions, on the other hand, can be fabricated using standard semiconductor foundry processes. Our comparative analysis of the density matrix evolution and gate fidelities in scenarios involving proximal skyrmions and nanomagnets indicates potential gate fidelities surpassing 99.95% for {\pi}/2-gates and 99.90% for {\pi}-gates. Notably, the skyrmion configuration generates a significantly lower field on neighboring spin qubits, i.e. 15 times smaller field on a neighboring qubit compared to nanomagnets that produces the same field at the controlled qubit, making it a more suitable candidate for scalable quantum control architectures by reducing disturbances in adjacent qubits.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Optimization of deterministic photonic graph state generation via local operations. (arXiv:2401.00635v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Tue, 2024-01-02 16:45

Realizing photonic graph states, crucial in various quantum protocols, is challenging due to the absence of deterministic entangling gates in linear optics. To address this, emitter qubits are leveraged to establish and transfer the entanglement to photons. We introduce an optimization method for such protocols based on the local Clifford equivalency of states and the graph-shape correlated generation cost parameters. Employing this method, we achieve a 50% reduction in use of the 2-qubit gates for generation of the repeater graph states and a 65% reduction in the total gate count for 15-node random dense graphs.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Exotic synchronization in continuous time crystals outside the symmetric subspace. (arXiv:2401.00675v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Tue, 2024-01-02 16:45

Exploring continuous time crystals (CTCs) within the symmetric subspace of spin systems has been a subject of intensive research in recent times. Thus far, the stability of the time-crystal phase outside the symmetric subspace in such spin systems has gone largely unexplored. Here, we investigate the effect of including the asymmetric subspaces on the dynamics of CTCs in a driven dissipative spin model. This results in multistability, and the dynamics becomes dependent on the initial state. Remarkably, this multistability leads to exotic synchronization regimes such as chimera states and cluster synchronization in an ensemble of coupled identical CTCs.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Quantum walk on simplicial complexes for simplicial community detection. (arXiv:2401.00699v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Tue, 2024-01-02 16:45

Quantum walks have emerged as a transformative paradigm in quantum information processing and can be applied to various graph problems. This study explores discrete-time quantum walks on simplicial complexes, a higher-order generalization of graph structures. Simplicial complexes, encoding higher-order interactions through simplices, offer a richer topological representation of complex systems. Leveraging algebraic topology and discrete-time quantum walk, we present a quantum walk algorithm for detecting higher-order community structures called simplicial communities. We utilize the Fourier coin to produce entangled translation states among adjacent simplices in a simplicial complex. The potential of our quantum algorithm is tested on Zachary's karate club network. This study may contribute to understanding complex systems at the intersection of algebraic topology and quantum algorithms.

Categories: Journals, Physics

"half-electron (e/2)" -- free electron fractional charge induced by twisted light. (arXiv:2401.00723v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Tue, 2024-01-02 16:45

Recent advances in ultrafast electron emission, microscopy, and diffraction reveal our capacity to manipulate free electrons with remarkable quantum coherence using light beams. Here, we present a framework for exploring free electron fractional charge in ultrafast electron-light interactions. An explicit Jackiw-Rebbi solution of free electron is constructed by a spatiotemporally twisted laser field, showcasing a flying topological quantum number with a fractional charge of e/2 (we call it "half-electron"), which is dispersion-free due to its topological nature. We also propose an Aharonov-Bohm interferometry for detecting these half-electrons. The half-electron is a topologically protected bound state in free-space propagation, expands its realm beyond quasiparticles with fractional charges in materials, enabling to advance our understanding of exotic quantum and topological effects of free electron wavefunction.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Decoherence in Exchange-Coupled Quantum Spin Qubit Systems: Impact of Multiqubit Interactions and Geometric Connectivity. (arXiv:2401.00725v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Tue, 2024-01-02 16:45

We investigate the impact of different connectivities on the decoherence time in quantum systems under quasi-static Heisenberg noise. We considered three types of fundamental units, including node, stick and triangle and connect them into rings, chains, and trees. We find that rings exhibit greater stability compared to chains, contrary to the expectation that higher average connectivity leads to decreased stability. Additionally, the ``stick'' configuration is more stable than the ``triangle'' configuration. We also observe similar trends in entanglement entropy and return probability, indicating their potential use in characterizing decoherence time. Our findings provide insights into the interplay between connectivity and stability in quantum systems, with implications for the design of robust quantum technologies and quantum error correction strategies.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Theoretical Study on Superradiant Raman Scattering with Rubidium Atoms in An Optical Cavity. (arXiv:2401.00785v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Tue, 2024-01-02 16:45

