
Nontrivial worldline winding in non-Hermitian quantum systems. (arXiv:2307.01260v2 [quant-ph] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Tue, 2023-12-12 09:45

Amid the growing interest in non-Hermitian quantum systems, non-interacting models have received the most attention. Here, through the stochastic series expansion quantum Monte Carlo method, we investigate non-Hermitian physics in interacting quantum systems, e.g., various non-Hermitian quantum spin chains. While calculations yield consistent numerical results under open boundary conditions, non-Hermitian quantum systems under periodic boundary conditions observe an unusual concentration of imaginary-time worldlines over nontrivial winding and require enhanced ergodicity between winding-number sectors for proper convergences. Such nontrivial worldline winding is an emergent physical phenomenon that also exists in other non-Hermitian models and analytical approaches. Alongside the non-Hermitian skin effect and the point-gap spectroscopy, it largely extends the identification and analysis of non-Hermitian topological phenomena to quantum systems with interactions, finite temperatures, biorthogonal basis, and periodic boundary conditions in a novel and controlled fashion. Finally, we study the direct physical implications of such nontrivial worldline winding, which bring additional, potentially quasi-long-range contributions to the entanglement entropy.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Experimental demonstration of a high-fidelity virtual two-qubit gate. (arXiv:2307.03232v2 [quant-ph] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Tue, 2023-12-12 09:45

We experimentally demonstrate a virtual two-qubit gate and characterize it using quantum process tomography~(QPT). The virtual two-qubit gate decomposes an actual two-qubit gate into single-qubit unitary gates and projection gates in quantum circuits for expectation-value estimation. We implement projection gates via mid-circuit measurements. The deterministic sampling scheme reduces the number of experimental circuit evaluations required for decomposing a virtual two-qubit gate. We also apply quantum error mitigation to suppress the effect of measurement errors and improve the average gate fidelity of a virtual controlled-$Z$ (CZ) gate to $f_{\rm av} = 0.9938 \pm 0.0002$. Our results highlight a practical approach to implement virtual two-qubit gates with high fidelities, which are useful for simulating quantum circuits using fewer qubits and implementing two-qubit gates on a distant pair of qubits.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Effective Hamiltonian approach to the Quantum Phase transitions in the extended Jaynes-Cummings model. (arXiv:2307.13518v2 [quant-ph] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Tue, 2023-12-12 09:45

The study of phase transitions in dissipative quantum systems based on the Liouvillian is often hindered by the difficulty of constructing a time-local master equation when the system-environment coupling is strong. To address this issue, the complex discretization approximation for the environment has been proposed to study the quantum phase transition in the extended Jaynes-Cumming model with an infinite number of boson modes. This approach yields a non-Hermitian effective Hamiltonian that can be used to simulate the dynamics of the spin. It was found that the ground state of this effective Hamiltonian determines the spin dynamics in the single-excitation subspace. Depending on the opening of the energy gap and the maximum population of excitations on the spin degree of freedom, three distinct phases can be identified: fast decaying, localized, and stretched dynamics of the spin. This approach can be extended to multiple excitations, and similar dynamics were found in the double-excitation subspace, indicating the robustness of the single-excitation phase.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Real-space quantum-to-classical transition of time dependent background fluctuations. (arXiv:2307.13611v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Tue, 2023-12-12 09:45

