PhD positions in molecular quantum nanophotonics

Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
28 February, 2017

There are two PhD student positions open to work on Modification of Molecular Structure Under Strong Coupling to Confined Light Modes. This project at the interface of quantum optics, molecular science, and condensed matter physics is financially supported by an ERC Starting Grant running from 2017 to 2022. All applicants should be highly motivated and enjoy working and collaborating closely within an international team.

Phd positions in Cold atoms

University of Birmingham, UK
15 August, 2017

The unprecedented control over cold atoms has resulted in extremely precise sensors such as atomic clocks and atom interferometers. Our lab has two main goals, one fundamental science and another technological development. From the scientific point of view, it aims to work on enabling concepts to asking very fundamental questions at the cutting edge of science. Technologically it utilises state-of-the-art methods with the potential to reduce the form factor of atom-based quantum sensors by at least an order of magnitude which would enable a step change towards commercial applications.

A tensor network approach to the quantum many body problem,

shared PhD between Strathclyde and ICFO
28 February, 2017

The many body problem
How is it possible that the same and simple constituent atoms, when joined together, produce such a beautiful and diverse world? One can see this as a consequence of collective emergence, an aspect of physics relevant to several disciplines, from statistical physics to condensed matter, to high energy physics.
Tensor Networks

PhD scholarship in Condensed Matter Theory

University of Kent, UK
30 January, 2017

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This PhD position is available for research in topologically ordered phases and their use in quantum devices and topological quantum computation.

PhD position in the field of nonlinear X-Ray spectroscopy

Paul Scherrer Institut
15 February, 2017

With the development of free electron laser (FEL) radiation sources a new area of X-Ray spectroscopy commenced. PSI explores and develops methods for nonlinear coherent optical/X-Ray experiments with the ultimate aim of applying these at the SwissFEL free electron laser facility which is planned to operate by the end of 2017. Within this project the candidate will be involved in experiments that can be performed at the synchrotron, in the Laser-laboratory and at FEL’s that contribute to an advanced understanding of nonlinear X-ray processes.

Funded PhD Positions in Quantum Communications

University of Leeds, Toshiba Research Europe, Telecom ParisTech, Universite Pierre et Marie Curie, University of Padova, University of Dusseldorf, University of Vigo, University of Geneva, ID Quantique
15 February, 2017

The innovative training network QCALL (Quantum Communications for ALL) is accepting PhD applications for its 15 well-funded openings at its partner institutes. These positions will cover a range of practical and theoretical topics all related to quantum communications and its widespread deployment. The positions are located at 

PhD Studentship in Quantum Communication Networks: Researching the technology and applications for quantum communications that go beyond simple point to point networks

Toshiba Research Europe Ltd., Cambridge Science Park
31 August, 2017
Led by the University of York, the Quantum Communications Hub is a partnership of eight universities and numerous private sector companies . The overall aim of the Hub is to develop a range of new, secure, quantum communications technologies. A PhD studentship, supported by EPSRC funding through York, is available to work on quantum communication networks, based at Toshiba Research Europe Ltd Laboratories in Cambridge (TREL). 

PhD on "Quantum correlations and quantum coherence in quantum information processing"

University of Strathclyde
17 February, 2017
Quantum correlations and quantum coherence in quantum information processing

PhD position on ‘Non-linear response in localised quantum magnets’

Paul Scherrer Institut, registered at ETH Zürich
28 February, 2017
We would like to draw your attention to an open PhD position at the Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI), which will be supervised by Prof. Dr. Gabriel Aeppli (Head of PSI’s Synchrotron Radiation and Nanotechnology Research Division and Professor at ETH Zürich & EPF Lausanne):

Competition Funded PhD Project in Quantum Metrology Technologies and Fundamental Tests

University of Portsmouth, in collaboration with University of Nottingham
5 February, 2017

We are looking for talented and ambitious European graduates who wish to pursue a Ph.D. in Quantum Technologies and Quantum Foundations. 

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