
Space-time generalization of mutual information. (arXiv:2401.02475v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Mon, 2024-01-08 22:45

The mutual information characterizes correlations between spatially separated regions of a system. Yet, in experiments we often measure dynamical correlations, which involve probing operators that are also separated in time. Here, we introduce a space-time generalization of mutual information which, by construction, satisfies several natural properties of the mutual information and at the same time characterizes correlations across subsystems that are separated in time. In particular, this quantity, that we call the \emph{space-time mutual information}, bounds all dynamical correlations. We construct this quantity based on the idea of the quantum hypothesis testing. As a by-product, our definition provides a transparent interpretation in terms of an experimentally accessible setup. We draw connections with other notions in quantum information theory, such as quantum channel discrimination. Finally, we study the behavior of the space-time mutual information in several settings and contrast its long-time behavior in many-body localizing and thermalizing systems.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Recent Developments in Quarkonium as an Open Quantum System in Quark-Gluon Plasma. (arXiv:2401.02514v1 [hep-ph]) Quantum Physics - Mon, 2024-01-08 22:45

We review recent progress in understanding quarkonium dynamics inside the quark-gluon plasma as an open quantum system with a focus on the definition and nonperturbative calculations of relevant transport coefficients and generalized gluon distributions.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Creation of coherent superpositions of Raman qubits by using dissipation. (arXiv:2401.02535v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Mon, 2024-01-08 22:45

We show how to create coherent superpositions between two ground states of Lamda quantum system of three states, among which the middle one decays. The idea is to deplete the population of the bright state formed by the two ground states via the population loss channel. The remaining population is trapped in the dark states, which can be designed to be equal to any desired coherent superposition of the ground states. The present concept is an alternative to the slow adiabatic creation of coherent superpositions and may therefore be realized over short times, especially in the case where the middle state has a short life span. However, the price we pay for the fast evolution is associated with an overall 50% population losses. This issue can be removed in an experiment by using post-selection.

Categories: Journals, Physics

The multipartite entanglement classes of a multiport beam-splitter. (arXiv:2401.02619v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Mon, 2024-01-08 22:45

The states generated by a multiport beam-splitter usually display genuine multipartite entanglement between the many spatial modes. Here we investigate the different classes of multipartite entangled states within the paradigm of Stochastic Local Operations with Classical Communication. We highlight two scenarios, one where the multipartite entanglement classes follow a total number hierarchy, and the other where the various classes follow a nonclassicality degree hierarchy.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Compact InGaAs/InP single-photon detector module with ultra-narrowband interference circuits. (arXiv:2401.02625v1 [physics.ins-det]) Quantum Physics - Mon, 2024-01-08 22:45

Gated InGaAs/InP avalanche photodiodes are the most practical device for detection of telecom single photons arriving at regular intervals.Here, we report the development of a compact single-photon detector (SPD) module measured just 8.8cm * 6cm * 2cm in size and fully integrated with driving signal generation, faint avalanche readout, and discrimination circuits as well as temperature regulation and compensation. The readout circuit employs our previously reported ultra-narrowband interference circuits (UNICs) to eliminate the capacitive response to the gating signal. We characterize a UNIC-SPD module with a 1.25-GHz clock input and find its performance comparable to its counterpart built upon discrete functional blocks. Setting its detection efficiency to 30% for 1,550-nm photons, we obtain an afterpulsing probability of 2.4% and a dark count probability of 8E-7 per gate under 3-ns hold-off time. We believe that UNIC-SPDs will be useful in important applications such as quantum key distribution.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Information entropy in excited states in confined quantum systems. (arXiv:2401.02645v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Mon, 2024-01-08 22:45

The present contribution constitutes a brief account of information theoretical analysis in several representative model as well as real quantum mechanical systems. There has been an overwhelming interest to study such measures in various quantum systems, as evidenced by a vast amount of publications in the literature that has taken place in recent years. However, while such works are numerous in so-called \emph{free} systems, there is a genuine lack of these in their constrained counterparts. With this in mind, this chapter will focus on some of the recent exciting progresses that has been witnessed in our laboratory \cite{sen06,roy14mpla,roy14mpla_manning,roy15ijqc, roy16ijqc, mukherjee15,mukherjee16,majumdar17,mukherjee18a,mukherjee18b,mukherjee18c,mukherjee18d,majumdar20,mukherjee21,majumdar21a, majumdar21b}, and elsewhere, with special emphasis on following prototypical systems, namely, (i) double well (DW) potential (symmetric and asymmetric) (ii) \emph{free}, as well as a \emph{confined hydrogen atom} (CHA) enclosed in a spherical impenetrable cavity (iii) a many-electron atom under similar enclosed environment.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Nearly optimal quasienergy estimation and eigenstate preparation of time-periodic Hamiltonians by Sambe space formalism. (arXiv:2401.02700v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Mon, 2024-01-08 22:45

