
On quantum channels that destroy negative conditional entropy. (arXiv:2311.15705v2 [quant-ph] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Tue, 2024-01-09 23:45

Counter-intuitive to classical notions, quantum conditional entropy can be negative, playing a pivotal role in information-processing tasks. This article delves deeply into quantum channels, emphasizing negative conditional entropy breaking channels (NCEB) and introducing negative conditional entropy annihilating channels (NCEA). We characterize these channels from both topological and information-theoretic perspectives, examining their properties when combined serially and NCEB in parallel. Our exploration extends to complimentary channels associated with NCEB, leading to the introduction of information-leaking channels. Utilizing the parameters of the standard depolarizing channel, we provide tangible examples and further characterization. We demonstrate the relationship of NCEB and NCEA with newly introduced channels like coherent information breaking (CIB) and mutual information breaking (MIB), along with standard channels like zero capacity channels. Preservation of quantum resources is an integral constituent of quantum information theory. Recognizing this, we lay prescriptions to detect channels that do not break the negativity of conditional entropy, ensuring the conservation of this quantum resource.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Charge transport battery with quantum feedback. (arXiv:2311.17219v2 [quant-ph] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Tue, 2024-01-09 23:45

A battery is a work storage device, i.e. a device that stores energy in the form of work for later use by other devices. In this work, we study the realization of a quantum battery in a double quantum dot in series, charged by two electrodes at different chemical potentials and optimized by a Markovian quantum feedback protocol. Using the concept of ergotropy as a figure of merit, we first establish a simple expression for the maximum ergotropy in a two-level system, and then find the parameters under which a Markovian feedback can achieve this optimal ergotropy. We also study the influence of interaction with a phonon environment on the charging and discharging process of the battery.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Coherence Distillation Unveils Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Steering. (arXiv:2312.01055v2 [quant-ph] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Tue, 2024-01-09 23:45

Quantum coherence is a fundamental property in quantum information science. Recent developments have provided valuable insights into its distillability and its relationship with nonlocal quantum correlations, such as quantum discord and entanglement. In this work, we focus on quantum steering and the local distillable coherence for a steered subsystem. We propose a steering inequality based on collaborative coherence distillation. Notably, we prove that the proposed steering witness can detect one-way steerable and all pure entangled states. Through linear optical experiments, we corroborate our theoretical efficacy in detecting pure entangled states. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the violation of the steering inequality can be employed as a quantifier of measurement incompatibility. Our work provides a clear quantitative and operational connection between coherence and entanglement, two landmark manifestations of quantum theory and both key enablers for quantum technologies.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Generation of complete graph states in a spin-$1/2$ Heisenberg chain with a globally optimized magnetic field. (arXiv:2401.01986v2 [quant-ph] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Tue, 2024-01-09 23:45

Graph states possess significant practical value in measurement-based quantum computation, with complete graph states that exhibit exceptional performance in quantum metrology. In this work, we introduce a method for generating multiparticle complete graph states using a spin-$1/2$ Heisenberg $XX$ chain subjected to a time-varying magnetic field, which applies to a wide range of systems. Our scheme relies exclusively on nearest-neighbor interactions between atoms, with real-time magnetic field formation facilitated by quantum optimal control theory. We focus specifically on neutral-atom systems, finding that multiparticle complete graph states with $N=3\sim6$ can be achieved in less than $0.25~\mu{\rm s}$, utilizing a hopping amplitude of ${J}/{(2\pi)} = -2.443~{\rm MHz}$. This assumes an initial state provided by an equal-weight superposition of all spin states that are encoded by the dipolar interacting Rydberg states. Additionally, we thoroughly address various experimental imperfections and showcase the robustness of our approach against atomic vibrations, fluctuations in pulse amplitude, and spontaneous emission of Rydberg states. Considering the common occurrence of disturbances in experimental setups of neutral-atom systems, our one-step strategy for achieving such graph states emerges as a more empirically viable alternative to techniques based on controlled-Z gates.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Nonreciprocal entanglement in cavity magnomechanics exploiting chiral cavity-magnon coupling. (arXiv:2401.02280v2 [quant-ph] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Tue, 2024-01-09 23:45

