PhD physics Quantum electronics

Grenoble Helsinki Konstanz Zurich Leeds Goteborg sSebastian Dortmund
30 April, 2018

You have an MSc in Physics, you are highly motivated and looking for the perfect PhD position?

Join the high-qualified European Training Network, MSCA 766025

Quantum Electronics Science & Technology (QuESTech)!

The main topics include molecular electronics, single electronics, quantum thermodynamics, spintronics and transport in low-dimensional structures. You will get an

PhD position in quantum info at GIQ Barcelona

GIQ, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
18 October, 2017

The Quantum Information Group (GIQ) of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, UAB, offers a PhD position within the project QLAnoCLA (Quantum Learning and Non-Classicality) funded by the 'Programa Estatal de Fomento de la Investigación Científica y Técnica de Excelencia'.

Multiple PhD positions

JARA Institute for Quantum Information
31 December, 2017

The theory groups at the Institute for Quantum Information of the Jülich-Aachen Reasearch Alliance (JARA) are looking for highly motivated candidates to fill multiple PhD positions over the next few months (a DFG-funded position could start as soon as possible).

PhD Silicon-Germanium Materials for Quantum Computing

TU Delft QuTech
1 October, 2017

QuTech is an advanced research center for quantum computing and quantum internet, a collaboration founded by TU Delft and TNO. QuTech addresses scientific challenges as well as engineering issues in a joint center of know-how with industrial partners.

PhD position in Experimental Quantum Gases: Quantum Liquid Droplets with Mixtures of BECs

ICFO, Barcelona
31 October, 2017

A PhD position is open in the Ultracold Quantum Gases experimental group led by Leticia Tarruell at ICFO, Barcelona. The group's research focuses on the study of quantum-many body physics with mixtures of ultracold potassium atoms. The goal of this PhD project will be to explore the properties of a novel phase of matter very recently observed by our group: an ultradilute quantum liquid formed by a mixture of two Bose-Einstein condensates (Cabrera et al., arXiv:1708.07806).

Doctoral candidate - superconducting qubits and circuits

Aalto University, Finland
30 September, 2017

We are looking for a scientifically talented and motivated doctoral student to join the KVANTTI group of the Aalto University’s Department of Applied Physics (Helsinki, Finland). Our main research work is in the field of superconducting qubits and circuits. Preference will be given to candidates with a M.Sc. in a field related to nanoelectronics; experience with cryogenic systems and RF measurements are a plus.

Postdoctoral Researchers and Doctoral Candidates in Quantum Phenomena and Devices

Aalto University, Finland
30 September, 2017

PICO group of the Aalto University’s Department of Applied Physics (Helsinki, Finland) is looking for highly motivated PhD students and post-docs to work on projects on quantum thermodynamics in electronic circuits, and on developing 

Fully funded PhD studentship in optomechanics

University of Malta
26 September, 2017

We have a fully funded PhD position available to work on the theory of cooperative effects in optomechanics and nanomechanics with André Xuereb (andre [dot] xuereb [at] um [dot] edu [dot] mt) and Vittorio Peano (vittorio [dot] peano [at] um [dot] edu [dot] mt) at the University of Malta. The project is theoretical, but we expect several strong interactions with many of our experimental colleagues. For more information please read the sample description at:

Research Assistant ( Early Stage Researcher/ PhD Opportunity)

HOLOEYE Photonics AG
30 September, 2017

Research Assistant (Early-Stage Researcher).

HOLOEYE is a young company with the high potential for individual careers. Team work, along with strong sense of individual creativity, enjoyment, enthusiasm, flexibility and vision are all crucial to our daily operations.

DP-PMI - Call open for the Doctoral Programme in the Physics and Mathematics of Information

Instituto Superior Tecnico (IST), the School of Science and Engineering of the University of Lisbon, Portugal
30 October, 2017

We are happy to announce the opening of the call for applications for the new edition of the Doctoral Programme in the Physics and Mathematics of Information: Foundations of Future Information Technologies (DP-PMI), starting in February 2018.

The DP-PMI aims at providing advanced curricular and research training in the recent developments and fundamental challenges in information sciences and technologies, namely in:

1. Classical and Quantum Information Theory;

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