
Mixed-state additivity properties of magic monotones based on quantum relative entropies for single-qubit states and beyond. (arXiv:2307.08258v2 [quant-ph] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Mon, 2023-12-11 08:45

We prove that the stabilizer fidelity is multiplicative for the tensor product of an arbitrary number of single-qubit states. We also show that the relative entropy of magic becomes additive if all the single-qubit states but one belong to a symmetry axis of the stabilizer octahedron. We extend the latter results to include all the $\alpha$-$z$ R\'enyi relative entropy of magic. This allows us to identify a continuous set of magic monotones that are additive for single-qubit states. We also show that all the monotones mentioned above are additive for several standard two and three-qubit states subject to depolarizing noise. Finally, we obtain closed-form expressions for several states and tighter lower bounds for the overhead of probabilistic one-shot magic state distillation.

Categories: Journals, Physics

The QUATRO Application Suite: Quantum Computing for Models of Human Cognition. (arXiv:2309.00597v2 [cs.CE] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Mon, 2023-12-11 08:45

Research progress in quantum computing has, thus far, focused on a narrow set of application domains. Expanding the suite of quantum application domains is vital for the discovery of new software toolchains and architectural abstractions. In this work, we unlock a new class of applications ripe for quantum computing research -- computational cognitive modeling. Cognitive models are critical to understanding and replicating human intelligence. Our work connects computational cognitive models to quantum computer architectures for the first time. We release QUATRO, a collection of quantum computing applications from cognitive models. The development and execution of QUATRO shed light on gaps in the quantum computing stack that need to be closed to ease programming and drive performance. Among several contributions, we propose and study ideas pertaining to quantum cloud scheduling (using data from gate- and annealing-based quantum computers), parallelization, and more. In the long run, we expect our research to lay the groundwork for more versatile quantum computer systems in the future.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Steering-induced phase transition in measurement-only quantum circuits. (arXiv:2309.01315v3 [quant-ph] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Mon, 2023-12-11 08:45

Competing measurements alone can give rise to distinct phases characterized by entanglement entropy$\unicode{x2013}$such as the volume law phase, symmetry-breaking (SB) phase, and symmetry-protected topological (SPT) phase$\unicode{x2013}$that can only be discerned through quantum trajectories, making them challenging to observe experimentally. In another burgeoning area of research, recent studies have demonstrated that steering can give rise to additional phases within quantum circuits. In this work, we show that new phases can appear in measurement-only quantum circuit with steering. Unlike conventional steering methods that rely solely on local information, the steering scheme we introduce requires the circuit's structure as an additional input. These steering induced phases are termed as "informative" phases. They are distinguished by the intrinsic dimension of the bitstrings measured in each circuit run, making them substantially easier to detect in experimental setups. We explicitly show this phase transition by numerical simulation in three circuit models that are previously well-studied: projective transverse field Ising model, lattice gauge-Higgs model and XZZX model. When the informative phase coincides with the SB phase, our steering mechanism effectively serves as a "pre-selection" routine, making the SB phase more experimentally accessible. Additionally, an intermediate phase may manifest, where a discrepancy arises between the quantum information captured by entanglement entropy and the classical information conveyed by bitstrings. Our findings demonstrate that steering not only adds theoretical richness but also offers practical advantages in the study of measurement-only quantum circuits.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Realizing the Nishimori transition across the error threshold for constant-depth quantum circuits. (arXiv:2309.02863v2 [quant-ph] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Mon, 2023-12-11 08:45

Preparing quantum states across many qubits is necessary to unlock the full potential of quantum computers. However, a key challenge is to realize efficient preparation protocols which are stable to noise and gate imperfections. Here, using a measurement-based protocol on a 127 superconducting qubit device, we study the generation of the simplest long-range order -- Ising order, familiar from Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger (GHZ) states and the repetition code -- on 54 system qubits. Our efficient implementation of the constant-depth protocol and classical decoder shows higher fidelities for GHZ states compared to size-dependent, unitary protocols. By experimentally tuning coherent and incoherent error rates, we demonstrate stability of this decoded long-range order in two spatial dimensions, up to a critical point which corresponds to a transition belonging to the unusual Nishimori universality class. Although in classical systems Nishimori physics requires fine-tuning multiple parameters, here it arises as a direct result of the Born rule for measurement probabilities -- locking the effective temperature and disorder driving this transition. Our study exemplifies how measurement-based state preparation can be meaningfully explored on quantum processors beyond a hundred qubits.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Conceptual study of a two-layer silicon pixel detector to tag the passage of muons from cosmic sources through quantum processors. (arXiv:2310.00577v2 [quant-ph] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Mon, 2023-12-11 08:45

