
Federated Quantum Long Short-term Memory (FedQLSTM). (arXiv:2312.14309v1 [cs.LG]) Quantum Physics - Mon, 2023-12-25 22:45

Quantum federated learning (QFL) can facilitate collaborative learning across multiple clients using quantum machine learning (QML) models, while preserving data privacy. Although recent advances in QFL span different tasks like classification while leveraging several data types, no prior work has focused on developing a QFL framework that utilizes temporal data to approximate functions useful to analyze the performance of distributed quantum sensing networks. In this paper, a novel QFL framework that is the first to integrate quantum long short-term memory (QLSTM) models with temporal data is proposed. The proposed federated QLSTM (FedQLSTM) framework is exploited for performing the task of function approximation. In this regard, three key use cases are presented: Bessel function approximation, sinusoidal delayed quantum feedback control function approximation, and Struve function approximation. Simulation results confirm that, for all considered use cases, the proposed FedQLSTM framework achieves a faster convergence rate under one local training epoch, minimizing the overall computations, and saving 25-33% of the number of communication rounds needed until convergence compared to an FL framework with classical LSTM models.

Categories: Journals, Physics

High fidelity two-qubit quantum state tomography of Electron-14N hybrid spin register in diamond. (arXiv:2312.14310v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Mon, 2023-12-25 22:45

We report here on a major improvement of the control and characterization capabilities of 14N nuclear spin of single NV centers in diamond, as well as on a new method that we have devised for characterizing quantum states, i.e. quantum state tomography using Rabi experiments. Depending on whether we use amplitude information or phase information from Rabi experiments, we define two sub-methods namely Rabi amplitude quantum state tomography (RAQST) and Rabi phase quantum state tomography (RPQST). The advantage of Rabi-based tomography methods is that they lift the requirement of unitary operations used in other methods in general and standard methods in particular. On one hand, this does not increase the complexity of the tomography experiments in large registers, and on the other hand, it decreases the error induced by MW irradiation. We used RAQST and RPQST to investigate the quality of various two-qubit pure states in our setup. As expected, test quantum states show very high fidelity with the theoretical counterpart.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Lifetime Reduction of Single Germanium-Vacancy Defects in Diamond via a Tunable Open Microcavity. (arXiv:2312.14313v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Mon, 2023-12-25 22:45

Coupling between a single quantum emitter and an optical cavity presents a key capability for future quantum networking applications. Here, we explore interactions between individual germanium-vacancy (GeV) defects in diamond and an open microcavity at cryogenic temperatures. Exploiting the tunability of our microcavity system to characterize and select emitters, we observe a Purcell-effect-induced lifetime reduction of up to $4.5\pm0.3$, and extract coherent coupling rates up to $350\pm20$ MHz. Our results indicate that the GeV defect has favorable optical properties for cavity coupling, with a quantum efficiency of at least $0.32\pm0.05$ and likely much higher.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Trapped atoms and superradiance on an integrated nanophotonic microring circuit. (arXiv:2312.14318v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Mon, 2023-12-25 22:45

Interfacing cold atoms with integrated nanophotonic devices could offer new paradigms for engineering atom-light interactions and provide a potentially scalable route for quantum sensing, metrology, and quantum information processing. However, it remains a challenging task to efficiently trap a large ensemble of cold atoms on an integrated nanophotonic circuit. Here, we demonstrate the first direct loading of an ensemble of nearly a hundred atoms into an optical microtrap on a nanophotonic microring circuit, with a trap lifetime approaching one second. Efficient trap loading is achieved by employing degenerate Raman-sideband cooling with a built-in spin-motion coupling in the microtrap and a single optical beam sent from free space for optical pumping. We show that the trapped atoms display large cooperative coupling and superradiant decay into a whispering-gallery mode of the microring resonator, holding promise for explorations of new collective effects. Our technique can be extended to trapping a large ensemble of cold atoms on nanophotonic circuits for various quantum applications.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Data Needs and Challenges of Quantum Dot Devices Automation: Workshop Report. (arXiv:2312.14322v1 [cond-mat.mes-hall]) Quantum Physics - Mon, 2023-12-25 22:45

