
Unidirectional Gaussian One-Way Steering. (arXiv:2312.04313v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Fri, 2023-12-08 05:45

Steering is a type of quantum nonlocality that exhibits an inherent asymmetry between two observers. In a nondegenerate three-level laser coupled to a two-mode squeezed vacuum reservoir, we examine, under realistic experimental conditions, the Gaussian steering of two laser modes, $\mathcal{A}$ and $\mathcal{B}$, generated within the cascade transitions, respectively. We find that the $\mathcal{A}\rightarrow \mathcal{B}$ steerability is always higher than that from $\mathcal{B}\rightarrow \mathcal{A}$; in addition, the steering asymmetry cannot exceed $\ln 2$, which implies that the state $\hat{\varrho}_{\mathcal{AB}}$ never diverges to an extremal asymmetry state. We show how squeezed noise can play a constructive role in realizing one-way steering. As the main result, we demonstrate that the state $\hat{\varrho}_{\mathcal{AB}}$ can exhibit one-way steering solely from $\mathcal{A}\rightarrow \mathcal{B}$, which we show to emerge as a consequence of the fact that the intensity difference of the modes $\mathcal{A}$ and $\mathcal{B}$ is verified to remain always positive, irrespective of the physical and environmental parameters of $\hat{\varrho}_{\mathcal{AB}}$. The generated unidirectional one-way steering may provide a useful resource for the distribution of the trust in future asymmetric quantum information tasks.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Universal flux-based control of a $\pi$-SQUID. (arXiv:2312.04321v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Fri, 2023-12-08 05:45

We describe a protocol for the universal control of non-ideal $\pi$-periodic superconducting qubits. Our proposal relies on a $\pi$-SQUID: a superconducting loop formed by two $\pi$-periodic circuit elements, with an external magnetic flux threading the circuit. The system exhibits an extensive sweet spot around half-flux where residual $2\pi$-periodic Cooper pair tunneling is highly suppressed. We demonstrate that universal single-qubit operations can be realised by tuning the flux adiabatically and diabatically within this broad sweet spot. We also assess how residual $2\pi$-periodicity in $\pi$-SQUIDs impacts holonomic phase gates.

Categories: Journals, Physics

The Computational Advantage of MIP* Vanishes in the Presence of Noise. (arXiv:2312.04360v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Fri, 2023-12-08 05:45

Quantum multiprover interactive proof systems with entanglement MIP* are much more powerful than their classical counterpart MIP (Babai et al. '91, Ji et al. '20): while MIP = NEXP, the quantum class MIP* is equal to RE, a class including the halting problem. This is because the provers in MIP* can share unbounded quantum entanglement. However, recent works of Qin and Yao '21 and '23 have shown that this advantage is significantly reduced if the provers' shared state contains noise. This paper attempts to exactly characterize the effect of noise on the computational power of quantum multiprover interactive proof systems. We investigate the quantum two-prover one-round interactive system MIP*[poly, O(1)], where the verifier sends polynomially many bits to the provers and the provers send back constantly many bits. We show noise completely destroys the computational advantage given by shared entanglement in this model. Specifically, we show that if the provers are allowed to share arbitrarily many EPR states, where each EPR state is affected by an arbitrarily small constant amount of noise, the resulting complexity class is contained in NEXP = MIP. This improves significantly on the previous best-known bound of NEEEXP (nondeterministic triply exponential time) by Qin and Yao '21. We also show that this collapse in power is due to the noise, rather than the O(1) answer size, by showing that allowing for noiseless EPR states gives the class the full power of RE = MIP*[poly, poly]. Along the way, we develop two technical tools of independent interest. First, we give a new, deterministic tester for the positivity of an exponentially large matrix, provided it has a low-degree Fourier decomposition in terms of Pauli matrices. Secondly, we develop a new invariance principle for smooth matrix functions having bounded third-order Fr\'echet derivatives or which are Lipschitz continous.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Unmasking the Polygamous Nature of Quantum Nonlocality. (arXiv:2312.04373v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Fri, 2023-12-08 05:45

Quantum mechanics imposes limits on the values of certain observables. Perhaps the most famous example is the uncertainty principle. Similar trade-offs also exist for simultaneous violation of multiple Bell inequalities. In the simplest case of three observers it has been shown that violation of one Bell inequality precludes any violation of other inequalities, a property called monogamy of Bell violations. Forms of Bell monogamy have been linked to the no-signalling principle and the inability of simultaneous violations of all inequalities is regarded as their fundamental characteristics. Here we show that Bell monogamy does not hold universally and in fact the only monogamous situation is that of three observers. Consequently, the nature of quantum nonlocality is truly polygamous. We present a systematic methodology for identifying quantum states and tight Bell inequalities that do not obey the monogamy principle for any number of more than three observers. The identified polygamous inequalities can be violated in state of the art setups and may be exploited for simultaneous self-testing of multiple stations in a quantum network.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Elastic Recoil Imprinted on Free-electron Radiation. (arXiv:2312.04383v1 [physics.optics]) Quantum Physics - Fri, 2023-12-08 05:45