Recent studies in quantum computing have shown that quantum error correction with large numbers of physical qubits are limited by ionizing radiation from high-energy particles. Depending on the physical setup of the quantum processor, the contribution of muons from cosmic sources can constitute a significant fraction of these interactions. As most of these muons are difficult to stop, we perform a conceptual study of a two-layer silicon pixel detector to tag their hits on a solid-state quantum processor instead. With a typical dilution refrigerator geometry model, we find that efficiencies greater than 50% are most likely to be achieved if at least one of the layers is operated at the deep-cryogenic (<1 K) flanges of the refrigerator. Following this finding, we further propose a novel research program that could allow the development of silicon pixel detectors that are fast enough to provide input to quantum error correction algorithms, can operate at deep-cryogenic temperatures, and have very low power consumption.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Enriching Diagrams with Algebraic Operations. (arXiv:2310.11288v2 [cs.LO] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Mon, 2023-12-11 08:45

In this paper, we extend diagrammatic reasoning in monoidal categories with algebraic operations and equations. We achieve this by considering monoidal categories that are enriched in the category of Eilenberg-Moore algebras for a monad. Under the condition that this monad is monoidal and affine, we construct an adjunction between symmetric monoidal categories and symmetric monoidal categories enriched over algebras for the monad. This allows us to devise an extension, and its semantics, of the ZX-calculus with probabilistic choices by freely enriching over convex algebras, which are the algebras of the finite distribution monad. We show how this construction can be used for diagrammatic reasoning of noise in quantum systems.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Coupling conduction-band valleys in modulated SiGe heterostructures via shear strain. (arXiv:2310.18879v2 [cond-mat.mes-hall] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Mon, 2023-12-11 08:45

Engineering conduction-band valley couplings is a key challenge for Si-based spin qubits. Recent work has shown that the most reliable method for enhancing valley couplings entails adding Ge concentration oscillations to the quantum well. However, ultrashort oscillation periods are difficult to grow, while long oscillation periods do not provide useful improvements. Here, we show that the main benefits of short-wavelength oscillations can be achieved in long-wavelength structures through a second-order coupling process involving Brillouin-zone folding, induced by shear strain. Moreover, we find that the same long-wavelength period also boosts spin-orbit coupling. We finally show that such strain can be achieved through common fabrication techniques, making this an exceptionally promising system for scalable quantum computing.

Categories: Journals, Physics

How to Use Quantum Indistinguishability Obfuscation. (arXiv:2311.07794v2 [quant-ph] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Mon, 2023-12-11 08:45

Quantum copy protection, introduced by Aaronson, enables giving out a quantum program-description that cannot be meaningfully duplicated. Despite over a decade of study, copy protection is only known to be possible for a very limited class of programs. As our first contribution, we show how to achieve "best-possible" copy protection for all programs. We do this by introducing quantum state indistinguishability obfuscation (qsiO), a notion of obfuscation for quantum descriptions of classical programs. We show that applying qsiO to a program immediately achieves best-possible copy protection. Our second contribution is to show that, assuming injective one-way functions exist, qsiO is concrete copy protection for a large family of puncturable programs -- significantly expanding the class of copy-protectable programs. A key tool in our proof is a new variant of unclonable encryption (UE) that we call coupled unclonable encryption (cUE). While constructing UE in the standard model remains an important open problem, we are able to build cUE from one-way functions. If we additionally assume the existence of UE, then we can further expand the class of puncturable programs for which qsiO is copy protection. Finally, we construct qsiO relative to an efficient quantum oracle.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Quantum Counting on the Complete Bipartite Graph. (arXiv:2311.10407v2 [quant-ph] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Mon, 2023-12-11 08:45

Quantum counting is a key quantum algorithm that aims to determine the number of marked elements in a database. This algorithm is based on the quantum phase estimation algorithm and uses the evolution operator of Grover's algorithm because its non-trivial eigenvalues are dependent on the number of marked elements. Since Grover's algorithm can be viewed as a quantum walk on a complete graph, a natural way to extend quantum counting is to use the evolution operator of quantum-walk-based search on non-complete graphs instead of Grover's operator. In this paper, we explore this extension by analyzing the coined quantum walk on the complete bipartite graph with an arbitrary number of marked vertices. We show that some eigenvalues of the evolution operator depend on the number of marked vertices and using this fact we show that the quantum phase estimation can be used to obtain the number of marked vertices. The time complexity for estimating the number of marked vertices in the bipartite graph with our algorithm aligns closely with that of the original quantum counting algorithm.