Gate-defined quantum dots are a promising candidate system to realize scalable, coupled qubit systems and serve as a fundamental building block for quantum computers. However, present-day quantum dot devices suffer from imperfections that must be accounted for, which hinders the characterization, tuning, and operation process. Moreover, with an increasing number of quantum dot qubits, the relevant parameter space grows sufficiently to make heuristic control infeasible. Thus, it is imperative that reliable and scalable autonomous tuning approaches are developed. In this report, we outline current challenges in automating quantum dot device tuning and operation with a particular focus on datasets, benchmarking, and standardization. We also present ideas put forward by the quantum dot community on how to overcome them.

Categories: Journals, Physics

On Bose-Einstein condensation in interacting Bose gases in the Kac-Luttinger model. (arXiv:2312.14357v1 [math-ph]) Quantum Physics - Mon, 2023-12-25 22:45

We study interacting Bose gases of dimensions $2\le d \in \mathbb N$ at zero temperature in a random model known as the Kac-Luttinger model. Choosing the pair-interaction between the bosons to be of a mean-field type, we prove (complete) Bose-Einstein condensation in probability or with probability almost one into the minimizer of a Hartree-type functional. We accomplish this by building upon very recent results by Alain-Sol Sznitman on the spectral gap of the noninteracting Bose gas.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Experimental Upper Bounds for Resonance-Enhanced Entangled Two-Photon Absorption Cross Section of Indocyanine Green. (arXiv:2312.14382v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Mon, 2023-12-25 22:45

Resonant intermediate states have been proposed to increase the efficiency of entangled two-photon absorption (ETPA). Although resonance-enhanced ETPA (r-ETPA) has been demonstrated in atomic systems using bright squeezed vacuum, it has not been studied in organic molecules. We investigate for the first time r-ETPA in an organic molecular dye, indocyanine green (ICG), when excited by broadband entangled photons in near-IR. Similar to many reported virtual state mediated ETPA (v-ETPA) measurements, no r-ETPA signals are measured, with an experimental upper bound for the cross section placed at $6 \times 10^{-23}$ cm$^2$/molecule. In addition, the classical resonance-enhanced two-photon absorption (r-TPA) cross section of ICG at 800 nm is measured for the first time to be $20(\pm13)$ GM, suggesting that having a resonant intermediate state does not significantly enhance two-photon processes in ICG. The spectrotemporally resolved emission signatures of ICG excited by entangled photons are also presented to support this conclusion.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Broken inversion symmetry in van der Waals topological ferromagnetic metal iron germanium telluride. (arXiv:2312.14384v1 [cond-mat.mtrl-sci]) Quantum Physics - Mon, 2023-12-25 22:45

Inversion symmetry breaking is critical for many quantum effects and fundamental for spin-orbit torque, which is crucial for next-generation spintronics. Recently, a novel type of gigantic intrinsic spin-orbit torque has been established in the topological van-der-Waals (vdW) magnet iron germanium telluride. However, it remains a puzzle because no clear evidence exists for interlayer inversion symmetry breaking. Here, we report the definitive evidence of broken inversion symmetry in iron germanium telluride directly measured by the second harmonic generation (SHG) technique. Our data show that the crystal symmetry reduces from centrosymmetric P63/mmc to noncentrosymmetric polar P3m1 space group, giving the three-fold SHG pattern with dominant out-of-plane polarization. Additionally, the SHG response evolves from an isotropic pattern to a sharp three-fold symmetry upon increasing Fe deficiency, mainly due to the transition from random defects to ordered Fe vacancies. Such SHG response is robust against temperature, ensuring unaltered crystalline symmetries above and below the ferromagnetic transition temperature. These findings add crucial new information to our understanding of this interesting vdW metal, iron germanium telluride: band topology, intrinsic spin-orbit torque and topological vdW polar metal states.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Concatenating Binomial Codes with the Planar Code. (arXiv:2312.14390v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Mon, 2023-12-25 22:45