Understanding the emergence of classical behavior from a quantum theory is vital to establishing the quantum origin for the temperature fluctuations observed in the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB). We show that a real-space approach can comprehensively address the quantum-to-classical transition problem in the leading order of curvature perturbations. To this end, we test spatial bipartitions of quadratic systems for the interplay between three different signatures of classical behavior: i) decoherence, ii) peaking of the Wigner function about classical trajectories, and iii) relative suppression of non-commutativity in observables. We extract these signatures from the covariance matrix of a multi-mode Gaussian state and address them primarily in terms of entanglement entropy and log-classicality. Through a phase-space stability analysis of spatial sub-regions via their reduced Wigner function, we ascertain that the underlying cause for the dominance of classicality signatures is the occurrence of gapped inverted mode instabilities. While the choice of conjugate variables enhances some of these signatures, decoherence studied via entanglement entropy is the stronger and more reliable condition for classicality to emerge. We demonstrate the absence of decoherence, which preempts a quantum-to-classical transition of scalar fluctuations in an expanding background in $(1+1)$-dimensions using two examples: i) a Tanh-like expansion and ii) a de-Sitter expansion. We provide connection between log classicality and particle number by studying the evolution of each normal mode at late times. We then extend the analysis to leading order fluctuations in $(3+1)-$dimensions to show that a quantum-to-classical transition occurs in the de-Sitter expansion and discuss the relevance of our analysis in distinguishing cosmological models.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Monte Carlo approach to the evaluation of the security of device-independent quantum key distribution. (arXiv:2308.03030v3 [quant-ph] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Tue, 2023-12-12 09:45

We present a generic study on the information-theoretic security of multi-setting device-independent quantum key distribution protocols, i.e., ones that involve more than two measurements (or inputs) for each party to perform, and yield dichotomic results (or outputs). The approach we develop, when applied in protocols with either symmetric or asymmetric Bell experiments, yields nontrivial upper bounds on the secure key rates, along with the detection efficiencies required upon the measuring devices. The results imply that increasing the number of measurements may lower the detection efficiency required by the security criterion. The improvement, however, depends on (i) the choice of multi-setting Bell inequalities chosen to be tested in a protocol, and (ii) either a symmetric or asymmetric Bell experiment is considered. Our results serve as an advance toward the quest for evaluating security and reducing efficiency requirement of applying device-independent quantum key distribution in scenarios without heralding.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Fusion mechanism for quasiparticles and topological quantum order in the lowest Landau level. (arXiv:2308.03548v2 [cond-mat.str-el] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Tue, 2023-12-12 09:45

Starting from Halperin multilayer systems we develop a hierarchical scheme that generates, bosonic and fermionic, single-layer quantum Hall states (or vacua) of arbitrary filling factor. Our scheme allows for the insertion of quasiparticle excitations with either Abelian or non-Abelian statistics and quantum numbers that depend on the nature of the original vacuum. Most importantly, it reveals a fusion mechanism for quasielectrons and magnetoexcitons that generalizes ideas about particle fractionalization introduced in A. Bochniak, Z. Nussinov, A. Seidel, and G. Ortiz, Commun. Phys. 5, 171 (2022) for the case of Laughlin fluids. In addition, in the second quantization representation, we uncover the inherent topological quantum order characterizing these vacua. In particular, we illustrate the methodology by constructing generalized composite (generalized Read) operators for the non-Abelian Pfaffian and Hafnian quantum fluid states.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Microwave photon detection at parametric criticality. (arXiv:2308.07084v2 [quant-ph] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Tue, 2023-12-12 09:45

The detection of microwave fields at single-photon power levels is a much sought-after technology, with practical applications in nanoelectronics and quantum information science. Here we demonstrate a simple yet powerful criticality-enhanced method of microwave photon detection by operating a magnetic-field tunable Kerr Josephson parametric amplifier near a first-order quantum phase transition. We obtain a 73% efficiency and a dark-count rate of 167 kHz, corresponding to a responsivity of $1.3 \times 10^{17}~\mathrm{W}^{-1}$ and noise-equivalent power of 3.28 zW/$\sqrt{\rm Hz}$. We verify the single-photon operation by extracting the Poissonian statistics of a coherent probe signal.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Quantifying operator spreading and chaos in Krylov subspaces with quantum state reconstruction. (arXiv:2308.08513v2 [quant-ph] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Tue, 2023-12-12 09:45

