
The Convexity Condition of Density-Functional Theory. (arXiv:2309.17443v2 [physics.chem-ph] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Mon, 2023-12-25 22:45

It has long been postulated that within density-functional theory (DFT) the total energy of a finite electronic system is convex with respect to electron count, so that 2 E_v[N_0] <= E_v[N_0 - 1] + E_v[N_0 + 1]. Using the infinite-separation-limit technique, this article proves the convexity condition for any formulation of DFT that is (1) exact for all v-representable densities, (2) size-consistent, and (3) translationally invariant. An analogous result is also proven for one-body reduced density matrix functional theory. While there are known DFT formulations in which the ground state is not always accessible, indicating that convexity does not hold in such cases, this proof nonetheless confirms a stringent constraint on the exact exchange-correlation functional. We also provide sufficient conditions for convexity in approximate DFT, which could aid in the development of density-functional approximations. This result lifts a standing assumption in the proof of the piecewise linearity condition with respect to electron count, which has proven central to understanding the Kohn-Sham band-gap and the exchange-correlation derivative discontinuity of DFT.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Optimising motion-induced spin transfer. (arXiv:2310.08200v2 [cond-mat.mes-hall] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Mon, 2023-12-25 22:45

In this paper, the spin transfer between two ferromagnetic insulators is studied. There is a narrow gap between the ferromagnetic insulators so that they are weakly interacting with each other. One of the ferromagnetic insulators is moving at a constant speed while the other is at rest; hence, the system is out of equilibrium. In the presence of the shearing motion, the interaction amplitude is periodically modulated at the Doppler frequency. A unitary transformation allows us to regard the periodic modulation of the interaction amplitude as an effective potential, which drives the spin transfer. The amount of the spin current is controlled by the spectral overlap and the carrier population difference between the two ferromagnetic media. If the spectra of the two ferromagnets are moderately broadened, the overlap in the spectral domain increases, enlarging the spin current. However, too much broadening spoils the spectral overlap and, hence, the spin current. This implies that there is an optimal condition for maximising the spin transfer.

Categories: Journals, Physics

All-optical correlated noisy channel and its application in recovering quantum coherence. (arXiv:2310.16342v2 [quant-ph] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Mon, 2023-12-25 22:45

Attenuation and amplification are the most common processes for optical communications. Amplification can be used to compensate the attenuation of the complex amplitude of an optical field, but is unable to recover the coherence lost, provided that the attenuation channel and the amplification channel are independent. In this work, we show that the quantum coherence of an optical filed can be regained if the attenuation channel and the amplification channel share correlated noise. We propose an all-optical correlated noisy channel relying on four-wave mixing process and demonstrate its capability of recovering quantum coherence within continuous-variable systems. We quantitatively investigate the coherence recovery phenomena for coherent states and two-mode squeezed states. Moreover, we analyze the effect of other photon losses that are independent with the recovery channel on the performance of recovering coherence. Different from correlated noisy channels previously proposed based on electro-optic conversions, the correlated noisy channel in our protocol is all-optical and thus owns larger operational bandwidths.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Realistic Cost to Execute Practical Quantum Circuits using Direct Clifford+T Lattice Surgery Compilation. (arXiv:2311.10686v2 [quant-ph] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Mon, 2023-12-25 22:45

In this article, we report a resource estimation pipeline that explicitly compiles quantum circuits expressed using the Clifford+T gate set into a surface code lattice surgery instruction set. The cadence of magic state requests from the compiled circuit enables the optimization of magic state distillation and storage requirements in a post-hoc analysis. To compile logical circuits into lattice surgery operations, we build upon the open-source Lattice Surgery Compiler. The revised compiler operates in two stages: the first translates logical gates into an abstract, layout-independent instruction set; the second compiles these into local lattice surgery instructions that are allocated to hardware tiles according to a specified resource layout. The second stage retains logical parallelism while avoiding resource contention in the fault-tolerant layer, aiding realism. Additionally, users can specify dedicated tiles at which magic states are replenished, enabling resource costs from the logical computation to be considered independently from magic state distillation and storage. We demonstrate the applicability of our pipeline to large, practical quantum circuits by providing resource estimates for the ground state estimation of molecules. We find that, unless carefully considered, the resource costs of magic state storage can dominate in real circuits which have variable magic state consumption rates.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Performance Analysis of Multi-Angle QAOA for p > 1. (arXiv:2312.00200v2 [cs.ET] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Mon, 2023-12-25 22:45