Rotation symmetric bosonic codes are are an attractive encoding for qubits into oscillator degrees of freedom, particularly in superconducting qubit experiments. While these codes can tolerate considerable loss and dephasing, they will need to be combined with higher level codes to achieve large-scale devices. We investigate concatenating these codes with the planar code in a measurement-based scheme for fault-tolerant quantum computation. We focus on binomial codes as the base level encoding, and estimate break-even points for such encodings under loss for various types of measurement protocol. These codes are more resistant to photon loss errors, but require both higher mean photon numbers and higher phase resolution for gate operations and measurements. We find that it is necessary to implement adaptive phase measurements, maximum likelihood quantum state inference, and weighted minimum weight decoding to obtain good performance for a planar code using binomial code qubits.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Quantum multigraph states and multihypergraph states. (arXiv:2312.14399v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Mon, 2023-12-25 22:45

We proposed two classes of multiparticle entangled states, the multigraph states and multihypergraph states, defined by unique operations on the edges and hyperedges. A key discovery is the one-to-one correspondence between the proposed multihypergraph states and the generalized real equally weighted states when d is prime. While for composite d, multihypergraph states form a subset of the generalized real equally weighted states. Meanwhile, we detailed a method for constructing real equally weighted states from hypergraph states and revealed the generalized real equally weighted states which cannot be generated from d-dimensional hypergraph states.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Critical quantum geometric tensors of parametrically-driven nonlinear resonators. (arXiv:2312.14414v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Mon, 2023-12-25 22:45

Parametrically driven nonlinear resonators represent a building block for realizing fault-tolerant quantum computation and are useful for critical quantum sensing. From a fundamental viewpoint, the most intriguing feature of such a system is perhaps the critical phenomena, which can occur without interaction with any other quantum system. The non-analytic behaviors of its eigenspectrum have been substantially investigated, but those associated with the ground state wavefunction have largely remained unexplored. Using the quantum ground state geometric tensor as an indicator, we comprehensively establish a phase diagram involving the driving parameter $\varepsilon$ and phase $\phi$. The results reveal that with the increase in $\varepsilon$, the system undergoes a quantum phase transition from the normal to the superradiant phase, with the critical point unaffected by $\phi$. Furthermore, the critical exponent and scaling dimension are obtained by an exact numerical method, which is consistent with previous works. Our numerical results show that the phase transition falls within the universality class of the quantum Rabi model. This work reveals that the quantum metric and Berry curvature display diverging behaviors across the quantum phase transition.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Time-reversal assisted quantum metrology with an optimal control. (arXiv:2312.14443v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Mon, 2023-12-25 22:45

We propose a protocol to overcome the shot noise limit and reach the Heisenberg scaling limit for parameter estimation by using quantum optimal control and a time-reversal strategy. Exemplified through the phase estimation, which can play an important role in quantum navigation and measurement, we show that the uncertainty arising from a photon number measurement of the system can saturate the assisted Cream\'er-Rao bound, independent of the phase being estimated. In a realistic case with photon loss, we show that the optimal estimation may still be attainable by optimal control and a projective measurement on an ancilla two-level system coupled to photonic modes.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Entanglement in few-nucleon scattering events. (arXiv:2312.14484v1 [nucl-th]) Quantum Physics - Mon, 2023-12-25 22:45