We show how to achieve nonreciprocal quantum entanglement in a cavity magnomechanical system by exploiting the chiral cavity-magnon coupling. The system consists of a magnon mode, a mechanical vibration mode, and two degenerate counter-propagating microwave cavity modes in a torus-shaped cavity. We show that nonreciprocal stationary microwave-magnon and -phonon bipartite entanglements and photon-magnon-phonon tripartite entanglement can be achieved by respectively driving different circulating cavity modes that hold a chiral coupling to the magnon mode. The nonreciprocal entanglements are shown to be robust against various experimental imperfections. The work may find promising applications of the cavity magnomechanical systems in nonreciprocal electromechanical quantum teleportation and chiral magnonic quantum networks.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Two-Unitary Complex Hadamard Matrices of Order $36$. (arXiv:2401.01671v2 [quant-ph] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Tue, 2024-01-09 23:45

A family of two-unitary complex Hadamard matrices (CHM) stemming from a particular matrix, of size $36$ is constructed. Every matrix in this orbit remains unitary after operations of partial transpose and reshuffling which makes it a distinguished subset of CHM. It provides a novel solution to the quantum version of the Euler problem, in which each field of the Graeco-Latin square of size six contains a symmetric superposition of all $36$ officers with phases being multiples of sixth root of unity. This simplifies previously known solutions as all amplitudes of the superposition are equal and the set of phases consists of $6$ elements only. Multidimensional parameterization allows for more flexibility in a potential experimental treatment.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Does the Hamiltonian determine the tensor product structure and the 3d space?. (arXiv:2401.01793v3 [quant-ph] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Tue, 2024-01-09 23:45

It was proposed that the tensor product structure of the Hilbert space is uniquely determined by the Hamiltonian's spectrum, for most finite-dimensional cases satisfying certain conditions.

I show that any such method would lead to infinitely many tensor product structures. The dimension of the space of solutions grows exponentially with the number of qudits. In addition, even if the result were unique, such a Hamiltonian would not entangle subsystems.

These results affect the proposals to recover the 3d space from the Hamiltonian.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Emulated nuclear spin gyroscope with $^{15}$NV centers in diamond. (arXiv:2401.01333v3 [quant-ph] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Tue, 2024-01-09 23:45

Nuclear spins in solid-state platforms are promising for building rotation sensors due to their long coherence times. Among these platforms, nitrogen-vacancy centers have attracted considerable attention with ambient operating conditions. However, the current performance of NV gyroscopes remains limited by the degraded coherence when operating with large spin ensembles. Protecting the coherence of these systems requires a systematic study of the coherence decay mechanism. Here we present the use of nitrogen-15 nuclear spins of NV centers in building gyroscopes, benefiting from its simpler energy structure and vanishing nuclear quadrupole term compared with nitrogen-14 nuclear spins, though suffering from different challenges in coherence protection. We systematically reveal the coherence decay mechanism of the nuclear spin in different NV electronic spin manifolds and further develop a robust coherence protection protocol based on controlling the NV electronic spin only, achieving a 15-fold dephasing time improvement. With the developed coherence protection, we demonstrate an emulated gyroscope by measuring a designed rotation rate pattern, showing an order-of-magnitude sensitivity improvement.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Robust generation of $N$-partite $N$-level singlet states by identical particle interferometry. (arXiv:2312.17184v2 [quant-ph] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Tue, 2024-01-09 23:45

We propose an interferometric scheme for generating the totally antisymmetric state of $N$ identical bosons with $N$ internal levels (generalized singlet). This state is a resource for various problems with dramatic quantum advantage. The procedure uses a sequence of Fourier multi-ports, combined with coincidence measurements filtering the results. Successful preparation of the generalized singlet is confirmed when the $N$ particles of the input state stay separate (anti-bunch) on each multiport. The scheme is robust to local lossless noise and works even with a totally mixed input state.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Highly Efficient Creation and Detection of Ultracold Deeply-Bound Molecules via Chainwise Stimulated Raman Shortcut-to-Adiabatic Passage. (arXiv:2310.11071v6 [quant-ph] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Tue, 2024-01-09 23:45

Chainwise stimulated Raman adiabatic passage (C-STIRAP) in M-type molecular system is a good alternative in creating ultracold deeply-bound molecules when the typical STIRAP in {\Lambda}-type system does not work due to weak Frank-Condon factors between states. However, its creation efficiency under the smooth evolution is generally low. During the process, the population in the intermediate states may decay out quickly and the strong laser pulses may induce multi-photon processes. In this paper, we find that shortcut-to-adiabatic (STA) passage fits very well in improving the performance of the C-STIRAP. Currently, related discussions on the so-called chainwise stimulated Raman shortcut-to-adiabatic passage (C-STIRSAP) are rare. Here, we investigate this topic under the adiabatic elimination. Given a relation among the four incident pulses, it is quite interesting that the M-type system can be generalized into an effective {\Lambda}-type structure with the simplest resonant coupling. Consequently, all possible methods of STA for three-state system can be borrowed. We take the counter-diabatic driving and "chosen path" method as instances to demonstrate our treatment on the molecular system. Although the "chosen path" method does not work well in real three-state system if there is strong decay in the excited state, our C-STIRSAP protocol under both the two methods can create ultracold deeply-bound molecules with high efficiency in the M-type system. The evolution time is shortened without strong laser pulses and the robustness of STA is well preserved. Finally, the detection of ultracold deeply-bound molecules is discussed.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Thermodynamics and dynamics of coupled complex SYK models. (arXiv:2312.14644v2 [hep-th] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Tue, 2024-01-09 23:45