We study operator spreading in many-body quantum systems by its potential to generate an informationally complete measurement record in quantum tomography. We adopt continuous weak measurement tomography for this purpose. We generate the measurement record as a series of expectation values of an observable evolving under the desired dynamics, which can show a transition from integrability to complete chaos. We find that the amount of operator spreading, as quantified by the fidelity in quantum tomography, increases with the degree of chaos in the system. We also observe a remarkable increase in information gain when the dynamics transitions from integrable to nonintegrable. We find our approach in quantifying operator spreading is a more consistent indicator of quantum chaos than Krylov complexity as the latter may correlate/anti-correlate or show no explicit behavior with the level of chaos in the dynamics. We support our argument through various metrics of information gain for two models: the Ising spin chain with a tilted magnetic field and the Heisenberg XXZ spin chain with an integrability-breaking field. Our paper gives an operational interpretation for operator spreading in quantum chaos.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Quantum Information-Assisted Complete Active Space Optimization (QICAS). (arXiv:2309.01676v2 [quant-ph] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Tue, 2023-12-12 09:45

Automated active space selection is arguably one of the most challenging and essential aspects of multiconfigurational methods. In this work we propose an effective quantum information-assisted complete active space optimization (QICAS) scheme. What sets QICAS apart from other correlation-based selection schemes is (i) the use of unique measures from quantum information that assess the correlation in electronic structures in an unambiguous and predictive manner, and (ii) an orbital optimization step that minimizes the correlation discarded by the active space approximation. Equipped with these features QICAS yields for smaller correlated molecules sets of optimized orbitals with respect to which the CASCI energy reaches the corresponding CASSCF energy within chemical accuracy. For more challenging systems such as the Chromium dimer, QICAS offers an excellent starting point for CASSCF by greatly reducing the number of iterations required for numerical convergence. Accordingly, our study validates a profound empirical conjecture: the energetically optimal non-active spaces are predominantly those that contain the least entanglement.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Topological quantum synchronization of fractionalized spins. (arXiv:2309.01960v2 [quant-ph] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Tue, 2023-12-12 09:45

The gapped symmetric phase of the Affleck-Kennedy-Lieb-Tasaki (AKLT) model exhibits fractionalized spins at the ends of an open chain. We show that breaking SU(2) symmetry and applying a global spin-lowering dissipator achieves synchronization of these fractionalized spins\rev{, which remains protected even if the inversion symmetry is not preserved}. Additional local dissipators ensure convergence to the ground state manifold. In order to understand which aspects of this synchronization are robust within the entire Haldane-gap phase, we reduce the biquadratic term which eliminates the need for an external field but destabilizes synchronization. Within the ground state subspace, stability is regained using only the global lowering dissipator. These results demonstrate that fractionalized degrees of freedom can be synchronized in extended systems with a significant degree of robustness arising from topological protection.

Categories: Journals, Physics

A partial defense of algebraic relationalism. (arXiv:2309.03622v2 [physics.hist-ph] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Tue, 2023-12-12 09:45

I defend algebraicism, according to which physical fields can be understood in terms of their structural relations without reference to a spacetime manifold, as a genuine relationalist view against the conventional wisdom that it is equivalent to substantivalism, according to which spacetime exists fundamentally. I criticize the standard version of algebraicism that is considered equivalent to substantivalism. Furthermore, I present alternative examples of algebraicism that better implement relationalism with their conceptual advantages over substantivalism or its standard algebraic counterpart.

Categories: Journals, Physics

On Reducing the Amount of Samples Required for Training of QNNs: Constraints on the Linear Structure of the Training Data. (arXiv:2309.13711v2 [quant-ph] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Tue, 2023-12-12 09:45

Training classical neural networks generally requires a large number of training samples. Using entangled training samples, Quantum Neural Networks (QNNs) have the potential to significantly reduce the amount of training samples required in the training process. However, to minimize the number of incorrect predictions made by the resulting QNN, it is essential that the structure of the training samples meets certain requirements. On the one hand, the exact degree of entanglement must be fixed for the whole set of training samples. On the other hand, training samples must be linearly independent and non-orthogonal. However, how failing to meet these requirements affects the resulting QNN is not fully studied. To address this, we extend the proof of the QNFL theorem to (i) provide a generalization of the theorem for varying degrees of entanglement. This generalization shows that the average degree of entanglement in the set of training samples can be used to predict the expected quality of the QNN. Furthermore, we (ii) introduce new estimates for the expected accuracy of QNNs for moderately entangled training samples that are linear dependent or orthogonal. Our analytical results are (iii) experimentally validated by simulating QNN training and analyzing the quality of the QNN after training.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Percolation-induced PT symmetry breaking. (arXiv:2309.15008v2 [cond-mat.stat-mech] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Tue, 2023-12-12 09:45