Time-periodic (Floquet) systems are one of the most interesting nonequilibrium systems. As the computation of energy eigenvalues and eigenstates of time-independent Hamiltonians is a central problem in both classical and quantum computation, quasienergy and Floquet eigenstates are the important targets. However, their computation has difficulty of time dependence; the problem can be mapped to a time-independent eigenvalue problem by the Sambe space formalism, but it instead requires additional infinite dimensional space and seems to yield higher computational cost than the time-independent cases. It is still unclear whether they can be computed with guaranteed accuracy as efficiently as the time-independent cases. We address this issue by rigorously deriving the cutoff of the Sambe space to achieve the desired accuracy and organizing quantum algorithms for computing quasienergy and Floquet eigenstates based on the cutoff. The quantum algorithms return quasienergy and Floquet eigenstates with guaranteed accuracy like Quantum Phase Estimation (QPE), which is the optimal algorithm for outputting energy eigenvalues and eigenstates of time-independent Hamiltonians. While the time periodicity provides the additional dimension for the Sambe space and ramifies the eigenstates, the query complexity of the algorithms achieves the near-optimal scaling in allwable errors. In addition, as a by-product of these algorithms, we also organize a quantum algorithm for Floquet eigenstate preparation, in which a preferred gapped Floquet eigenstate can be deterministically implemented with nearly optimal query complexity in the gap. These results show that, despite the difficulty of time-dependence, quasienergy and Floquet eigenstates can be computed almost as efficiently as time-independent cases, shedding light on the accurate and fast simulation of nonequilibrium systems on quantum computers.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Beyond symmetry-protected BICs: transmission through asymmetric crossbar junctions in one-dimensional waveguides. (arXiv:2401.02707v1 [physics.optics]) Quantum Physics - Mon, 2024-01-08 22:45

Over the last few decades, the study of Bound States in the Continuum, their formation, and properties has attracted lots of attention, especially in optics and photonics. It is particularly noticeable that most of these investigations base their studies on symmetric systems. In this article, we study the formation of bound states in the continuum in electronic and photonic transport systems consisting of crossbar junctions formed by one-dimensional waveguides, considering asymmetric junctions with commensurable lengths for the upper and lower arms. We also study how BICs form in linear junction arrays as a function of the distance between consecutive junctions and their commensurability with the upper and lower arms. We solve the Helmholtz equation for the crossbar junctions and calculate the transmission probability, probability density in the intersections, and quality factor. The presence of quasi-BICs is reflected in the transmission probability as a sharp resonance in the middle of a symmetric Fano resonance along with Dirac's delta functions in the probability density and divergence in the quality factors.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Long-Range Four-body Interactions in Structured Nonlinear Photonic Waveguides. (arXiv:2401.02714v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Mon, 2024-01-08 22:45

Multi-photon dynamics beyond linear optical materials are of significant fundamental and technological importance in quantum information processing. However, it remains largely unexplored in nonlinear waveguide QED. In this work, we theoretically propose a structured nonlinear waveguide in the presence of staggered photon-photon interactions, which supports two branches of gaped bands for doublons (i.e., spatially bound-photon-pair states). In contrast to linear waveguide QED systems, we identify two important contributions to its dynamical evolution, i.e., single-photon bound states (SPBSs) and doublon bound states (DBSs). Most remarkably, the nonlinear waveguide can mediate the long-range four-body interactions between two emitter pairs, even in the presence of disturbance from SPBS. By appropriately designing system's parameters, we can achieve high-fidelity four-body Rabi oscillations mediated only by virtual doublons in DBSs. Our findings pave the way for applying structured nonlinear waveguide QED in multi-body quantum information processing and quantum simulations among remote sites.

