
Exact WKB analysis for ${\cal PT}$ symmetric quantum mechanics: Study of the Ai-Bender-Sarkar conjecture. (arXiv:2401.00574v2 [hep-th] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Wed, 2024-01-03 17:45

In this paper, we consider exact WKB analysis to a ${\cal PT}$ symmetric quantum mechanics defined by the potential, $V(x) = \omega^2 x^2 + g x^2(i x)^{\varepsilon=2}$ with $\omega \in {\mathbb R}_{\ge 0}$, $g \in {\mathbb R} _{> 0}$. We in particular aim to verify a conjecture proposed by Ai-Bender-Sarkar (ABS), that pertains to a relation between $D$-dimensional ${\cal PT}$-symmetric theories and analytic continuation (AC) of Hermitian theories concerning the energy spectrum or Euclidean partition function. For the purpose, we construct energy quantization conditions by exact WKB analysis and write down their transseries solution by solving the conditions. By performing alien calculus to the energy solutions, we verify validity of the ABS conjecture and seek a possibility of its alternative form by Borel resummation theory if it is violated. Our results claim that the validity of the ABS conjecture drastically changes depending on whether $\omega > 0$ or $\omega = 0$: If ${\omega}>0$, then the ABS conjecture is violated when exceeding the semi-classical level, but its alternative form is constructable by Borel resummation theory. The ${\cal PT}$ and the AC energies are related to each other by a one-parameter Stokes automorphism, and a median resummed form, which corresponds to a formal exact solution, of the AC energy (resp. ${\cal PT}$ energy) is directly obtained by acting Borel resummation to the transseries solution of the ${\cal PT}$ energy (resp. AC energy). If $\omega = 0$, then, with respect to the inverse energy level-expansion, not only perturbative/non-perturbative structures of the ${\cal PT}$ and the AC energies but also their perturbative parts do not match with each other. These energies are independent solutions, and no alternative form of the ABS conjecture can be reformulated by Borel resummation theory.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Estimating Trotter Approximation Errors to Optimize Hamiltonian Partitioning for Lower Eigenvalue Errors. (arXiv:2312.13282v2 [physics.chem-ph] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Wed, 2024-01-03 17:45

One of the ways to encode many-body Hamiltonians on a quantum computer to obtain their eigen-energies through Quantum Phase Estimation is by means of the Trotter approximation. There were several ways proposed to assess the quality of this approximation based on estimating the norm of the difference between the exact and approximate evolution operators. Here, we would like to explore how these different error estimates are correlated with each other and whether they can be good predictors for the true Trotter approximation error in finding eigenvalues. For a set of small molecular systems we calculated the exact Trotter approximation errors of the first order Trotter formulas for the ground state electronic energies. Comparison of these errors with previously used upper bounds show almost no correlation over the systems and various Hamiltonian partitionings. On the other hand, building the Trotter approximation error estimation based on perturbation theory up to a second order in the time-step for eigenvalues provides estimates with very good correlations with the Trotter approximation errors. The developed perturbative estimates can be used for practical time-step and Hamiltonian partitioning selection protocols, which are paramount for an accurate assessment of resources needed for the estimation of energy eigenvalues under a target accuracy.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Symbolic, numeric and quantum computation of Hartree-Fock equation. (arXiv:2401.00019v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Tue, 2024-01-02 16:45

In this article, we discuss how a kind of hybrid computation, which employs symbolic, numeric, classic, and quantum algorithms, allows us to conduct Hartree-Fock electronic structure computation of molecules. In the proposed algorithm, we replace the Hartree-Fock equations with a set of equations composed of multivariate polynomials. We transform those polynomials to the corresponding Gr\"obner bases, and then we investigate the corresponding quotient ring, wherein the orbital energies, the LCAO coefficients, or the atomic coordinates are represented by the variables in the ring. In this quotient ring, the variables generate the transformation matrices that represent the multiplication with the monomial bases, and the eigenvalues of those matrices compose the roots of the equation. The quantum phase estimation (QPE) algorithm enables us to record those roots in the quantum states, which would be used in the input data for more advanced and more accurate quantum computations.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Reply to "Comment on `Multiparty quantum mutual information: An alternative definition'". (arXiv:2401.00026v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Tue, 2024-01-02 16:45

