
Ground-state chiral excitation via periodic modulation

PRA: Quantum information - Wed, 2024-07-10 12:00

Author(s): Shuyue Wang, Wuji Zhang, Chunfang Sun, Chunfeng Wu, and Gangcheng Wang

In this study we engineer the z component of the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction mediated by photons to emulate ground-state chiral excitation based on three-level atoms driven by quantum and classical fields. We employ adiabatic elimination techniques to derive an effective Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya …

[Phys. Rev. A 110, 012432] Published Wed Jul 10, 2024

Categories: Journals, Physics

<i>Colloquium</i>: Quantum batteries

Reviews of Modern Physics - Tue, 2024-07-09 12:00

Author(s): Francesco Campaioli, Stefano Gherardini, James Q. Quach, Marco Polini, and Gian Marcello Andolina

Storage of energy in quantum devices is of practical relevance for applications in quantum technologies. The topic attracts attention also of a more foundational character due to the possibility that the charging power and work extraction can benefit from quantum coherence and collective effects. This Colloquium reviews theoretical concepts and experimental implementations of energy storage in quantum batteries drawing on work in quantum thermodynamics and quantum information science.

[Rev. Mod. Phys. 96, 031001] Published Tue Jul 09, 2024

Categories: Journals, Physics

Energetic Cost for Speedy Synchronization in Non-Hermitian Quantum Dynamics

Author(s): Maxwell Aifer, Juzar Thingna, and Sebastian Deffner

Quantum synchronization is crucial for understanding complex dynamics and holds potential applications in quantum computing and communication. Therefore, assessing the thermodynamic resources required for finite-time synchronization in continuous-variable systems is a critical challenge. In the pres…

[Phys. Rev. Lett. 133, 020401] Published Tue Jul 09, 2024

Categories: Journals, Physics

Vacuum Beam Guide for Large Scale Quantum Networks

Author(s): Yuexun Huang, Francisco Salces–Carcoba, Rana X. Adhikari, Amir H. Safavi-Naeini, and Liang Jiang

The vacuum beam guide (VBG) presents a completely different solution for quantum channels to overcome the limitations of existing fiber and satellite technologies for long-distance quantum communication. With an array of aligned lenses spaced kilometers apart, the VBG offers ultrahigh transparency o…

[Phys. Rev. Lett. 133, 020801] Published Tue Jul 09, 2024

Categories: Journals, Physics

Dark Matter Could Bring Black Holes Together

APS Physics - Tue, 2024-07-09 12:00

Author(s): Marric Stephens

Dark matter that interacts with itself could extract significant momentum from a binary supermassive black hole system, causing the black holes to merge.

[Physics 17, s79] Published Tue Jul 09, 2024

Categories: Physics

Interplay between nonequilibrium and non-Markovianity in controlling the entropic uncertainty bound

PRA: Quantum information - Tue, 2024-07-09 12:00

Author(s): Abdul Basit, Hamad Ali, Gao Xianlong, Peng-Bo Li, Gehad Sadiek, and Hichem Eleuch

The entropic uncertainty relation imposes a limit on the accuracy of measurement outcomes of two conjugate observables, which can be reduced in the presence of quantum memory. We theoretically study the dynamical behaviors of the quantum-memory-assisted entropic uncertainty relation for a bipartite …

[Phys. Rev. A 110, 012429] Published Tue Jul 09, 2024

Categories: Journals, Physics

Quantum algorithm for solving the advection equation using Hamiltonian simulation

PRA: Quantum information - Tue, 2024-07-09 12:00

Author(s): Peter Brearley and Sylvain Laizet

A quantum algorithm for solving the advection equation by embedding the discrete time-marching operator into Hamiltonian simulations is presented. One-dimensional advection can be simulated directly since the central finite-difference operator for first-order derivatives is anti-Hermitian. Here this…

[Phys. Rev. A 110, 012430] Published Tue Jul 09, 2024

Categories: Journals, Physics

Performance optimization of continuous-variable quantum teleportation with generalized photon-varying non-Gaussian operations

PRA: Quantum information - Tue, 2024-07-09 12:00

Author(s): Mingjian He and Shouyin Liu

Continuous variable quantum teleportation provides a path to the long-distance transmission of quantum states. Photon-varying non-Gaussian operations have been shown to improve the fidelity of quantum teleportation when integrated into the protocol. However, for a given type of non-Gaussian operatio…

[Phys. Rev. A 110, 012425] Published Tue Jul 09, 2024

Categories: Journals, Physics

Mitigation of systematic amplitude error in nonadiabatic holonomic operations

PRA: Quantum information - Tue, 2024-07-09 12:00

Author(s): P. Z. Zhao and Jiangbin Gong

Nonadiabatic holonomic operations are based on nonadiabatic non-Abelian geometric phases, hence possessing the inherent geometric features for robustness against control errors. However, nonadiabatic holonomic operations are still sensitive to the systematic amplitude error induced by imperfect cont…

[Phys. Rev. A 110, 012426] Published Tue Jul 09, 2024

Categories: Journals, Physics

Performance analysis of superconductor-constriction-superconductor transmon qubits

PRA: Quantum information - Tue, 2024-07-09 12:00

Author(s): Mingzhao Liu (刘铭钊) and Charles T. Black

This paper presents a computational analysis of a superconducting transmon qubit design, in which the superconductor-insulator-superconductor (SIS) Josephson junction is replaced by a coplanar, superconductor-constriction-superconductor (ScS) nanobridge junction. Within the scope of Ginzburg-Landau …