In this paper we consider the scalability of Multi-Angle QAOA with respect to the number of QAOA layers. We found that MA-QAOA is able to significantly reduce the depth of QAOA circuits, by a factor of up to 4 for the considered data sets. However, MA-QAOA is not optimal for minimization of the total QPU time. Different optimization initialization strategies are considered and compared for both QAOA and MA-QAOA. Among them, a new initialization strategy is suggested for MA-QAOA that is able to consistently and significantly outperform random initialization used in the previous studies.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Quantum entanglement between optical and microwave photonic qubits. (arXiv:2312.13559v2 [quant-ph] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Mon, 2023-12-25 22:45

Entanglement is an extraordinary feature of quantum mechanics. Sources of entangled optical photons were essential to test the foundations of quantum physics through violations of Bell's inequalities. More recently, entangled many-body states have been realized via strong non-linear interactions in microwave circuits with superconducting qubits. Here we demonstrate a chip-scale source of entangled optical and microwave photonic qubits. Our device platform integrates a piezo-optomechanical transducer with a superconducting resonator which is robust under optical illumination. We drive a photon-pair generation process and employ a dual-rail encoding intrinsic to our system to prepare entangled states of microwave and optical photons. We place a lower bound on the fidelity of the entangled state by measuring microwave and optical photons in two orthogonal bases. This entanglement source can directly interface telecom wavelength time-bin qubits and GHz frequency superconducting qubits, two well-established platforms for quantum communication and computation, respectively.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Vacuum Beam Guide for Large-Scale Quantum Networks. (arXiv:2312.09372v2 [quant-ph] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Mon, 2023-12-25 22:45

The vacuum beam guide (VBG) presents a completely different solution for quantum channels to overcome the limitations of existing fiber and satellite technologies for long-distance quantum communication. With an array of aligned lenses spaced kilometers apart, the VBG offers ultra-high transparency over a wide range of optical wavelengths. With realistic parameters, the VBG can outperform the best fiber by three orders of magnitude in terms of attenuation rate. Consequently, the VBG can enable long-range quantum communication over thousands of kilometers with quantum channel capacity beyond $10^{13}$ qubit/sec, orders of magnitude higher than the state-of-the-art quantum satellite communication rate. Remarkably, without relying on quantum repeaters, the VBG can provide a ground-based, low-loss, high-bandwidth quantum channel that enables novel distributed quantum information applications for computing, communication, and sensing.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Phonon-photon conversion as mechanism for cooling and coherence transfer. (arXiv:2312.09837v2 [quant-ph] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Mon, 2023-12-25 22:45

The dynamical Casimir effect is the physical phenomenon where the mechanical energy of a movable wall of a cavity confining a quantum field can be converted into quanta of the field itself. This effect has been recognized as one of the most astonishing predictions of quantum field theory. At the quantum scale, the energy conversion can also occur incoherently, namely without an physical motion of the wall. We employ quantum thermodynamics to show that this phenomenon can be employed as a tool to cool down the wall when there is a non-vanishing temperature gradient between the wall and the cavity. At the same time, the process of heat-transfer enables to share the coherence from one cavity mode, driven by a laser, to the wall, thereby forcing its coherent oscillation. Finally, we show how to employ one laser drive to cool the entire system including the case when it is composed of other subsystems.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Entanglement entropy of two disjoint intervals and spin structures in interacting chains in and out of equilibrium. (arXiv:2312.10028v2 [cond-mat.stat-mech] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Mon, 2023-12-25 22:45

We take the paradigm of interacting spin chains, the Heisenberg spin-$\frac{1}{2}$ XXZ model, as a reference system and consider interacting models that are related to it by Jordan-Wigner transformations and restrictions to sub-chains. An example is the fermionic analogue of the gapless XXZ Hamiltonian, which, in a continuum scaling limit, is described by the massless Thirring model. We work out the R\'enyi-$\alpha$ entropies of disjoint blocks in the ground state and extract the universal scaling functions describing the R\'enyi-$\alpha$ tripartite information in the limit of infinite lengths. We consider also the von Neumann entropy, but only in the limit of large distance. We show how to use the entropies of spin blocks to unveil the spin structures of the underlying massless Thirring model. Finally, we speculate about the tripartite information after global quenches and conjecture its asymptotic behaviour in the limit of infinite time and small quench. The resulting conjecture for the ``residual tripartite information'', which corresponds to the limit in which the intervals' lengths are infinitely larger than their (large) distance, supports the claim of universality recently made studying noninteracting spin chains. Our mild assumptions imply that the residual tripartite information after a small quench of the anisotropy in the gapless phase of XXZ is equal to $-\log 2$.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Contextual Measurement Model and Quantum Theory. (arXiv:2312.13300v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Fri, 2023-12-22 19:45