Superradiant Raman scattering of Rubidium atoms has been explored in the experiment [Nature 484, 78 (2012)] to prove the concept of the superradiant laser, which attracts significant attentions in quantum metrology due to the expected ultra-narrow linewidth down to millihertz. To better understand the physics involved in this experiment, we have developed a quantum master equation theory by treating the Rubidium atoms as three-level systems, and coupling them with a dressed laser and an optical cavity. Our simulations show different superradiant Raman scattering pulses for the systems within the crossover and strong coupling regime, and the shifted and broader spectrum of the steady-state Raman scattering. Thus, our studies provide a unified view on the superradiant Raman scattering pulses, and an alternative explanation to the broad spectrum of the steady-state Raman scattering, as observed in the experiment. In future, our theory can be readily applied to study other interesting phenomena relying on the superradiant Raman scattering, such as magnetic field sensing, real-time tracking of quantum phase, Dicke phase transition of non-equilibrium dynamics and so on.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Quantum multiple gray scale images encryption scheme in the bit plane representation model. (arXiv:2401.00787v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Tue, 2024-01-02 16:45

After introducing a bit-plane quantum representation for a multi-image, we present a novel way to encrypt/decrypt multiple images using a quantum computer. Our encryption scheme is based on a two-stage scrambling of the images and of the bit planes on one hand and of the pixel positions on the other hand, each time using quantum baker maps. The resulting quantum multi-image is then diffused with controlled CNOT gates using a sine chaotification of a two-dimensional H\'enon map as well as Chebyshev polynomials. The decryption is processed by operating all the inverse quantum gates in the reverse order.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Scalable entanglement certification via quantum communication. (arXiv:2401.00796v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Tue, 2024-01-02 16:45

Harnessing the advantages of shared entanglement for sending quantum messages often requires the implementation of complex two-particle entangled measurements. We investigate entanglement advantages in protocols that use only the simplest two-particle measurements, namely product measurements. For experiments in which only the dimension of the message is known, we show that robust entanglement advantages are possible, but that they are fundamentally limited by Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen steering. Subsequently, we propose a natural extension of the standard scenario for these experiments and show that it circumvents this limitation. This leads us to prove entanglement advantages from every entangled two-qubit Werner state, evidence its generalisation to high-dimensional systems and establish a connection to quantum teleportation. Our results reveal the power of product measurements for generating quantum correlations in entanglement-assisted communication and they pave the way for practical semi-device-independent entanglement certification well-beyond the constraints of Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen steering.

Categories: Journals, Physics

ILP-based Resource Optimization Realized by Quantum Annealing for Optical Wide-area Communication Networks -- A Framework for Solving Combinatorial Problems of a Real-world Application by Quantum Annealing. (arXiv:2401.00826v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Tue, 2024-01-02 16:45

Resource allocation of wide-area internet networks is inherently a combinatorial optimization problem that if solved quickly, could provide near real-time adaptive control of internet-protocol traffic ensuring increased network efficacy and robustness, while minimizing energy requirements coming from power-hungry transceivers. In recent works we demonstrated how such a problem could be cast as a quadratic unconstrained binary optimization (QUBO) problem that can be embedded onto the D-Wave AdvantageTM quantum annealer system, demonstrating proof of principle. Our initial studies left open the possibility for improvement of D-Wave solutions via judicious choices of system run parameters. Here we report on our investigations for optimizing these system parameters, and how we incorporate machine learning (ML) techniques to further improve on the quality of solutions. In particular, we use the Hamming distance to investigate correlations between various system-run parameters and solution vectors. We then apply a decision tree neural network (NN) to learn these correlations, with the goal of using the neural network to provide further guesses to solution vectors. We successfully implement this NN in a simple integer linear programming (ILP) example, demonstrating how the NN can fully map out the solution space was not captured by D-Wave. We find, however, for the 3-node network problem the NN is not able to enhance the quality of space of solutions.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Consci\^encia e mec\^anica qu\^antica: uma abordagem filos\'ofica. (arXiv:2201.09663v6 [quant-ph] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Tue, 2024-01-02 16:45

This book deals with some ontological implications of standard non-relativistic quantum mechanics, and the use of the notion of `consciousness' to solve the measurement problem.

Categories: Journals, Physics

A review and reformulation of macroscopic realism: resolving its deficiencies using the framework of generalized probabilistic theories. (arXiv:2209.11783v2 [quant-ph] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Tue, 2024-01-02 16:45

The notion of macrorealism was introduced by Leggett and Garg in an attempt to capture our intuitive conception of the macroscopic world, which seems difficult to reconcile with our knowledge of quantum physics. By now, numerous experimental witnesses have been proposed as methods of falsifying macrorealism. In this work, I critically review and analyze both the definition of macrorealism and the various proposed tests thereof, identifying a number of problems with these (and revisiting key criticisms raised by other authors). I then show that all these problems can be resolved by reformulating macrorealism within the framework of generalized probabilistic theories. In particular, I argue that a theory should be considered to be macrorealist if and only if it describes every macroscopic system by a strictly classical (i.e., simplicial) generalized probabilistic theory. This approach brings significant clarity and precision to our understanding of macrorealism, and provides us with a host of new tools -- both conceptual and technical -- for studying macrorealism. I leverage this approach i) to clarify in what sense macrorealism is a notion of classicality, ii) to propose a new test of macrorealism that is maximally informative and theory-independent (unlike all prior tests of macrorealism), and iii) to show that every proof of generalized contextuality on a macroscopic system implies the failure of macrorealism.

Categories: Journals, Physics
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