Free-electron radiation phenomena are treated almost exclusively with classical electrodynamics, despite the intrinsic interaction being that of quantum electrodynamics. The lack of quantumness arises from the vast disparity between the electron energy and the much smaller photon energy, creating a small cross-section that makes quantum effects negligible. Here we identify a fundamentally distinct phenomenon of electron radiation that bypasses this energy disparity, and thus displays extremely strong quantum features. This phenomenon arises from free-electron elastic recoil, which can influence fundamental radiation processes in ways thought so far to necessitate inelastic scattering. The underlying reason for the quantum radiation features, which have no counterparts in classical theory, is the entanglement between each elastically recoiled electron and the photons it emitted. We show that this phenomenon is more accessible than all other types of quantum features in free-electron radiation and can be detected in current experimental setups such as electron microscopes. These quantum radiation features could guide the development of compact coherent X-ray sources facilitated by nanophotonics and quantum optics.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Contextual Subspace Variational Quantum Eigensolver Calculation of the Dissociation Curve of Molecular Nitrogen on a Superconducting Quantum Computer. (arXiv:2312.04392v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Fri, 2023-12-08 05:45

In this work we present an experimental demonstration of the Contextual Subspace Variational Quantum Eigensolver on superconducting quantum hardware. In particular, we compute the potential energy curve for molecular nitrogen, where a dominance of static correlation in the dissociation limit proves challenging for many conventional quantum chemistry techniques. Our quantum simulations retain good agreement with the full configuration interaction energy in the chosen STO-3G basis, outperforming coupled cluster singles doubles with perturbative triples as one stretches the triple bond past a separation of 1.73 {\AA}. To achieve this result we deploy a quantum error mitigation strategy made up of measurement-error mitigation, dynamical decoupling and zero-noise extrapolation, in addition to circuit parallelization that not only provides passive noise averaging but improves the effective shot yield to reduce the measurement overhead. Furthermore, we introduce a modification to previous adaptive ansatz construction algorithms that incorporates hardware-awareness.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Parametric Amplification of a Quantum Pulse. (arXiv:2312.04394v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Fri, 2023-12-08 05:45

Creating and manipulating quantum states of light requires nonlinear interactions, but while nonlinear optics is inherently multi-mode, quantum optical analyses are often done with single-mode approximations. We present a multi-mode theory for the transformation of a quantum pulse by Hamiltonians that are quadratic in the field creation and annihilation operators. Our theory describes nonlinear processes, such as parametric amplification and squeezing, as well as all linear processes, such as dispersion and beam splitting. We show that a single input pulse feeds only two distinct output modes and, for certain quantum states, just one. Our theory provides the quantum states in the output modes, which are crucial for the application of pulses in quantum optics and quantum information.

Categories: Journals, Physics

A universal scheme to self-test any quantum state and measurement. (arXiv:2312.04405v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Fri, 2023-12-08 05:45

The emergence of quantum devices has raised a significant issue: how to certify the quantum properties of a device without placing trust in it. To characterise quantum states and measurements in a device-independent way, up to some degree of freedom, we can make use of a technique known as self-testing. While schemes have been proposed to self-test all pure multipartite entangled states and real local rank-one projective measurements, little has been done to certify mixed entangled states, composite or non-projective measurements. By employing the framework of quantum networks, we propose a scheme that can be used to self-test any quantum state, projective measurement and rank-one extremal non-projective measurements. The quantum network considered in this work is the simple star network, which is implementable using current technologies. For our purposes, we also construct a family of Bell inequalities that can be used to self-test the two-dimensional tomographically complete set of measurements with an arbitrary number of parties.