We develop the contextual measurement model (CMM) which is used for clarification of the quantum foundations. This model matches with Bohr's views on the role of experimental contexts. CMM is based on contextual probability theory which is connected with generalized probability theory. CMM covers measurements in classical, quantum, and semi-classical physics. The CMM formalism is illustrated by a few examples. We consider CMM framing of classical probability, the von Neumann measurement theory, the quantum instrument theory. CMM can also be applied outside of physics, in cognition, decision making, and psychology, so called quantum-like modeling.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Quantum vacuum amplification in time-varying media with arbitrary temporal profiles. (arXiv:2312.13315v1 [physics.optics]) Quantum Physics - Fri, 2023-12-22 19:45

In this work we address quantum vacuum amplification effects in time-varying media with an arbitrary time-modulation profile. To this end, we propose a theoretical formalism based on the concept of conjugated harmonic oscillators, evaluating the impact on the transition time in temporal boundaries, shedding light into the practical requirements to observe quantum effects at them. In addition, we find nontrivial effects in pulsed-modulations, where the swiftest and strongest modulation does not lead to the highest photon production. Thus, our results provide key insights for the design of temporal modulation sequences to enhance quantum phenomena.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Closed-form expressions for smeared bi-distributions of a massless scalar field: non-perturbative and asymptotic results in relativistic quantum information. (arXiv:2312.13343v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Fri, 2023-12-22 19:45

Using spacetime Gaussian test functions, we find closed-form expressions for the smeared Wightman function, Feynman propagator, retarded and advanced Green's functions, causal propagator and symmetric propagator of a massless scalar field in the vacuum of Minkowski spacetime. We apply our results to localized quantum systems which interact with a quantum field in Gaussian spacetime regions and study different relativistic quantum information protocols. In the protocol of entanglement harvesting, we find a closed-form expression for the entanglement that can be acquired by probes which interact in Gaussian spacetime regions and obtain asymptotic results for the protocol. We also revisit the case of two gapless detectors and show that the detectors can become entangled if there is two-way signalling between their interaction regions, providing closed-form expressions for the detectors' final state.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Improving fidelity of multi-qubit gates using hardware-level pulse parallelization. (arXiv:2312.13350v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Fri, 2023-12-22 19:45

Quantum computation holds the promise of solving computational problems which are believed to be classically intractable. However, in practice, quantum devices are still limited by their relatively short coherence times and imperfect circuit-hardware mapping. In this work, we present the parallelization of pre-calibrated pulses at the hardware level as an easy-to-implement strategy to optimize quantum gates. Focusing on $R_{ZX}$ gates, we demonstrate that such parallelization leads to improved fidelity and gate time reduction, when compared to serial concatenation. As measured by Cycle Benchmarking, our most modest fidelity gain was from 98.16(7)% to 99.15(3)% for the application of two $R_{ZX}(\pi/2)$ gates with one shared qubit. We show that this strategy can be applied to other gates like the CNOT and CZ, and it may benefit tasks such as Hamiltonian simulation problems, amplitude amplification, and error-correction codes.

Categories: Journals, Physics

On the tensorial structure of general covariant quantum systems. (arXiv:2312.13374v1 [gr-qc]) Quantum Physics - Fri, 2023-12-22 19:45

The definition of a quantum system requires a Hilbert space, a way to define the dynamics, and an algebra of observables. The structure of the observable algebra is related to a tensor product decomposition of the Hilbert space and represents the composition of the system by subsystems. It has been remarked that the Hamiltonian may determine this tensor product structure. Here we observe that this fact may lead to questionable consequences in some cases, and does extend to the more general background-independent case, where the Hamiltonian is replaced by a Hamiltonian constraint. These observations reinforces the idea that specifying the observables and the way they interplay with the dynamics, is essential to define a quantum theory. We also reflect on the general role that system decomposition has in the quantum theory.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Advantage of multi-partite entanglement for quantum cryptography over long and short ranged networks. (arXiv:2312.13376v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Fri, 2023-12-22 19:45

The increasing sophistication of available quantum networks has seen a corresponding growth in the pursuit of multi-partite cryptographic protocols. Whilst the use of multi-partite entanglement is known to offer an advantage in certain abstractly motivated contexts, the quest to find practical advantage scenarios is ongoing and substantial difficulties in generalising some bi-partite security proofs still remain. We present rigorous results that address both these challenges at the same time. First, we prove the security of a variant of the GHZ state based secret sharing protocol against general attacks, including participant attacks which break the security of the original GHZ state scheme. We then identify parameters for a performance advantage over realistic bottleneck networks. We show that whilst channel losses limit the advantage region to short distances over direct transmission networks, the addition of quantum repeaters unlocks the performance advantage of multi-partite entanglement over point-to-point approaches for long distance quantum cryptography.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Long-time Quantum Information Scrambling and Emergent Mereology. (arXiv:2312.13386v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Fri, 2023-12-22 19:45