Categories: Journals, Physics

DGR: Tackling Drifted and Correlated Noise in Quantum Error Correction via Decoding Graph Re-weighting. (arXiv:2311.16214v2 [quant-ph] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Mon, 2023-12-11 08:45

Quantum hardware suffers from high error rates and noise, which makes directly running applications on them ineffective. Quantum Error Correction (QEC) is a critical technique towards fault tolerance which encodes the quantum information distributively in multiple data qubits and uses syndrome qubits to check parity. Minimum-Weight-Perfect-Matching (MWPM) is a popular QEC decoder that takes the syndromes as input and finds the matchings between syndromes that infer the errors. However, there are two paramount challenges for MWPM decoders. First, as noise in real quantum systems can drift over time, there is a potential misalignment with the decoding graph's initial weights, leading to a severe performance degradation in the logical error rates. Second, while the MWPM decoder addresses independent errors, it falls short when encountering correlated errors typical on real hardware, such as those in the 2Q depolarizing channel.

We propose DGR, an efficient decoding graph edge re-weighting strategy with no quantum overhead. It leverages the insight that the statistics of matchings across decoding iterations offer rich information about errors on real quantum hardware. By counting the occurrences of edges and edge pairs in decoded matchings, we can statistically estimate the up-to-date probabilities of each edge and the correlations between them. The reweighting process includes two vital steps: alignment re-weighting and correlation re-weighting. The former updates the MWPM weights based on statistics to align with actual noise, and the latter adjusts the weight considering edge correlations.

Extensive evaluations on surface code and honeycomb code under various settings show that DGR reduces the logical error rate by 3.6x on average-case noise mismatch with exceeding 5000x improvement under worst-case mismatch.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Stochastic Model of Qudit Measurement for Superconducting Quantum Information Processing. (arXiv:2312.03754v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Fri, 2023-12-08 05:45

The field of superconducting quantum computing, based on Josephson junctions, has recently seen remarkable strides in scaling the number of logical qubits. In particular, the fidelities of one- and two-qubit gates are close to the breakeven point with the novel error mitigation and correction methods. Parallel to these advances is the effort to expand the Hilbert space within a single device by employing high-dimensional qubits, otherwise known as qudits. Research has demonstrated the possibility of driving higher-order transitions in a transmon or designing innovative multimode superconducting circuits, termed multimons. These advances can significantly expand the computational basis while simplifying the interconnects in a large-scale quantum processor. This thesis provides a detailed introduction to the superconducting qudit and demonstrates a comprehensive analysis of decoherence in an artificial atom with more than two levels using Lindblad master equations and stochastic master equations (SMEs). After extending the theory of the design, control, and readout of a conventional superconducting qubit to that of a qudit, the thesis focuses on modeling the dispersive measurement of a transmon qutrit in an open quantum system using quadrature detections. Under the Markov assumption, master equations with different levels of abstraction are proposed and solved; in addition, both the ensemble-averaged and the quantum-jump approach of decoherence analysis are presented and compared analytically and numerically. The thesis ends with a series of experimental results on a transmon-type qutrit, verifying the validity of the stochastic model.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Algoritmo de Contagem Qu\^antico Aplicado ao Grafo Bipartido Completo. (arXiv:2312.03768v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Fri, 2023-12-08 05:45

Studies on Quantum Computing have been developed since the 1980s, motivating researches on quantum algorithms better than any classical algorithm possible. An example of such algorithms is Grover's algorithm, capable of finding $k$ (marked) elements in an unordered database with $N$ elements using $O(\sqrt{N/k})$ steps. Grover's algorithm can be interpreted as a quantum walk in a complete graph (with loops) containing $N$ vertices from which $k$ are marked. This interpretation motivated search algorithms in other graphs -- complete bipartite graph, grid, and hypercube. Using Grover's algorithm's linear operator, the quantum counting algorithm estimates the value of $k$ with an error of $O(\sqrt{k})$ using $O(\sqrt{N})$ steps. This work tackles the problem of using the quantum counting algorithm for estimating the value $k$ of marked elements in other graphs; more specifically, the complete bipartite graph. It is concluded that for a particular case, running the proposed algorithm at most $t$ times wields an estimation of $k$ with an error of $O(\sqrt{k})$ using $O(t\sqrt{N})$ steps and success probability of at least $(1 - 2^{-t})8/\pi^2$.