Categories: Journals, Physics

A single-phonon directional coupler. (arXiv:2312.04414v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Fri, 2023-12-08 05:45

Integrated photonics has enabled countless technologies in telecommunications, spectroscopy, metrology, quantum optics, and quantum information processing. Using highly confined guided optical modes is the key that has made integrated circuits possible and has lead to scaling of complex designs, benefiting from their small footprint. At the same time, the field of quantum acoustics has recently gained significant attention due to its various potential advantages over its photonic counterparts, including smaller mode volume, lower energy, and orders of magnitude slower propagation speeds, as well as the potential for interconnecting distinct quantum systems. Developing analogous integrated phononic technology is critical for realizing the full potential of phonons and could lead to groundbreaking new applications, such as scalable quantum computing and hybrid quantum devices. In this work, we demonstrate for the first time a 4-port directional coupler for quantum mechanical excitations - a crucial component for integrated phononic circuits. Adjusting the length of the coupling region allows to realize phononic beam splitters with varying splitting ratios. By sending a single-phonon Fock state onto one of these phononic splitters, we demonstrate the capability of using the directional coupler directly in the quantum regime. Our work provides an essential step towards an integrated phononic platform for both classical and quantum technologies applications.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Finite-Temperature Simulations of Quantum Lattice Models with Stochastic Matrix Product States. (arXiv:2312.04420v1 [cond-mat.str-el]) Quantum Physics - Fri, 2023-12-08 05:45

In this work, we develop a stochastic matrix product state (stoMPS) approach that combines the MPS technique and Monte Carlo samplings and can be applied to simulate quantum lattice models down to low temperature. In particular, we exploit a procedure to unbiasedly sample the local tensors in the matrix product states, which has one physical index of dimension $d$ and two geometric indices of dimension $D$, and find the results can be continuously improved by enlarging $D$. We benchmark the methods on small system sizes and then compare the results to those obtained with minimally entangled typical thermal states, finding that stoMPS has overall better performance with finite $D$. We further exploit the MPS sampling to simulate long spin chains, as well as the triangular and square lattices with cylinder circumference $W$ up to 4. Our results showcase the accuracy and effectiveness of stochastic tensor networks in finite-temperature simulations.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Robust Topological Bound States in the Continuum in a Quantum Hall Bar with an Anti-dot. (arXiv:2312.04422v1 [cond-mat.mes-hall]) Quantum Physics - Fri, 2023-12-08 05:45

Bound states in the continuum (BICs) are quantum states with normalizable wave functions and energies that lie within the continuous spectrum for which extended or dispersive states are also available. These special states, which have shown great applicability in photonic systems for devices such as lasers and sensors, are also predicted to exist in electronic low-dimensional solid-state systems. The non-trivial topology of materials is within the known mechanisms that prevent the bound states to couple with the extended states. In this work we search for topologically protected BICs in a quantum Hall bar with an anti-dot formed by a pore far from the borders of the bar. The bound state energies and wavefunctions are calculated by means of the Recursive S-Matrix method. The resulting bound state energies coexist with extended states and exhibit a pattern complimentary to the Hofstadter butterfly. A symmetry-breaking diagonal disorder was introduced, showing that the BICs with energies far from the Landau levels remain robust. Moreover, the energy difference between consecutive BICs multiplied by the anti-dot perimeter follows the same curve despite disorder. Finally, a BIC-mediated current switching effect was found in a multi-terminal setup, which might permit their experimental detection.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Critical behavior of lattice gauge theory Rydberg simulators from effective Hamiltonians. (arXiv:2312.04436v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Fri, 2023-12-08 05:45

We consider multileg ladders of Rydberg atoms which have been proposed as quantum simulators for the compact Abelian Higgs model (CAHM) in 1+1 dimensions [Y. Meurice, Phys. Rev. D 104, 094513 (2021)] and modified versions of theses simulators such as triangular prisms. Starting with the physical Hamiltonian for the analog simulator, we construct translation-invariant effective Hamiltonians by integrating over the simulator high-energy states produced by the blockade mechanism when some of the atoms are sufficiently close to each others. Remarkably, for all the simulators considered, the effective Hamiltonians have the three types of terms present for the CAHM (Electric field, matter charge and currents energies) but, in addition, terms quartic in the electric field. For the two leg ladder, these additional terms cannot be removed by fine-tuning the adjustable parameters of currently available devices. For positive detuning, the new terms create highly-degenerate vacua resulting in a very interesting phase diagram. Using numerical methods, we demonstrate the close correspondence between the physical simulator and the effective description for the ground state energy and real-time evolution. We discuss the phase diagram at fixed geometry with variable Rabi frequency and detuning and show that a rich variety of phases can be reached with potential interest in the context of QCD at finite density. We illustrate how the effective description can be used to design simulators with desirable properties from the point of view of constructing hybrid event generators.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Subsystem Complexity and Measurements in Holography. (arXiv:2312.04437v1 [hep-th]) Quantum Physics - Fri, 2023-12-08 05:45