We reaffirm the claim of Lee et al. [preceding Comment, Phys. Rev. A 108, 066401 (2023)] that the expression of quantum dual total correlation of a multipartite system in terms of quantum relative entropy as proposed in previous work [A. Kumar, Phys. Rev. A 96, 012332 (2017)] is not correct. We provide alternate expression(s) of quantum dual total correlation in terms of quantum relative entropy. We, however, prescribe that in computing quantum dual total correlation one should use its expression in terms of von Neumann entropy.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Transmission of waves and particles through the interface: reversibility and coherence. (arXiv:2401.00059v1 [cond-mat.other]) Quantum Physics - Tue, 2024-01-02 16:45

We examine the transmission of quantum particles (phonons, electrons, and photons) across interfaces, identifying universal patterns in diverse physical scenarios. Starting with classical wave equations, we quantize them and derive kinetic equations. Those are matching conditions for the distribution functions of particles at the interface. We note the time irreversibility of the derived kinetic equations -- an essential feature for accurately describing irreversible processes like heat transport. We identify the juncture in our derivation where the time symmetry of wave equations is disrupted, it is the assumption of the non-coherence of incident waves. Consequently, we infer that non-coherent transmission through the interface exhibits time irreversibility. We propose an experiment to validate this hypothesis.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Characterizing Hybrid Causal Structures with the Exclusivity Graph Approach. (arXiv:2401.00063v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Tue, 2024-01-02 16:45

Analyzing the geometry of correlation sets constrained by general causal structures is of paramount importance for foundational and quantum technology research. Addressing this task is generally challenging, prompting the development of diverse theoretical techniques for distinct scenarios. Recently, novel hybrid scenarios combining different causal assumptions within different parts of the causal structure have emerged. In this work, we extend a graph theoretical technique to explore classical, quantum, and no-signaling distributions in hybrid scenarios, where classical causal constraints and weaker no-signaling ones are used for different nodes of the causal structure. By mapping such causal relationships into an undirected graph we are able to characterize the associated sets of compatible distributions and analyze their relationships. In particular we show how with our method we can construct minimal Bell-like inequalities capable of simultaneously distinguishing classical, quantum, and no-signaling behaviors, and efficiently estimate the corresponding bounds. The demonstrated method will represent a powerful tool to study quantum networks and for applications in quantum information tasks.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Deciding finiteness of bosonic dynamics with tunable interactions. (arXiv:2401.00069v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Tue, 2024-01-02 16:45

In this work we are motivated by factorization of bosonic quantum dynamics and we study the corresponding Lie algebras, which can potentially be infinite dimensional. To characterize such factorization, we identify conditions for these Lie algebras to be finite dimensional. We consider cases where each free Hamiltonian term is itself an element of the generated Lie algebra. In our approach, we develop new tools to systematically divide skew-hermitian bosonic operators into appropriate subspaces, and construct specific sequences of skew-hermitian operators that are used to gauge the dimensionality of the Lie algebras themselves. The significance of our result relies on conditions that constrain only the independently controlled generators in a particular Hamiltonian, thereby providing an effective algorithm for verifying the finiteness of the generated Lie algebra. In addition, our results are tightly connected to mathematical work where the polynomials of creation and annihilation operators are known as the Weyl algebra. Our work paves the way for better understanding factorization of bosonic dynamics relevant to quantum control and quantum technology.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Gouy phase and quantum interference with cross-Wigner functions for matter-waves. (arXiv:2401.00083v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Tue, 2024-01-02 16:45