It has been known that the large-$q$ complex SYK model falls under the same universality class as that of van der Waals (mean-field) and saturates the Maldacena-Shenker-Stanford bound, both features shared by various black holes. This makes the SYK model a useful tool in probing the fundamental nature of quantum chaos and holographic duality. This work establishes the robustness of this shared universality class and chaotic properties for SYK-like models by extending to a system of coupled large-$q$ complex SYK models of different orders. We provide a detailed derivation of thermodynamic properties, specifically the critical exponents for an observed phase transition, as well as dynamical properties, in particular the Lyapunov exponent, via the out-of-time correlator calculations. Our analysis reveals that, despite the introduction of an additional scaling parameter through interaction strength ratios, the system undergoes a continuous phase transition at low temperatures, similar to that of the single SYK model. The critical exponents align with the Landau-Ginzburg (mean-field) universality class, shared with van der Waals gases and various AdS black holes. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the coupled SYK system remains maximally chaotic in the large-$q$ limit at low temperatures, adhering to the Maldacena-Shenker-Stanford bound, a feature consistent with the single SYK model. These findings establish robustness and open avenues for broader inquiries into the universality and chaos in complex quantum systems. We conclude by considering the very low-temperature regime where there is again a maximally chaotic to regular (non-chaotic) phase transition. We then discuss relations with the Hawking-Page phase transition observed in the holographic dual black holes.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Optimal energy storage in the Tavis-Cummings quantum battery. (arXiv:2312.13444v2 [quant-ph] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Tue, 2024-01-09 23:45

The Tavis-Cummings (TC) model, which serves as a natural physical realization of a quantum battery, comprises $N_b$ atoms as battery cells that collectively interact with a shared photon field, functioning as the charger, initially containing $n_0$ photons. In this study, we introduce the invariant subspace method to effectively represent the quantum dynamics of the TC battery. Our findings indicate that in the limiting case of $n_0\!\gg\! N_b$ or $N_b\!\gg\! n_0$, a distinct SU(2) symmetry emerges in the dynamics, thereby ensuring the realization of optimal energy storage. We also establish a negative relationship between the battery-charger entanglement and the energy storage capacity. As a result, we demonstrate that the asymptotically optimal energy storage can be achieved in the scenario where $N_b\!=\!n_0\!\gg\! 1$. Our approach not only enhances our comprehension of the algebraic structure inherent in the TC model but also contributes to the broader theoretical framework of quantum batteries. Furthermore, it provides crucial insights into the relation between energy transfer and quantum correlations.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Entanglement of edge modes in (very) strongly correlated topological insulators. (arXiv:2312.13598v2 [cond-mat.str-el] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Tue, 2024-01-09 23:45

Identifying topological phases for a strongly correlated theory remains a non-trivial task, as defining order parameters, such as Berry phases, is not straightforward. Quantum information theory is capable of identifying topological phases for a theory that exhibits quantum phase transition with a suitable definition of order parameters that are related to different entanglement measures for the system. In this work, we study entanglement entropy for a bi-layer SSH model, both in the presence and absence of Hubbard interaction and at varying interaction strengths. For the free theory, edge entanglement acts as an order parameter, which is supported by analytic calculations and numerical (DMRG) studies. We calculate the symmetry-resolved entanglement and demonstrate the equipartition of entanglement for this model which itself acts as an order parameter when calculated for the edge modes. As the DMRG calculation allows one to go beyond the free theory, we study the entanglement structure of the edge modes in the presence of on-site Hubbard interaction for the same model. A sudden reduction of edge entanglement is obtained as interaction is switched on. The explanation for this lies in the change in the size of the degenerate subspaces in the presence and absence of interaction. We also study the signature of entanglement when the interaction strength becomes extremely strong and demonstrate that the edge entanglement remains protected. In this limit, the energy eigenstates essentially become a tensor product state, implying zero entanglement. However, a remnant entropy survives in the non-trivial topological phase which is exactly due to the entanglement of the edge modes.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Distributed Quantum Neural Networks via Partitioned Features Encoding. (arXiv:2312.13650v2 [quant-ph] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Tue, 2024-01-09 23:45