Categories: Journals, Physics

The control system of the AEgIS experiment at CERN. (arXiv:2401.02732v1 [physics.ins-det]) Quantum Physics - Mon, 2024-01-08 22:45

The AEgIS experiment at CERN recently decided to adopt a control system solution based on the Sinara/ARTIQ open hardware and software infrastructure. This decision meant to depart from the previously used paradigm of custom-made electronics and software to control the experiment's equipment. Instead, adopting a solution with long-term support and used in many quantum physics experiments guarantees a vivid community using similar infrastructures. This transition reduces the risks and development timeline for integrating new equipment seamlessly within the setup. This work reviews the motivation, the setup, and the chosen hardware and presents several planned further steps in developing the control system.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Strong coupling between a single photon and a photon pair. (arXiv:2401.02738v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Mon, 2024-01-08 22:45

The realization of strong nonlinear coupling between single photons has been a long-standing goal in quantum optics and quantum information science, promising wide impact applications, such as all-optical deterministic quantum logic and single-photon frequency conversion. Here, we report an experimental observation of the strong coupling between a single photon and a photon pair in an ultrastrongly-coupled circuit-QED system. This strong nonlinear interaction is realized by introducing a detuned flux qubit working as an effective coupler between two modes of a superconducting coplanar waveguide resonator. The ultrastrong light--matter interaction breaks the excitation number conservation, and an external flux bias breaks the parity conservation. The combined effect of the two enables the strong one--two-photon coupling. Quantum Rabi-like avoided crossing is resolved when tuning the two-photon resonance frequency of the first mode across the single-photon resonance frequency of the second mode. Within this new photonic regime, we observe the second harmonic generation for a mean photon number below one. Our results represent a key step towards a new regime of quantum nonlinear optics, where individual photons can deterministically and coherently interact with each other in the absence of any stimulating fields.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Quantum ballet by gravitational waves: Generating entanglement's dance of revival-collapse and memory within the quantum system. (arXiv:2401.02778v1 [gr-qc]) Quantum Physics - Mon, 2024-01-08 22:45

Recent proposals are emerging for the experimental detection of entanglement mediated by classical gravity, carrying significant theoretical and observational implications. In fact, the detection of gravitational waves (GWs) in LIGO provides an alternative laboratory for testing various gravity-related properties. By employing LIGO's arms as oscillators interacting with gravitational waves (GWs), our study demonstrates the potential for generating quantum entanglement between two mutually orthogonal modes of simple harmonic oscillators. Our findings reveal unique entanglement dynamics, including periodic ``collapse and revival" influenced by GW oscillations, alongside a distinct ``quantum memory effect." We believe that these forecasts may hold significance for both theoretically probing and experimentally verifying the quantumness of gravitational waves.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Fast forward evolution in heat equation:Tunable heat transport in adiabatic regime. (arXiv:2401.02812v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Mon, 2024-01-08 22:45

We consider the problem of fast forward evolution of the processes described in terms of the heat equation. The matter is considered on an adiabatically expanding time-dependent box. Attention is paid to acceleration of heat transfer processes. So called shortcuts to adiabaticity, implying fast forwarding of the adiabatic states are studied. Heat flux and temperature profiles are analyzed for standard and fast forwarded regimes.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Generation of massively entangled bright states of light during harmonic generation in resonant media. (arXiv:2401.02817v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Mon, 2024-01-08 22:45

At the fundamental level, full description of light-matter interaction requires quantum treatment of both matter and light. However, for standard light sources generating intense laser pulses carrying quadrillions of photons in a coherent state, classical description of light during intense laser-matter interaction has been expected to be adequate. Here we show how nonlinear optical response of matter can be controlled to generate dramatic deviations from this standard picture, including generation of multiple harmonics of the incident laser light entangled across many octaves. In particular, non-trivial quantum states of harmonics are generated as soon as one of the harmonics induces a transition between different laser-dressed states of the material system. Such transitions generate an entangled light-matter wavefunction, which emerges as the key condition for generating quantum states of harmonics, sufficient even in the absence of a quantum driving field or material correlations. In turn, entanglement of the material system with a single harmonic generates and controls entanglement between different harmonics. Hence, nonlinear media that are near-resonant with at least one of the harmonics appear to be most attractive for controlled generation of massively entangled quantum states of light. Our analysis opens remarkable opportunities at the interface of attosecond physics and quantum optics, with implications for quantum information science.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Dirac particle under dynamical confinement: Fermi acceleration, trembling motion and quantum force. (arXiv:2401.02837v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Mon, 2024-01-08 22:45

Quantum dynamics of a Dirac particle in a 1D box with moving wall is studied. Dirac equation with time-dependent boundary condition is mapped onto that with static one, but with time-dependent mass. Exact analytical solution of such modified Dirac equation is obtained for massless particle. For massive particle the problem is solved numerically. Time-dependences of the main characteristics of the dynamical confinement, such as average kinetic energy and quantum force are analyzed. It is found that the average kinetic energy remains bounded for the interval length bounded from below, in particular for the periodically oscillating wall.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Quantum Approximate Optimisation for Not-All-Equal SAT. (arXiv:2401.02852v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Mon, 2024-01-08 22:45