The Gouy phase is essential for accurately describing various wave phenomena, ranging from classical electromagnetic waves to matter waves and quantum optics. In this work, we employ phase-space methods based on the cross-Wigner transformation to analyze spatial and temporal interference in the evolution of matter waves characterized initially by a correlated Gaussian wave packet. First, we consider the cross-Wigner of the initial function with its free evolution, and second for the evolution through a double-slit arrangement. Different from the wave function which acquires a global Gouy phase, we find that the cross-Wigner acquires a Gouy phase difference due to different evolution times. The results suggest that temporal like-Gouy phases are important for an accurate description of temporal interference. Furthermore, we propose a technique based on the Wigner function to reconstruct the cross-Wigner from the spatial intensity interference term in a double-slit experiment with matter waves.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Strong ultrafast demagnetization due to the intraband transitions. (arXiv:2401.00099v1 [cond-mat.mtrl-sci]) Quantum Physics - Tue, 2024-01-02 16:45

Demagnetization in ferromagnetic transition metals driven by a femtosecond laser pulse is a fundamental problem in solid state physics, and its understanding is essential to the development of spintronics devices. Ab initio calculation of time-dependent magnetic moment in the velocity gauge so far has not been successful in reproducing the large amount of demagnetization observed in experiments. In this work, we propose a method to incorporate intraband transitions within the velocity gauge through a convective derivative in the crystal momentum space. Our results for transition-element bulk crystals (bcc Fe, hcp Co and fcc Ni) based on the time-dependent quantum Liouville equation show a dramatic enhancement in the amount of demagnetization after the inclusion of an intraband term, in agreement with experiments. We also find that the effect of intraband transitions to each ferromagnetic material is distinctly different because of their band structure and spin property differences. Our finding has a far-reaching impact on understanding of ultrafast demagnetization.

Categories: Journals, Physics

High--N00N State Generation: N00N State Output of Floquet Engineering. (arXiv:2401.00111v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Tue, 2024-01-02 16:45

Here, we review some quantum architectures designed for the engineering of the N00N state, a bipartite maximally entangled state crucial in quantum metrology applications. The fundamental concept underlying these schemes is the transformation of the initial state $|N\rangle \otimes |0\rangle$ to the N00N state $\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} (|N\rangle \otimes|0\rangle +|0\rangle \otimes|N\rangle)$, where $|N\rangle$ and $|0\rangle$ are the Fock states with $N$ and $0$ excitations. We show that this state can be generated as a superposition of modes of quantum light, a combination of light and motion, or a superposition of two spin ensembles. The approach discussed here can generate mesoscopic and macroscopic entangled states, such as entangled coherent and squeezed states, as well. We show that a large class of maximally entangled states can be achieved in such an architecture. The extension of these state engineering methods to the multi-mode setting is also discussed.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Experimental implementation of distributed phase reference quantum key distribution protocols. (arXiv:2401.00146v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Tue, 2024-01-02 16:45

Quantum cryptography is now considered as a promising technology due to its promise of unconditional security. In recent years, rigorous work is being done for the experimental realization of quantum key distribution (QKD) protocols to realize secure networks. Among various QKD protocols, coherent one way and differential phase shift QKD protocols have undergone rapid experimental developments due to the ease of experimental implementations with the present available technology. In this work, we have experimentally realized optical fiber based coherent one way and differential phase shift QKD protocols at telecom wavelength. Both protocols belong to a class of protocols named as distributed phase reference protocol in which weak coherent pulses are used to encode the information. Further, we have analyzed the key rates with respect to different parameters such distance, disclose rate, compression ratio and detector dead time.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Properties of new even and odd nonlinear coherent states with different parameters. (arXiv:2401.00149v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Tue, 2024-01-02 16:45

We construct a class of nonlinear coherent states (NLCSs) by introducing a more general nonlinear function and study their non-classical properties, specifically the second-order correlation function $g^{(2)}(0)$, Mandel parameter $Q$, squeezing, amplitude squared squeezing and Wigner function of the optical field. The results indicate that the non-classical properties of the new types of even and odd NLCSs crucially depend on nonlinear functions. More concretely, we find that the new even NLCSs could exhibit the photon-bunching effect whereas the new odd NLCSs could show photon-antibunching effect. The degree of squeezing is also significantly affected by the parameter selection of these NLCSs. By employing various forms of nonlinear functions, it becomes possible to construct NLCSs with diverse properties, thereby providing a theoretical foundation for corresponding experimental investigations.

