PhD physics Quantum electronics

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Grenoble Helsinki Konstanz Zurich Leeds Goteborg sSebastian Dortmund
30 April, 2018


cnrs uga neel grenoble

You have an MSc in Physics, you are highly motivated and looking for the perfect PhD position?

Join the high-qualified European Training Network, MSCA 766025

Quantum Electronics Science & Technology (QuESTech)!

The main topics include molecular electronics, single electronics, quantum thermodynamics, spintronics and transport in low-dimensional structures. You will get an

 all-round training in one of the participating universities (Grenoble, Leeds, Göteborg, Konstanz, Zürich, San Sebastian, Helsinki)

& companies (Raith Dortmund, Graphenea San Sebastian).

You will enroll into a regular PhD program, participate in one ESONN session and undertake a secondment in a complementary sector. You will receive training in scientific presentation, writing, communication, and entrepreneurial skills to be fully prepared for a successful scientific career.

The contract is for 36 months, the salary attractive.

The recruitment is gender-balanced. European mobility rules apply.

For application details and to see which positions are still open, visit our website