We investigate the spin entanglement in few-nucleon scattering processes involving nucleons and deuterons. For this purpose, we consider the entanglement power introduced by Beane et al. We analyze different entanglement entropies as a basis to define the entanglement power of the strong interaction and calculate the corresponding entanglement powers for proton-neutron, neutron-deuteron, proton-deuteron, and deuteron-deuteron scattering. For the latter two processes, we also take into account the modification from the Coulomb interaction. In contrast to proton-neutron scattering, no universal low-energy features are evident in the spin entanglement in neutron-deuteron, proton-deuteron, and deuteron-deuteron scattering.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Tuning Quantum Computing Privacy through Quantum Error Correction. (arXiv:2312.14521v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Mon, 2023-12-25 22:45

Quantum computing is a promising paradigm for efficiently solving large and high-complexity problems. To protect quantum computing privacy, pioneering research efforts proposed to redefine differential privacy (DP) in quantum computing, i.e., quantum differential privacy (QDP), and harvest inherent noises generated by quantum computing to implement QDP. However, such an implementation approach is limited by the amount of inherent noises, which makes the privacy budget of the QDP mechanism fixed and uncontrollable. To address this issue, in this paper, we propose to leverage quantum error correction (QEC) techniques to reduce quantum computing errors, while tuning the privacy protection levels in QDP. In short, we gradually decrease the quantum noise error rate by deciding whether to apply QEC operations on the gate in a multiple single qubit gates circuit. We have derived a new calculation formula for the general error rate and corresponding privacy budgets after QEC operation. Then, we expand to achieve further noise reduction using multi-level concatenated QEC operation. Through extensive numerical simulations, we demonstrate that QEC is a feasible way to regulate the degree of privacy protection in quantum computing.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Generalised Geometric Phase: Mathematical Aspects. (arXiv:2312.14522v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Mon, 2023-12-25 22:45

An operator generalisation of the notion of geometric phase has been recently proposed purely based on physical grounds. Here we provide a mathematical foundation for its existence, while uncovering new geometrical structures in quantum systems. While probing the average of any observable it is found that a quantum system exhibits different ray spaces and associated fibre bundle structures. The generalised geometric phase is understood as (an)holonomy of a connection over these fibre bundles. The underlying ray spaces in general are found to be pseudo-Kahler manifolds, and its symplectic structure gets manifests as the generalised geometric phase.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Proposals for ruling out the real quantum theories in an entanglement-swapping quantum network with causally independent sources. (arXiv:2312.14547v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Mon, 2023-12-25 22:45

The question of whether complex numbers play a fundamental role in quantum theory has been debated since the inception of quantum mechanics. Recently, a feasible proposal to differentiate between real and complex quantum theories based on the technique of testing Bell nonlocalities has emerged [Nature 600, 625-629 (2021)]. Based on this method, the real quantum theory has been falsified experimentally in both photonic and superconducting quantum systems [Phys. Rev. Lett. 128, 040402 (2022), Phys. Rev. Lett. 128, 040403 (2022)]. The quantum networks with multiple independent sources which are not causally connected have gained significant interest as they offer new perspective on studying the nonlocalities. The independence of these sources imposes additional constraints on observable covariances and leads to new bounds for classical and quantum correlations. In this study, we examine the discrimination between the real and complex quantum theories with an entanglement swapping scenario under a stronger assumption that the two sources are causally independent, which wasn't made in previous works. Using a revised Navascu\'es-Pironio-Ac\'in method and Bayesian optimization, we find a proposal with optimal coefficients of the correlation function which could give a larger discrimination between the real and quantum theories comparing with the existing proposals. This work opens up avenues for further exploration of the discrimination between real and complex quantum theories within intricate quantum networks featuring causally independent parties.