[Phys. Rev. A 110, 012427] Published Tue Jul 09, 2024

Categories: Journals, Physics

Depth scaling of unstructured search via quantum approximate optimization

PRA: Quantum information - Tue, 2024-07-09 12:00

Author(s): Ernesto Campos, Daniil Rabinovich, and Alexey Uvarov

Variational quantum algorithms have become the de facto model for current quantum computations. A prominent example of such algorithms—the quantum approximate optimization algorithm (QAOA)—was originally designed for combinatorial optimization tasks, but has been shown to be successful for a variety…

[Phys. Rev. A 110, 012428] Published Tue Jul 09, 2024

Categories: Journals, Physics

Bell Sampling from Quantum Circuits

Author(s): Dominik Hangleiter and Michael J. Gullans

A central challenge in the verification of quantum computers is benchmarking their performance as a whole and demonstrating their computational capabilities. In this Letter, we find a universal model of quantum computation, Bell sampling, that can be used for both of those tasks and thus provides an…

[Phys. Rev. Lett. 133, 020601] Published Mon Jul 08, 2024

Categories: Journals, Physics

Nuclear Decay Detected in the Recoil of a Levitating Bead

APS Physics - Mon, 2024-07-08 12:00

Author(s): Tracy Northup

A levitating microparticle is observed to recoil when a nucleus embedded in the particle decays—opening the door to future searches of invisible decay products.

[Physics 17, 107] Published Mon Jul 08, 2024

Categories: Physics

Sensing a Nuclear Kick on a Speck of Dust

APS Physics - Mon, 2024-07-08 12:00

Scientists have detected the decay of radioactive nuclei by tracking the recoil of dust-sized spheres on which the nuclei were embedded.

[Physics 17, 108] Published Mon Jul 08, 2024

Categories: Physics

Maximal intrinsic randomness of a quantum state

PRA: Quantum information - Mon, 2024-07-08 12:00

Author(s): Shuyang Meng, Fionnuala Curran, Gabriel Senno, Victoria J. Wright, Máté Farkas, Valerio Scarani, and Antonio Acín

Quantum states possess an intrinsic form of randomness, inaccessible even to an all-powerful eavesdropper. The authors find concise mathematical expressions for the maximal intrinsic randomness that can be extracted from any quantum state, as quantified by the conditional min-, von Neumann and max-entropies. They also characterize the optimal (and inequivalent) measurements in each case.

[Phys. Rev. A 110, L010403] Published Mon Jul 08, 2024

Categories: Journals, Physics

Coherent errors in stabilizer codes caused by quasistatic phase damping

PRA: Quantum information - Mon, 2024-07-08 12:00

Author(s): Dávid Pataki, Áron Márton, János K. Asbóth, and András Pályi

Quantum error correction is a key challenge for the development of practical quantum computers, a direction in which significant experimental progress has been made in recent years. In solid-state qubits, one of the leading information loss mechanisms is dephasing, usually modeled by phase-flip erro…

[Phys. Rev. A 110, 012417] Published Mon Jul 08, 2024

Categories: Journals, Physics

Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen steering criterion and monogamy relation via correlation matrices in tripartite systems

PRA: Quantum information - Mon, 2024-07-08 12:00

Author(s): Li-Juan Li, Xiao Gang Fan, Xue-Ke Song, Liu Ye, and Dong Wang

Quantum steering is considered one of the most well-known nonlocal phenomena in quantum mechanics. Unlike entanglement and Bell nonlocality, the asymmetry of quantum steering makes it vital for one-sided device-independent quantum information processing. Although there has been much progress on stee…

[Phys. Rev. A 110, 012418] Published Mon Jul 08, 2024

Categories: Journals, Physics

Distance-four quantum codes with combined postselection and error correction

PRA: Quantum information - Mon, 2024-07-08 12:00

Author(s): Prithviraj Prabhu and Ben W. Reichardt

When storing encoded qubits, if single faults can be corrected and double faults can be postselected against, logical errors occur due to at least three faults. At current noise rates, having to restart when two errors are detected prevents very long-term storage, but that should not be an issue for…

[Phys. Rev. A 110, 012419] Published Mon Jul 08, 2024

Categories: Journals, Physics

Block Lanczos method for excited states on a quantum computer

PRA: Quantum information - Mon, 2024-07-08 12:00

Author(s): Thomas E. Baker

The method of quantum Lanczos recursion is extended to solve for multiple excitations on the quantum computer. While quantum Lanczos recursion is, in principle, capable of obtaining excitations, the extension to a block Lanczos routine can resolve degeneracies with better precision and only costs O(…

[Phys. Rev. A 110, 012420] Published Mon Jul 08, 2024

Categories: Journals, Physics

Complementarity relationship between coherence and path distinguishability in an interferometer based on induced coherence

PRA: Quantum information - Mon, 2024-07-08 12:00

Author(s): Gerard J. Machado, Lluc Sendra, Adam Vallés, and Juan P. Torres

We consider an interferometer based on the concept of induced coherence, where two photons that originate in different second-order nonlinear crystals can interfere. We derive a complementarity relationship that links the first-order coherence between the two interfering photons with a parameter tha…

[Phys. Rev. A 110, 012421] Published Mon Jul 08, 2024

Categories: Journals, Physics
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