We investigate the impact of measuring one subsystem on the holographic complexity of another. While a naive expectation might suggest a reduction in complexity due to the collapse of the state to a trivial product state during quantum measurements, our findings reveal a counterintuitive result: in numerous scenarios, measurements on one subsystem can amplify the complexity of another. We first present a counting argument elucidating this complexity transition in random states. Then, employing the subregion "complexity=volume" (CV) proposal, we identify a complexity phase transition induced by projection measurements in various holographic CFT setups, including CFT vacuum states, thermofield double states, and the joint system of a black hole coupled to a bath. According to the AdS/BCFT correspondence, the post-measurement dual geometry involves an end-of-the-world brane created by the projection measurement. The complexity phase transition corresponds to the transition of the entanglement wedge to the one connected to the brane. In the context of the thermofield double setup, complete projection on one side can transform the other side into a boundary state black hole with higher complexity or a pure AdS with lower complexity. In the joint system of a black hole coupled to a nongraviting bath, where (a part of) the radiation is measured, the BCFT features two boundaries: one for the black hole and the other for the measurement. We construct the bulk dual involving intersecting or non-intersecting branes, and investigate the complexity transition induced by the projection measurement. Notably, for a subsystem that contains the black hole brane, its RT surface may undergo a transition, giving rise to a complexity jump.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Generation of entanglement using a short-wavelength seeded free-electron laser. (arXiv:2312.04442v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Fri, 2023-12-08 05:45

Entanglement between massive particles is a purely quantum mechanical phenomenon with no counterpart in classical physics. Although polarized photons are suitable for applications of quantum entanglement over large distances, fundamental studies of entanglement in massive objects are often conducted for confined quantum systems, such as superconductors, quantum dots, and trapped ions. Here, we generate entanglement in a novel bipartite quantum system containing two massive objects: a photoelectron, which is a free particle propagating rapidly in space, and a light-dressed atomic ion with tunable coupled energy levels. Because of the entanglement, the measured photoelectron spectra reveal information about the coherent dynamics in the residual ion interacting with femtosecond extreme ultraviolet pulses delivered by a seeded free-electron laser. The observations are supported by a quantum optics based analytical model, which was further validated by numerical simulations based on the time-dependent Dirac equation. The degree of entanglement between the two objects is interpreted in terms of the entanglement entropy of the reduced system, as a function of the interaction time between the laser pulse and the dressed ion. Our results uncover the potential for using short-wavelength coherent light pulses from free-electron lasers to generate entangled photoelectron and ion systems for studying `spooky' action at a distance across ultrafast timescales.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Privacy-preserving quantum federated learning via gradient hiding. (arXiv:2312.04447v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Fri, 2023-12-08 05:45

Distributed quantum computing, particularly distributed quantum machine learning, has gained substantial prominence for its capacity to harness the collective power of distributed quantum resources, transcending the limitations of individual quantum nodes. Meanwhile, the critical concern of privacy within distributed computing protocols remains a significant challenge, particularly in standard classical federated learning (FL) scenarios where data of participating clients is susceptible to leakage via gradient inversion attacks by the server. This paper presents innovative quantum protocols with quantum communication designed to address the FL problem, strengthen privacy measures, and optimize communication efficiency. In contrast to previous works that leverage expressive variational quantum circuits or differential privacy techniques, we consider gradient information concealment using quantum states and propose two distinct FL protocols, one based on private inner-product estimation and the other on incremental learning. These protocols offer substantial advancements in privacy preservation with low communication resources, forging a path toward efficient quantum communication-assisted FL protocols and contributing to the development of secure distributed quantum machine learning, thus addressing critical privacy concerns in the quantum computing era.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Relativistic materials from an alternative viewpoint. (arXiv:2312.04448v1 [cond-mat.mtrl-sci]) Quantum Physics - Fri, 2023-12-08 05:45

Electrons in materials containing heavy elements are fundamentally relativistic and should in principle be described using the Dirac equation. However, the current standard for treatment of electrons in such materials involves density functional theory methods originally formulated from the Schr\"{o}dinger equation. While some extensions of the Schr\"{o}dinger-based formulation have been explored, such as the scalar relativistic approximation with or without spin-orbit coupling, these solutions do not provide a way to fully account for all relativistic effects of electrons, and the language used to describe such solutions are still based in the language of the Schr\"{o}dinger equation. In this article, we provide a different method for translating between the Dirac and Schr\"{o}dinger viewpoints in the context of a Coulomb potential. By retaining the Dirac four-vector notation and terminology in taking the non-relativistic limit, we see a much deeper connection between the Dirac and Schr\"{o}dinger equation solutions that allow us to more directly compare the effects of relativity in the angular and radial functions. Through this viewpoint, we introduce the concepts of densitals and Dirac spherical harmonics that allow us to translate more easily between the Dirac and Schr\"{o}dinger solutions. These concepts allow us to establish a useful language for discussing relativistic effects in materials containing elements throughout the full periodic table and thereby enable a more fundamental understanding of the effects of relativity on electronic structure.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Reversible Entanglement Beyond Quantum Operations. (arXiv:2312.04456v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Fri, 2023-12-08 05:45