Categories: Journals, Physics

On reduced Tsallis relative entropy. (arXiv:2312.03778v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Fri, 2023-12-08 05:45

A variational expression of the reduced relative entropy is given. A reduced Tsallis relative entropy is defined and some results are given. In particular, the convexity of the reduced Tsallis relative entropy is given. An interpolational inequality between Golden--Thompson and Jensen's trace inequalitie is given for one--parameter extended exponential function and positive definite matrices. In addition, a lower bound of the reduced Tsallis relative entropy is given under a certain assumption, by showing a variational expression of the reduced Tsallis relative entropy. Finally, an upper bound of the reduced Tsallis relative entropy is given.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Quantum reference frames, revisited. (arXiv:2312.03811v1 [gr-qc]) Quantum Physics - Fri, 2023-12-08 05:45

The topic of quantum reference frames (QRFs) has attracted a great deal of attention in the recent literature. Potentially, the correct description of such frames is important for both the technological applications of quantum mechanics and for its foundations, including the search for a future theory of quantum gravity. In this letter, we point out potential inconsistencies in the mainstream approach to this subject and propose an alternative definition that avoids these problems. Crucially, we reject the notion that transformations between QRFs can be represented by unitary operators and explain the clear physical reasons for this. An experimental protocol, capable of empirically distinguishing between competing definitions of the term, is also proposed. The implications of the new model, for uncertainty relations, spacetime symmetries, gauge symmetries, the quantisation of gravity, and other foundational issues are discussed, and possible directions for future work in this field are considered.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Dynamics of spin-momentum entanglement from superradiant phase transitions. (arXiv:2312.03827v1 [cond-mat.quant-gas]) Quantum Physics - Fri, 2023-12-08 05:45

Exploring operational regimes of many-body cavity QED with multi-level atoms remains an exciting research frontier for their enhanced storage capabilities of intra-level quantum correlations. In this work, we propose an extension of a prototypical many-body cavity QED experiment from a two to a four-level description by optically addressing a combination of momentum and spin states of the ultracold atoms in the cavity. The resulting model comprises a pair of Dicke Hamiltonians constructed from pseudo-spin operators, effectively capturing two intertwined superradiant phase transitions. The phase diagram reveals regions featuring weak and strong entangled states of spin and momentum atomic degrees of freedom. These states exhibit different dynamical responses, ranging from slow to fast relaxation, with the added option of persistent entanglement temporal oscillations. We discuss the role of cavity losses in steering the system dynamics into such entangled states and propose a readout scheme that leverages different light polarizations within the cavity. Our work paves the way to connect the rich variety of non-equilibrium phase transitions that occur in many-body cavity QED to the buildup of quantum correlations in systems with multi-level atom descriptions.

Categories: Journals, Physics

QSlack: A slack-variable approach for variational quantum semi-definite programming. (arXiv:2312.03830v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Fri, 2023-12-08 05:45

Solving optimization problems is a key task for which quantum computers could possibly provide a speedup over the best known classical algorithms. Particular classes of optimization problems including semi-definite programming (SDP) and linear programming (LP) have wide applicability in many domains of computer science, engineering, mathematics, and physics. Here we focus on semi-definite and linear programs for which the dimensions of the variables involved are exponentially large, so that standard classical SDP and LP solvers are not helpful for such large-scale problems. We propose the QSlack and CSlack methods for estimating their optimal values, respectively, which work by 1) introducing slack variables to transform inequality constraints to equality constraints, 2) transforming a constrained optimization to an unconstrained one via the penalty method, and 3) replacing the optimizations over all possible non-negative variables by optimizations over parameterized quantum states and parameterized probability distributions. Under the assumption that the SDP and LP inputs are efficiently measurable observables, it follows that all terms in the resulting objective functions are efficiently estimable by either a quantum computer in the SDP case or a quantum or probabilistic computer in the LP case. Furthermore, by making use of SDP and LP duality theory, we prove that these methods provide a theoretical guarantee that, if one could find global optima of the objective functions, then the resulting values sandwich the true optimal values from both above and below. Finally, we showcase the QSlack and CSlack methods on a variety of example optimization problems and discuss details of our implementation, as well as the resulting performance. We find that our implementations of both the primal and dual for these problems approach the ground truth, typically achieving errors of order $10^{-2}$.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Integrability, multifractality, and two-photon dynamics in disordered Tavis-Cummings models. (arXiv:2312.03833v1 [cond-mat.dis-nn]) Quantum Physics - Fri, 2023-12-08 05:45