We propose a new avenue in which percolation, which has been much associated with critical phase transitions, can also dictate the asymptotic dynamics of non-Hermitian systems by breaking PT symmetry. Central to it is our newly-designed mechanism of topologically guided gain, where chiral edge wavepackets in a topological system experience non-Hermitian gain or loss based on how they are topologically steered. For sufficiently wide topological islands, this leads to irreversible growth due to positive feedback from interlayer tunneling. As such, a percolation transition that merges small topological islands into larger ones also drives the edge spectrum across a real to complex transition. Our discovery showcases intriguing dynamical consequences from the triple interplay of chiral topology, directed gain and interlayer tunneling, and suggests new routes for the topology to be harnessed in the control of feedback systems.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Grad DFT: a software library for machine learning enhanced density functional theory. (arXiv:2309.15127v2 [physics.chem-ph] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Tue, 2023-12-12 09:45

Density functional theory (DFT) stands as a cornerstone method in computational quantum chemistry and materials science due to its remarkable versatility and scalability. Yet, it suffers from limitations in accuracy, particularly when dealing with strongly correlated systems. To address these shortcomings, recent work has begun to explore how machine learning can expand the capabilities of DFT; an endeavor with many open questions and technical challenges. In this work, we present Grad DFT: a fully differentiable JAX-based DFT library, enabling quick prototyping and experimentation with machine learning-enhanced exchange-correlation energy functionals. Grad DFT employs a pioneering parametrization of exchange-correlation functionals constructed using a weighted sum of energy densities, where the weights are determined using neural networks. Moreover, Grad DFT encompasses a comprehensive suite of auxiliary functions, notably featuring a just-in-time compilable and fully differentiable self-consistent iterative procedure. To support training and benchmarking efforts, we additionally compile a curated dataset of experimental dissociation energies of dimers, half of which contain transition metal atoms characterized by strong electronic correlations. The software library is tested against experimental results to study the generalization capabilities of a neural functional across potential energy surfaces and atomic species, as well as the effect of training data noise on the resulting model accuracy.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Are fermionic conformal field theories more entangled?. (arXiv:2310.15273v2 [cond-mat.str-el] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Tue, 2023-12-12 09:45

We study the entanglement between disjoint subregions in quantum critical systems through the lens of the logarithmic negativity. We work with conformal field theories (CFTs) in general dimensions, and their corresponding lattice Hamiltonians. At small separations, the logarithmic negativity is big and displays universal behaviour, but we show non-perturbatively that it decays faster than any power at large separations. This can already be seen in the minimal setting of single-spin subregions. The corresponding absence of distillable entanglement at large separations generalises the 1d result, and indicates that quantum critical groundstates do not possess long range bipartite entanglement, at least for bosons. For systems with fermions, a more suitable definition of the logarithmic negativity exists that takes into account fermion parity, and we show that it decays algebraically. Along the way we obtain general CFT results for the moments of the partially transposed density matrix.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Maximum Entropy Principle as Postulate of Quantum Mechanics. (arXiv:2311.04893v2 [quant-ph] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Tue, 2023-12-12 09:45

