PhD position in quantum info at GIQ Barcelona

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GIQ, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
18 October, 2017


Grup d'Informació Quàntica
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Fisica Teòrica: IiFQ, Edifici Cn
Bellaterra 08193
41° 30' 13.3848" N, 2° 5' 11.0436" E

The Quantum Information Group (GIQ) of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, UAB, offers a PhD position within the project QLAnoCLA (Quantum Learning and Non-Classicality) funded by the 'Programa Estatal de Fomento de la Investigación Científica y Técnica de Excelencia'. The appointment will be for 3 years, possibly renewable for a fourth year as junior postdoc.

We seek promising PhD candidates and offer a stimulating environment to pursue research projects oriented along four possible research tracks: i) quantum statistical inference; ii) machine learning; iii) quantum resource theories; iv) assessing quantumness and non-classicality. 

Applications have to be submitted in a very narrow time-window (3-18 October 2017) and have to be completed via the Ayudas para contratos predoctorales para la formación de doctores 2017.  A master degree, or equivalent degree,  and the admission to the UAB’s PhD program is required (see

Additionally we ask the interested applicants to send a CV along with  statement of purpose and arrange for two or three letters of recommendation to be sent to: Anna [dot] Sanpera [at] uab [dot] cat (Anna [dot] Sanpera [at] uab [dot] cat) or Andreas [dot] Winter [at] uab [dot] cat (Andreas [dot] Winter [at] uab [dot] cat). Reference letters can reach us a few weeks after the deadline.

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