The Tavis-Cummings model is a paradigmatic central-mode model where a set of two-level quantum emitters (spins) are coupled to a collective cavity mode. Here we study the eigenstate spectrum, its localization properties and the effect on dynamics, focusing on the two-excitation sector relevant for nonlinear photonics. These models admit two sources of disorder: in the coupling between the spins and the cavity and in the energy shifts of the individual spins. While this model was known to be exactly solvable in the limit of a homogeneous coupling and inhomogeneous energy shifts, we here establish the solvability in the opposite limit of a homogeneous energy shift and inhomogeneous coupling, presenting the exact solution and corresponding conserved quantities. We identify three different classes of eigenstates, exhibiting different degrees of multifractality and semilocalization closely tied to the integrable points, and study their stability to perturbations away from these solvable points. The dynamics of the cavity occupation number away from equilibrium, exhibiting boson bunching and a two-photon blockade, is explicitly related to the localization properties of the eigenstates and illustrates how these models support a collective spin description despite the presence of disorder.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Quantum chaos, integrability, and late times in the Krylov basis. (arXiv:2312.03848v1 [hep-th]) Quantum Physics - Fri, 2023-12-08 05:45

Quantum chaotic systems are conjectured to display a spectrum whose fine-grained features (gaps and correlations) are well described by Random Matrix Theory (RMT). We propose and develop a complementary version of this conjecture: quantum chaotic systems display a Lanczos spectrum whose local means and covariances are well described by RMT. To support this proposal, we first demonstrate its validity in examples of chaotic and integrable systems. We then show that for Haar-random initial states in RMTs the mean and covariance of the Lanczos spectrum suffices to produce the full long time behavior of general survival probabilities including the spectral form factor, as well as the spread complexity. In addition, for initial states with continuous overlap with energy eigenstates, we analytically find the long time averages of the probabilities of Krylov basis elements in terms of the mean Lanczos spectrum. This analysis suggests a notion of eigenstate complexity, the statistics of which differentiate integrable systems and classes of quantum chaos. Finally, we clarify the relation between spread complexity and the universality classes of RMT by exploring various values of the Dyson index and Poisson distributed spectra.

Categories: Journals, Physics

An inductive bias from quantum mechanics: learning order effects with non-commuting measurements. (arXiv:2312.03862v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Fri, 2023-12-08 05:45

There are two major approaches to building good machine learning algorithms: feeding lots of data into large models, or picking a model class with an ''inductive bias'' that suits the structure of the data. When taking the second approach as a starting point to design quantum algorithms for machine learning, it is important to understand how mathematical structures in quantum mechanics can lead to useful inductive biases in quantum models. In this work, we bring a collection of theoretical evidence from the Quantum Cognition literature to the field of Quantum Machine Learning to investigate how non-commutativity of quantum observables can help to learn data with ''order effects'', such as the changes in human answering patterns when swapping the order of questions in a survey. We design a multi-task learning setting in which a generative quantum model consisting of sequential learnable measurements can be adapted to a given task -- or question order -- by changing the order of observables, and we provide artificial datasets inspired by human psychology to carry out our investigation. Our first experimental simulations show that in some cases the quantum model learns more non-commutativity as the amount of order effect present in the data is increased, and that the quantum model can learn to generate better samples for unseen question orders when trained on others - both signs that the model architecture suits the task.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Transition from inhomogeneous to homogeneous broadening at a lasing prethreshold. (arXiv:2312.03890v1 [physics.optics]) Quantum Physics - Fri, 2023-12-08 05:45

The emission linewidth in active medium emerges due to homogeneous and inhomogeneous broadening. We demonstrate that in lasers with inhomogeneous broadening there is a critical pump rate, above which the special mode forms. This mode consists of locked-in oscillations of cavity mode and of the active particles with different transition frequencies. Below the critical value of the pump rate, the radiation spectrum of the laser has a Gaussian profile, provided that inhomogeneous broadening is dominant. Above the critical value of pump rate, the special mode mostly determines the laser radiation spectrum. As the result, the spectrum attains Lorentz shape characteristic for homogeneous broadening. We demonstrate that the formation of the special mode precedes lasing and that the critical pump rate plays the role of lasing prethreshold. We obtain expressions for the threshold and generation frequency of single-mode laser where both homogeneous and inhomogeneous broadening are present.

Categories: Journals, Physics
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