Categories: Journals, Physics

A fixed-point algorithm for matrix projections with applications in quantum information. (arXiv:2312.14615v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Mon, 2023-12-25 22:45

We develop a simple fixed-point iterative algorithm that computes the matrix projection with respect to the Bures distance on the set of positive definite matrices that are invariant under some symmetry. We prove that the fixed-point iteration algorithm converges exponentially fast to the optimal solution in the number of iterations. Moreover, it numerically shows fast convergence compared to the off-the-shelf semidefinite program solvers. Our algorithm, for the specific case of matrix barycenters, recovers the fixed-point iterative algorithm originally introduced in (\'Alvarez-Esteban et al., 2016). Compared to previous works, our proof is more general and direct as it is based only on simple matrix inequalities. Finally, we discuss several applications of our algorithm in quantum resource theories and quantum Shannon theory.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Arbitrary relaxation rate under non-Hermitian matrix iterations. (arXiv:2312.14617v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Mon, 2023-12-25 22:45

We study the exponential relaxation of observables, propagated with a non-Hermitian transfer matrix, an example being out-of-time-ordered correlations (OTOC) in brickwall (BW) random quantum circuits. Until a time that scales as the system size, the exponential decay of observables is not usually determined by the second largest eigenvalue of the transfer matrix, as one can naively expect, but it is in general slower -- this slower decay rate was dubbed "phantom eigenvalue". Generally, this slower decay is given by the largest value in the pseudospecturm of the transfer matrix, however we show that the decay rate can be an arbitrary value between the second largest eigenvalue and the largest value in the pseudospectrum. This arbitrary decay can be observed for example in the propagation of OTOC in periodic boundary conditions BW circuits. To explore this phenomenon, we study a 1D biased random walk coupled to two reservoirs at the edges, and prove that this simple system also exhibits phantom eigenvalues.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Dipole coupling of a bilayer graphene quantum dot to a high-impedance microwave resonator. (arXiv:2312.14629v1 [cond-mat.mes-hall]) Quantum Physics - Mon, 2023-12-25 22:45

We implement circuit quantum electrodynamics (cQED) with quantum dots in bilayer graphene, a maturing material platform for semiconductor qubits that can host long-lived spin and valley states. The presented device combines a high-impedance ($Z_\mathrm{r} \approx 1 \mathrm{k{\Omega}}$) superconducting microwave resonator with a double quantum dot electrostatically defined in a graphene-based van der Waals heterostructure. Electric dipole coupling between the subsystems allows the resonator to sense the electric susceptibility of the double quantum dot from which we reconstruct its charge stability diagram. We achieve sensitive and fast detection with a signal-to-noise ratio of 3.5 within 1 ${\mu}\mathrm{s}$ integration time. The charge-photon interaction is quantified in the dispersive and resonant regimes by comparing the coupling-induced change in the resonator response to input-output theory, yielding a maximal coupling strength of $g/2{\pi} = 49.7 \mathrm{MHz}$. Our results introduce cQED as a probe for quantum dots in van der Waals materials and indicate a path toward coherent charge-photon coupling with bilayer graphene quantum dots.

Categories: Journals, Physics

On-demand transposition across light-matter interaction regimes in bosonic cQED. (arXiv:2312.14665v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Mon, 2023-12-25 22:45

The diverse applications of light-matter interactions in science and technology stem from the qualitatively distinct ways these interactions manifest, prompting the development of physical platforms that can interchange between regimes on demand. Bosonic cQED employs the light field of high-Q superconducting cavities coupled to non-linear circuit elements, harnessing the rich dynamics of their interaction for quantum information processing. However, implementing fast switching of the interaction regime without deteriorating the cavity coherence is a significant challenge. We present the first experiment to achieve this feat, combining nanosecond-scale frequency tunability of a transmon coupled to a cavity with lifetime of hundreds of microseconds. Our implementation affords a range of new capabilities for quantum information processing; from fast creation of cavity Fock states using resonant interaction and interchanging tomography techniques at qualitatively distinct interaction regimes on the fly, to the suppression of unwanted cavity-transmon dynamics during idle evolution. By bringing flux tunability into the bosonic cQED toolkit, our work opens up a new paradigm to probe the full range of light-matter interaction dynamics within a single platform and provides valuable new pathways towards robust and versatile quantum information processing.

Categories: Journals, Physics
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