We introduce a reversible theory of exact entanglement manipulation by establishing a necessary and sufficient condition for state transfer under trace-preserving transformations that completely preserve the positivity of partial transpose (PPT). Under these free transformations, we show that logarithmic negativity emerges as the pivotal entanglement measure for determining entangled states' transformations, analogous to the role of entropy in the second law of thermodynamics. Previous results have proven that entanglement is irreversible under quantum operations that completely preserve PPT and leave open the question of reversibility for quantum operations that do not generate entanglement asymptotically. However, we find that going beyond the complete positivity constraint imposed by standard quantum mechanics enables a reversible theory of exact entanglement manipulation, which may suggest a potential incompatibility between the reversibility of entanglement and the fundamental principles of quantum mechanics.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Heating and cooling processes via phaseonium-driven dynamics of cascade systems. (arXiv:2312.04498v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Fri, 2023-12-08 05:45

The search for strategies to harness the temperature of quantum systems is one of the main goals in quantum thermodynamics. Here we study the dynamics of a system made of a pair of quantum harmonic oscillators, represented by single-mode cavity fields, interacting with a thermally excited beam of phaseonium atoms, which act as ancillas. The two cavities are arranged in a cascade configuration, so that the second cavity interacts with phaseonium atoms only after their interaction with the first one. We provide exact closed dynamics of the first cavity for arbitrarily long interaction times. We highlight the role played by the characteristic coherence phase of phaseonium atoms in determining the steady states of the cavity fields as well as that of the ancillas. Also, we show how the second cavity follows a non-Markovian evolution due to interactions with the "used" ancillary atoms, that enables information exchange with the first cavity. Adjusting the parameters of the phaseonium atoms, we can determine the final stable temperature reached by the cavities. In this way, the cavities can be heated up as well as cooled down. These results provide useful insights towards the use of different types of ancillas for thermodynamic cycles in cavity QED scenarios.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Geometric phases in generalized radical Floquet dynamics. (arXiv:2312.04500v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Fri, 2023-12-08 05:45

The Pancharatnam phase is a generalization of the Berry phase that applies to discrete sequences of quantum states. Here, we show that the Pancharatnam phase is a natural invariant for a wide class of quantum many-body dynamics involving measurements. We specifically investigate how a non-trivial Pancharatnam phase arises in the trajectories of Floquet quantum error-correcting codes and show that this phase can be extracted in a "computationally-assisted" interferometry protocol, involving additional post-processing based on the measurement record that defines a given quantum many-body trajectory. This Pancharatnam phase can also be directly related to the Berry phase accrued by continuous unitary evolution within a gapped phase. For the $\mathbb Z_2$ Floquet code of Hastings and Haah, we show that the associated family of unitary evolutions is the radical chiral Floquet phase. We demonstrate this correspondence explicitly by studying an exactly-solvable model of interacting spins.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Entanglement generation via single-qubit rotations in a teared Hilbert space. (arXiv:2312.04507v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Fri, 2023-12-08 05:45

We propose an efficient yet simple protocol to generate arbitrary symmetric entangled states with only global single-qubit rotations in a teared Hilbert space. The system is based on spin-1/2 qubits in a resonator such as atoms in an optical cavity or superconducting qubits coupled to a metal microwave resonator. By sending light or microwave into the resonator, it induces AC Stark shifts on particular angular-momentum eigenstates (Dicke states) of qubits. Then we are able to generate barriers that hinder transitions between adjacent Dicke states and tear the original Hilbert space into pieces. Therefore, a simple global single-qubit rotation becomes highly non-trivial, and thus generates entanglement among the many-body system. By optimal control of energy shifts on Dicke states, we are able to generate arbitrary symmetric entangled states. We also exemplify that we can create varieties of useful states with near-unity fidelities in only one or very few steps, including W states, spin-squeezed states (SSS), and Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger (GHZ) states. Particularly, the SSS can be created by only one step with a squeezing parameter $\xi_R^2\sim1/N^{0.843}$ approaching the Heisenberg limit (HL). Our finding establishes a way for universal entanglement generations with only single-qubit drivings where all the multiple-qubit controls are integrated into simply switching on/off microwave. It has direct applications in the variational quantum optimizer which is available with existing technology.

Categories: Journals, Physics
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