Establishing quantum advantage for variational quantum algorithms is an important direction in quantum computing. In this work, we apply the Quantum Approximate Optimisation Algorithm (QAOA) -- a popular variational quantum algorithm for general combinatorial optimisation problems -- to a variant of the satisfiability problem (SAT): Not-All-Equal SAT (NAE-SAT). We focus on regimes where the problems are known to have solutions with low probability and introduce a novel classical solver that outperforms existing solvers. Extensively benchmarking QAOA against this, we show that while the runtime of both solvers scales exponentially with the problem size, the scaling exponent for QAOA is smaller for large enough circuit depths. This implies a polynomial quantum speedup for solving NAE-SAT.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Efficient Parameter Optimisation for Quantum Kernel Alignment: A Sub-sampling Approach in Variational Training. (arXiv:2401.02879v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Mon, 2024-01-08 22:45

Quantum machine learning with quantum kernels for classification problems is a growing area of research. Recently, quantum kernel alignment techniques that parameterise the kernel have been developed, allowing the kernel to be trained and therefore aligned with a specific dataset. While quantum kernel alignment is a promising technique, it has been hampered by considerable training costs because the full kernel matrix must be constructed at every training iteration. Addressing this challenge, we introduce a novel method that seeks to balance efficiency and performance. We present a sub-sampling training approach that uses a subset of the kernel matrix at each training step, thereby reducing the overall computational cost of the training. In this work, we apply the sub-sampling method to synthetic datasets and a real-world breast cancer dataset and demonstrate considerable reductions in the number of circuits required to train the quantum kernel while maintaining classification accuracy.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Violation of LGtI inequalities in the light of NO$\nu$A and T2K anomaly. (arXiv:2401.02886v1 [hep-ph]) Quantum Physics - Mon, 2024-01-08 22:45

The recent anomaly observed in NO$\nu$A and T2K experiments, in standard three-flavor neutrino oscillation could potentially signal physics extending beyond the standard model (SM). For the NSI parameters that can accommodate this anomaly, we explore the violation of Leggett-Garg type inequalities (LGtI) within the context of three-flavor neutrino oscillations. Our analysis focuses on LGtI violations in scenarios involving complex NSI with $\epsilon_{e\mu}$ or $\epsilon_{e\tau}$ coupling in long baseline accelerator experiments for normal and inverted mass ordering. LGtI violation is significantly enhanced in normal ordering (NO) for $\epsilon_{e\tau}$ scenario, whereas it suppresses for $\epsilon_{e\mu}$ scenario for T2K, NO$\nu$A, and DUNE experiment set-up. We find that for inverted ordering (IO), in the DUNE experimental set-up above $6$ GeV, the LGtI violation can be an indication of $\epsilon_{e\tau}$ new physics scenario.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Quantum criticality in chains of planar rotors with dipolar interactions. (arXiv:2401.02887v1 [physics.chem-ph]) Quantum Physics - Mon, 2024-01-08 22:45

In this contribution we perform a density matrix renormalization group study of chains of planar rotors interacting via dipolar interactions. By exploring the ground state from weakly to strongly interacting rotors, we find the occurrence of a quantum phase transition between a disordered and a dipole-ordered quantum state. We show that the nature of the ordered state changes from ferroelectric to antiferroelectric when the relative orientation of the rotor planes varies and that this change requires no modification of the overall symmetry. The observed quantum phase transitions are characterized by critical exponents and central charges which reveal different universality classes ranging from that of the (1+1)D Ising model to the 2D classical XY model.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Lift-Connected Surface Codes. (arXiv:2401.02911v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Mon, 2024-01-08 22:45

We use the recently introduced lifted product to construct a family of Quantum Low Density Parity Check Codes (QLDPC codes). The codes we obtain can be viewed as stacks of surface codes that are interconnected, leading to the name lift-connected surface (LCS) codes. LCS codes offer a wide range of parameters - a particularly striking feature is that they show interesting properties that are favorable compared to the standard surface code already at moderate numbers of physical qubits in the order of tens. We present and analyze the construction and provide numerical simulation results for the logical error rate under code capacity and phenomenological noise. These results show that LCS codes attain thresholds that are comparable to corresponding (non-connected) copies of surface codes, while the logical error rate can be orders of magnitude lower, even for representatives with the same parameters. This provides a code family showing the potential of modern product constructions at already small qubit numbers. Their amenability to 3D-local connectivity renders them particularly relevant for near-term implementations.

Categories: Journals, Physics
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