Categories: Journals, Physics

The Hamiltonian for Entangled States Cannot Be Additive. (arXiv:2401.00152v1 [physics.hist-ph]) Quantum Physics - Tue, 2024-01-02 16:45

The assumption that the system Hamiltonian for entangled states is additive is widely used in orthodox quantum no-signalling arguments. It is shown that additivity implies a contradiction with the assumption that the system being studied is entangled.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Comment on "Multiparty quantum mutual information: An alternative definition". (arXiv:2401.00218v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Tue, 2024-01-02 16:45

We show that, contrary to the claim by Kumar [Phys. Rev. A 96, 012332 (2017)], the quantum dual total correlation of an $n$-partite quantum state cannot be represented as the quantum relative entropy between $n-1$ copies of the quantum state and the product of $n$ different reduced quantum states for $n \geq 3$. Specifically, we argue that the latter fails to yield a finite value for generalized $n$-partite Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger states.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Ultracold Neutrons in the Low Curvature Limit: Remarks on the post-Newtonian effects. (arXiv:2401.00277v1 [gr-qc]) Quantum Physics - Tue, 2024-01-02 16:45

Ultracold neutrons are great experimental tools to explore the gravitational interaction in the regime of quantized states. From a theoretical perspective, starting from a Dirac equation in curved spacetime, we applied a perturbative scheme to systematically derive the non-relativistic Schr\"odinger equation that governs the evolution of the neutron's wave function in the Earth's gravitational field. At the lowest order, this procedure reproduces a Schr\"odinger system affected by a linear Newtonian potential, but corrections due to both curvature and relativistic effects are present. Here, we argue that one should be very careful when going one step further in the perturbative expansion. Proceeding methodically with the help of the Foldy-Wouthuysen transformation and a formal post-Newtonian $c^{-2}-$expansion, we derive the non-relativistic Hamiltonian for a generic static spacetime. By employing Fermi coordinates within this framework, we calculate the next-to-leading order corrections to the neutron's energy spectrum. Finally, we evaluate them for typical experimental configurations, such as that of qBOUNCE, and note that, while the current precision for observations of ultracold neutrons may not yet enable to probe them, they could still be relevant in the future or in alternative circumstances.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Robust Quantum Control in Closed and Open Systems: Theory and Practice. (arXiv:2401.00294v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Tue, 2024-01-02 16:45

Robust control of quantum systems is an increasingly relevant field of study amidst the second quantum revolution, but there remains a gap between taming quantum physics and robust control in its modern analytical form that culminated in fundamental performance bounds. In general, quantum systems are not amenable to linear, time-invariant, measurement-based robust control techniques, and thus novel gap-bridging techniques must be developed. This survey is written for control theorists to highlight parallels between the current state of quantum control and classical robust control. We present issues that arise when applying classical robust control theory to quantum systems, typical methods used by quantum physicists to explore such systems and their robustness, as well as a discussion of open problems to be addressed in the field. We focus on general, practical applications and recent work to enable control researchers to contribute to advancing this burgeoning field.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Imperfect Entangling Power of Quantum Gates. (arXiv:2401.00295v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Tue, 2024-01-02 16:45