Even a century after the formulation of Quantum Mechanics (QM), the wave function collapse (WFC) remains a contentious aspect of the theory. Environment-induced decoherence has offered a partial resolution by illustrating how unitary evolution in an open quantum system can lead to effective WFC within its components. However, this approach by itself does not lead to a fully self-consistent reformulation of QM. We introduce a modified set of QM postulates, which exclude both WFC and Born's probability rule. They are replaced with the Maximum Entropy Principle, a weaker postulate that specifies conditional probabilities for mutually compatible observations. Within this formulation, both WFC and Born's rule become emerging properties.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Characterization of non-adaptive Clifford channels. (arXiv:2311.06133v2 [quant-ph] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Tue, 2023-12-12 09:45

We show that multiqubit quantum channels which may be realised via stabilizer circuits without classical control (Clifford channels) have a particularly simple structure. They can be equivalently defined as channels that preserve mixed stabilizer states, or the channels with stabilizer Choi state. Up to unitary encoding and decoding maps any Clifford channel is a product of stabilizer state preparations, qubit discardings, identity channels and dephasing channels. This simple structure allows to characterise information-theoretic properties of such channels.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Bistability-assisted Mechanical Squeezing and Entanglement. (arXiv:2311.11062v2 [quant-ph] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Tue, 2023-12-12 09:45

We propose a scheme to squeeze mechanical motion and to entangle optical field with mechanical motion in an optomechanical system containing a parametric amplification. The scheme is based on optical bistability which emerges in the system for a strong enough driving field. By considering the steady state's lower branch of the bistability, the system shows weak entanglement and almost no mechanical squeezing. When the steady state is on the upper branch of the bistable shape, both squeezing and entanglement are greatly enhanced. Specifically, the entanglement shows three degrees of magnitude enhancement. However, this giant entanglement is fragile against decoherence and thermal fluctuation. Regarding the mechanical squeezing, it reaches the standard quantum limit (SQL) in the upper branch of the bistability. Our proposal provides a way to improve quantum effects in optomechanical systems by taking advantage of nonlinearities. This scheme can be realized in similar systems such as superconducting microwave, and hybrid optomechanical systems.

Categories: Journals, Physics

J-coupling NMR Spectroscopy with Nitrogen Vacancy Centers at High Fields. (arXiv:2311.11880v2 [quant-ph] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Tue, 2023-12-12 09:45

A diamond-based sensor utilizing nitrogen-vacancy (NV) center ensembles permits the analysis of micron-sized samples through NMR techniques at room temperature. Current efforts are directed towards extending the operating range of NV centers into high magnetic fields, driven by the potential for larger nuclear spin polarization of the target sample and the presence of enhanced chemical shifts. Especially interesting is the access to J-couplings as they carry information of chemical connectivity inside molecules. In this work, we present a protocol to access J-couplings in both homonuclear and heteronuclear cases with NV centers at high magnetic fields. Our protocol leads to a clear spectrum exclusively containing J-coupling features with high resolution. This resolution is limited primarily by the decoherence of the target sample, which is mitigated by the noise filtering capacities of our method.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Robustness of chaotic behavior in iterated quantum protocols. (arXiv:2311.13280v2 [quant-ph] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Tue, 2023-12-12 09:45

One of the simplest possible quantum circuits, consisting of a CNOT gate, a Hadamard gate and a measurement on one of the outputs is known to lead to chaotic dynamics when applied iteratively on an ensemble of equally prepared qubits. The evolution of pure initial quantum states is characterized by a fractal (in the space of states), formed by the border of different convergence regions. We examine how the ideal evolution is distorted in the presence of both coherent error and incoherent initial noise, which are typical imperfections in current implementations of quantum computers. It is known that under the influence of initial noise only, the fractal is preserved, moreover, its dimension remains constant below a critical noise level. We systematically analyze the effect of coherent Hadamard gate errors by determining fixed points and cycles of the evolution. We combine analytic and numerical methods to explore to what extent the dynamics is altered by coherent errors in the presence of preparation noise as well. We show that the main features of the dynamics, and especially the fractal borders, are robust against the discussed noise, they will only be slightly distorted. We identify a range of error parameters, for which the characteristic properties of the dynamics are not significantly altered. Hence, our results allow to identify reliable regimes of operation of iterative protocols.

Categories: Journals, Physics
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