Quantum neural networks are expected to be a promising application in near-term quantum computing, but face challenges such as vanishing gradients during optimization and limited expressibility by a limited number of qubits and shallow circuits. To mitigate these challenges, an approach using distributed quantum neural networks has been proposed to make a prediction by approximating outputs of a large circuit using multiple small circuits. However, the approximation of a large circuit requires an exponential number of small circuit evaluations. Here, we instead propose to distribute partitioned features over multiple small quantum neural networks and use the ensemble of their expectation values to generate predictions. To verify our distributed approach, we demonstrate ten class classification of the Semeion and MNIST handwritten digit datasets. The results of the Semeion dataset imply that while our distributed approach may outperform a single quantum neural network in classification performance, excessive partitioning reduces performance. Nevertheless, for the MNIST dataset, we succeeded in ten class classification with exceeding 96\% accuracy. Our proposed method not only achieved highly accurate predictions for a large dataset but also reduced the hardware requirements for each quantum neural network compared to a large single quantum neural network. Our results highlight distributed quantum neural networks as a promising direction for practical quantum machine learning algorithms compatible with near-term quantum devices. We hope that our approach is useful for exploring quantum machine learning applications.

Categories: Journals, Physics

A complete continuous-variable quantum computation architecture: from cluster state generation to fault-tolerant accomplishment. (arXiv:2312.13877v2 [quant-ph] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Tue, 2024-01-09 23:45

Continuous-variable measurement-based quantum computation, which requires deterministically generated large-scale cluster state, is a promising candidate for practical, scalable, universal, and fault-tolerant quantum computation. In this work, a complete architecture including cluster state preparation, gate implementations, and error correction, is demonstrated. First, a scheme for generating two-dimensional large-scale continuous-variable cluster state by multiplexing both the temporal and spatial domains is proposed. Then, the corresponding gate implementations for universal quantum computation by gate teleportation are discussed and the actual gate noise from the generated cluster state and Gottesman-Kitaev-Preskill (GKP) state are considered. After that, the quantum error correction can be further achieved by utilizing the square-lattice GKP code. Finally, a fault-tolerent quantum computation can be realized by introducing bias into the square-lattice GKP code (to protect against phase-flips) and concatenating a classical repetition code (to handle the residual bit-flip errors), with a squeezing threshold of 12.3 dB. Our work provides a possible option for a complete fault-tolerent quantum computation architecture in the future.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Memory Effects in Quantum State Verification. (arXiv:2312.11066v2 [quant-ph] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Tue, 2024-01-09 23:45

We consider the quantum memory assisted state verification task, where the local verifiers can store copies of quantum states and measure them collectively. We establish an exact analytic formula for optimizing two-copy state verification and give a globally optimal two-copy strategy for multi-qubit graph states involving only Bell measurements. For arbitrary memory availability, we present a dimension expansion technique that designs efficient verification strategies, showcasing its application to GHZ-like states. These strategies become increasingly advantageous with growing memory resources, ultimately approaching the theoretical limit of efficiency. Our findings demonstrate that quantum memories dramatically enhance state verification efficiency, sheding light on error-resistant strategies and practical applications of large-scale quantum memory-assisted verification.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Self-adjointness of a simplified Dirac interaction operator without any cutoffs. (arXiv:2311.12870v3 [quant-ph] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Tue, 2024-01-09 23:45

We show that a simplified version of the Dirac interaction operator given by $\hat H_\mathrm{I} \propto \int d\mathbf{k}d\mathbf{p}(\hat a(\mathbf{k}) + \hat a^\dagger(-\mathbf{k})) \hat b^\dagger(\mathbf{p} + \mathbf{k}) \hat b(\mathbf{p})/\sqrt{|\mathbf{k}|}$ is self-adjoint on a certain domain that is dense in the Hilbert space, even without any cutoffs. The technique that we use for showing this can potentially be extended to a much wider range of operators as well. This technique might therefore potentially lead to more mathematically well-defined theories of QFT in the future.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Hyperpolyadic structures. (arXiv:2312.01366v3 [math.RA] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Tue, 2024-01-09 23:45