Achieving perfect control over the parameters defining a quantum gate is, in general, a very challenging task, and at the same time, environmental interactions can introduce disturbances to the initial states as well. Here we address the problem of how the imperfections in unitaries and noise present in the input states affect the entanglement-generating power of a given quantum gate -- we refer to it as imperfect (noisy) entangling power. We observe that, when the parameters of a given unitary are chosen randomly from a Gaussian distribution centered around the desired mean, the quenched average entangling power -- averaged across multiple random samplings -- exhibits intriguing behavior like it may increase or show nonmonotonic behavior with the increase of disorder strength for certain classes of diagonal unitary operators. For arbitrary unitary operators, the quenched average power tends to stabilize, showing almost constant behavior with variation in the parameters instead of oscillating. Our observations also reveal that, in the presence of a local noise model, the input states that maximize the entangling power of a given unitary operator differ considerably from the noiseless scenario. Additionally, we report that the rankings among unitary operators according to their entangling power in the noiseless case change depending on the noise model and noise strength.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Robustness of Dynamic Quantum Control: Differential Sensitivity Bound. (arXiv:2401.00301v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Tue, 2024-01-02 16:45

Dynamic control via optimized, piecewise-constant pulses is a common paradigm for open-loop control to implement quantum gates. While numerous methods exist for the synthesis of such controls, there are many open questions regarding the robustness of the resulting control schemes in the presence of model uncertainty; unlike in classical control, there are generally no analytical guarantees on the control performance with respect to inexact modeling of the system. In this paper a new robustness measure based on the differential sensitivity of the gate fidelity error to parametric (structured) uncertainties is introduced, and bounds on the differential sensitivity to parametric uncertainties are used to establish performance guarantees for optimal controllers for a variety of quantum gate types, system sizes, and control implementations. Specifically, it is shown how a maximum allowable perturbation over a set of Hamiltonian uncertainties that guarantees a given fidelity error, can be reliably computed. This measure of robustness is inversely proportional to the upper bound on the differential sensitivity of the fidelity error evaluated under nominal operating conditions. Finally, the results show that the nominal fidelity error and differential sensitivity upper bound are positively correlated across a wide range of problems and control implementations, suggesting that in the high-fidelity control regime, rather than there being a trade-off between fidelity and robustness, higher nominal gate fidelities are positively correlated with increased robustness of the controls in the presence of parametric uncertainties.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Two quantum algorithms for solving the one-dimensional advection-diffusion equation. (arXiv:2401.00326v1 [physics.flu-dyn]) Quantum Physics - Tue, 2024-01-02 16:45

Two quantum algorithms are presented for the numerical solution of a linear one-dimensional advection-diffusion equation with periodic boundary conditions. Their accuracy and performance with increasing qubit number are compared point-by-point with each other. Specifically, we solve the linear partial differential equation with a Quantum Linear Systems Algorithms (QLSA) based on the Harrow--Hassidim--Lloyd method and a Variational Quantum Algorithm (VQA), for resolutions that can be encoded using up to 6 qubits, which corresponds to $N=64$ grid points on the unit interval. Both algorithms are of hybrid nature, i.e., they involve a combination of classical and quantum computing building blocks. The QLSA and VQA are solved as ideal statevector simulations using the in-house solver QFlowS and open-access Qiskit software, respectively. We discuss several aspects of both algorithms which are crucial for a successful performance in both cases. These are the sizes of an additional quantum register for the quantum phase estimation for the QLSA and the choice of the algorithm of the minimization of the cost function for the VQA. The latter algorithm is also implemented in the noisy Qiskit framework including measurement and decoherence circuit noise. We reflect the current limitations and suggest some possible routes of future research for the numerical simulation of classical fluid flows on a quantum computer.

Categories: Journals, Physics

New results in vertex sedentariness. (arXiv:2401.00362v1 [math.CO]) Quantum Physics - Tue, 2024-01-02 16:45

A vertex in a graph is said to be sedentary if a quantum state assigned on that vertex tends to stay on that vertex. Under mild conditions, we show that the direct product and join operations preserve vertex sedentariness. We also completely characterize sedentariness in blow-up graphs. These results allow us to construct new infinite families of graphs with sedentary vertices. We prove that a vertex with a twin is either sedentary or admits pretty good state transfer. Moreover, we give a complete characterization of twin vertices that are sedentary, and provide sharp bounds on their sedentariness. As an application, we determine the conditions in which perfect state transfer, pretty good state transfer and sedentariness occur in complete bipartite graphs and threshold graphs of any order.

Categories: Journals, Physics
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