Recent work by Zanardi et al. (arXiv:2212.14340) has associated each possible partition of a quantum system with an operational subalgebra and proposed that the short-time growth of the algebraic out-of-time-order-correlator ("$\mathcal{A}$-OTOC") is a suitable criterion to determine which partition arises naturally from the system's unitary dynamics. We extend this work to the long-time regime. Specifically, the long-time average of the $\mathcal{A}$-OTOC serves as our metric of subsystem emergence. Under this framework, natural system partitions are characterized by the tendency to minimally scramble information over long time scales. We derive an analytic expression for the $\mathcal{A}$-OTOC long-time average under the non-resonance condition. We then consider several physical examples and perform minimization of this quantity both analytically and numerically over relevant families of algebras. For simple cases subject to the non-resonant condition, minimal $\mathcal{A}$-OTOC long-time average is shown to be related to minimal entanglement of the Hamiltonian eigenstates across the emergent system partition. Finally, we conjecture and provide evidence for a general structure of the algebra that minimizes the average for non-resonant Hamiltonians.

Categories: Journals, Physics

SICs and the triangle group (3,3,3). (arXiv:2312.13400v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Fri, 2023-12-22 19:45

The problem of existence of symmetric informationally-complete positive operator-valued measures (SICs for short) in every dimension is known as Zauner's conjecture and remains open to this day. Most of the known SIC examples are constructed as an orbit of the Weyl-Heisenberg group action. It appears that in these cases SICs are invariant under so-called canonical order 3 unitaries, which define automorphisms of the Weyl-Heisenberg group. In this note we show that those order 3 unitaries appear in projective unitary representations of the triangle group $(3,3,3)$. We give a full description of such representations and show how it can be used to obtain results about the structure of canonical order 3 unitaries. In particular, we present an alternative way of proving the fact that any canonical order 3 unitary is conjugate to Zauner's unitary if dimension $d>3$ is prime.

Categories: Journals, Physics

A condition for the zero-error capacity of quantum channels. (arXiv:2312.13406v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Fri, 2023-12-22 19:45

In this paper, we present a condition for the zero-error capacity of quantum channels. To achieve this result we first prove that the eigenvectors (or eigenstates) common to the Kraus operators representing the quantum channel are fixed points of the channel. From this fact and assuming that these Kraus operators have at least two eigenstates in common and also considering that every quantum channel has at least one fixed point, it is proved that the zero-error capacity of the quantum channel is positive. Moreover, this zero-error capacity condition is a lower bound for the zero-error capacity of the quantum channel. This zero-error capacity condition of quantum channels has a peculiar feature that it is easy to verify when one knows the Kraus operators representing the quantum channel.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Testing Eigenstate Thermalization Hypothesis for Non-Abelian Gauge Theories. (arXiv:2312.13408v1 [hep-lat]) Quantum Physics - Fri, 2023-12-22 19:45

We report on progress in full quantum understanding of thermalization in non-Abelian gauge theories. Specifically, we test the eigenstate thermalization hypothesis for (2+1)-dimensional SU(2) lattice gauge theory.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Entanglement Dynamics in Monitored Systems and the Role of Quantum Jumps. (arXiv:2312.13419v1 [cond-mat.stat-mech]) Quantum Physics - Fri, 2023-12-22 19:45

Monitored quantum many-body systems display a rich pattern of entanglement dynamics, which is unique to this non-unitary setting. This work studies the effect of quantum jumps on the entanglement dynamics beyond the no-click limit corresponding to a deterministic non-Hermitian evolution. We consider two examples, a monitored SSH model and a quantum Ising chain, for which we show the jumps have remarkably different effects on the entanglement despite having the same statistics as encoded in their waiting-time distribution. To understand this difference, we introduce a new metric, the statistics of entanglement gain and loss due to jumps and non-Hermitian evolution. This insight allows us to build a simple stochastic model of a random walk with partial resetting, which reproduces the entanglement dynamics, and to dissect the mutual role of jumps and non-Hermitian evolution on the entanglement scaling. We demonstrate that significant deviations from the no-click limit arise whenever quantum jumps strongly renormalize the non-Hermitian dynamics, as in the case of the SSH model at weak monitoring or in the Ising chain at large transverse field. On the other hand, we show that the weak monitoring phase of the Ising chain leads to a robust sub-volume logarithmic phase due to weakly renormalized non-Hermitian dynamics.

Categories: Journals, Physics
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