We introduce a new class of division algebras, hyperpolyadic algebras, which correspond to the binary division algebras $\mathbb{R}$, $\mathbb{C}$, $\mathbb{H}$, $\mathbb{O}$ without considering new elements. First, we use the proposed earlier matrix polyadization procedure which increases the algebra dimension. The obtained algebras obey the binary addition and nonderived $n$-ary multiplication and their subalgebras are division $n$-ary algebras. For each invertible element we define a new multiplicative norm. We define a polyadic analog of the Cayley-Dickson construction which corresponds to the consequent embedding of monomial matrices. Then we obtain another series of $n$-ary algebras corresponding to the binary division algebras which have more dimension, that is proportional to intermediate arities. Second, a new polyadic product of vectors in any vector space is defined, which is consistent with the polyadization procedure by using vectorization. Endowed with the introduced product the vector space becomes a polyadic algebra which is a division algebra under some invertibility conditions, and it structure constants are computed. Third, we propose a new iterative process (we call it "imaginary tower"), which leads to nonunital nonderived ternary division algebras of half dimension, we call them "half-quaternions" and "half-octonions". The latter are not subalgebras of the binary division algebras, but subsets only, since they have different arity. Nevertheless, they are actually ternary division algebras, because allow division, and their nonzero elements are invertible. From the multiplicativity of the introduced "half-quaternion" norm we obtain the ternary analog of the sum of two squares identity. We prove that the introduced unitless ternary division algebra of imaginary "half-octonions" is ternary alternative.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Towards Quantum Computational Mechanics. (arXiv:2312.03791v2 [quant-ph] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Tue, 2024-01-09 23:45

The advent of quantum computers, operating on entirely different physical principles and abstractions from those of classical digital computers, sets forth a new computing paradigm that can potentially result in game-changing efficiencies and computational performance. Specifically, the ability to simultaneously evolve the state of an entire quantum system leads to quantum parallelism and interference. Despite these prospects, opportunities to bring quantum computing to bear on problems of computational mechanics remain largely unexplored. In this work, we demonstrate how quantum computing can indeed be used to solve representative volume element (RVE) problems in computational homogenisation with polylogarithmic complexity of~$ \mathcal{O}((\log N)^c)$, compared to~$\mathcal{O}(N^c)$ in classical computing. Thus, our quantum RVE solver attains exponential acceleration with respect to classical solvers, bringing concurrent multiscale computing closer to practicality. The proposed quantum RVE solver combines conventional algorithms such as a fixed-point iteration for a homogeneous reference material and the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT). However, the quantum computing reformulation of these algorithms requires a fundamental paradigm shift and a complete rethinking and overhaul of the classical implementation. We employ or develop several techniques, including the Quantum Fourier Transform (QFT), quantum encoding of polynomials, classical piecewise Chebyshev approximation of functions and an auxiliary algorithm for implementing the fixed-point iteration and show that, indeed, an efficient implementation of RVE solvers on quantum computers is possible. We additionally provide theoretical proofs and numerical evidence confirming the anticipated~$ \mathcal{O} \left ((\log N)^c \right) $ complexity of the proposed solver.

Categories: Journals, Physics

A scalable narrow linewidth high power laser for barium ion optical qubit. (arXiv:2312.03388v2 [quant-ph] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Tue, 2024-01-09 23:45

The linewidth of a laser plays a pivotal role in ensuring the high fidelity of ion trap quantum processors and optical clocks. As quantum computing endeavors scale up in qubit number, the demand for higher laser power with ultra-narrow linewidth becomes imperative, and leveraging fiber amplifiers emerges as a promising approach to meet these requirements. This study explores the effectiveness of Thulium-doped fiber amplifiers (TDFAs) as a viable solution for addressing optical qubit transitions in trapped barium ion qubits. We demonstrate that by performing high-fidelity gates on the qubit while introducing minimal intensity noise, TDFAs do not significantly broaden the linewidth of the seed lasers. We employed a Voigt fitting scheme in conjunction with a delayed self-heterodyne method to accurately measure the linewidth independently, corroborating our findings through quadrupole spectroscopy with trapped barium ions. Our results show linewidth values of $160 \pm 15$ Hz and $156 \pm 16$ Hz, respectively, using these two methods, underscoring the reliability of our measurement techniques. The slight variation between the two methods can be attributed to factors such as amplified spontaneous emission in the TDFA or the influence of 1/f noise within the heterodyne setup delay line. These contribute to advancing our understanding of laser linewidth control in the context of ion trap quantum computing as well as stretching the availability of narrow linewidth, high-power tunable lasers beyond the C-band.

Categories: Journals, Physics
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