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Updated: 18 hours 46 min ago

Axion Clouds Enveloping Pulsars

Thu, 2024-10-17 12:00

Author(s): Charles Day

Axions—theorized particles that could account for dark matter—could accumulate around rapidly rotating neutron stars to the point that they become detectable.

[Physics 17, s114] Published Thu Oct 17, 2024

Categories: Physics

Quantum Computing with a Twist

Thu, 2024-10-17 12:00

Author(s): Ryan Wilkinson

The prediction that twisted semiconductor bilayers can host so-called non-Abelian states without a magnetic field holds promise for fault-tolerant quantum computing.

[Physics 17, s129] Published Thu Oct 17, 2024

Categories: Physics

Why Emus Favor Fast Walking

Wed, 2024-10-16 12:00

Author(s): Charles Day

Emus inherited from their dinosaur ancestors a crouched posture that dictates the gait they adopt when moving quickly, according to a new computer simulation of bird motion.

[Physics 17, 151] Published Wed Oct 16, 2024

Categories: Physics

Fluid Flow Anchors Intracellular Structure

Wed, 2024-10-16 12:00

Author(s): Marric Stephens

Theorists have developed a model to explain how a protein structure keeps its position while being buffeted by currents.

[Physics 17, s125] Published Wed Oct 16, 2024

Categories: Physics

Synthesizing New 3D Materials by Twisting

Tue, 2024-10-15 12:00

Author(s): Fangwei Ye

Overlapping two 3D lattices with a relative twist opens the door to synthesizing crystals with diverse symmetries that showcase nontrivial band structures and novel properties.

[Physics 17, 147] Published Tue Oct 15, 2024

Categories: Physics

Diabolical Nanomagnets

Tue, 2024-10-15 12:00

Author(s): Charles Day

A quantum degeneracy named after a Chinese yo-yo boosts the magnetization lifetime of a short chain of magnetic iron atoms by a factor of 1000.

[Physics 17, s118] Published Tue Oct 15, 2024

Categories: Physics

An Extraordinary Cosmic Alignment

Fri, 2024-10-11 12:00

Author(s): Rachel Berkowitz

A rare configuration of seven galaxies aligned behind a galaxy cluster allows researchers to probe with high precision the dark matter distribution within the cluster.

[Physics 17, 148] Published Fri Oct 11, 2024

Categories: Physics

Chemistry Nobel Awarded for an AI System That Predicts Protein Structures

Fri, 2024-10-11 12:00

Author(s): Philip Ball

The algorithm called AlphaFold has now been used to predict structures for all known proteins.

[Physics 17, 149] Published Fri Oct 11, 2024

Categories: Physics

Loss Analysis Boosts OLED Performance

Thu, 2024-10-10 12:00

Author(s): Susan Curtis

The mitigation of a previously neglected energy-loss mechanism in organic light-emitting diodes has enabled researchers to enhance both efficiency and lifetime of these devices.

[Physics 17, s115] Published Thu Oct 10, 2024

Categories: Physics

Heavy Element Formation Limited in Failed Supernovae

Wed, 2024-10-09 12:00

Author(s): Charles Day

Despite its intensity, the gravitational collapse of certain massive stars does not produce an abundance of heavy elements.

[Physics 17, s122] Published Wed Oct 09, 2024

Categories: Physics

<i>Nobel Prize:</i> Mimicking Human Intelligence with Neural Networks

Tue, 2024-10-08 12:00

The 2024 Nobel Prize in Physics honors pioneering work on artificial neural networks, which provided the foundation for many of the artificial intelligence technologies in use today.

[Physics 17, 146] Published Tue Oct 08, 2024

Categories: Physics

Cleaning Intense Laser Pulses with Plasma

Tue, 2024-10-08 12:00

Author(s): Charles Day

When two laser beams converge on a volume of gas, their interference creates a diffraction grating made of plasma that can divert and shape a third beam.

[Physics 17, s123] Published Tue Oct 08, 2024

Categories: Physics

Decoding Nature’s Hidden Messages

Mon, 2024-10-07 12:00

Author(s): Matteo Ciarchi and Ivan Di Terlizzi

Bacteria, cells, swarms, and other organisms pluck information from noisy environments with extraordinarily high precision.

[Physics 17, 143] Published Mon Oct 07, 2024

Categories: Physics

Infrared Single-Photon Detector for Astronomy

Mon, 2024-10-07 12:00

Author(s): Mark Buchanan

An infrared detector is sensitive to a wide range of intensities and could potentially pick up biomarkers from exoplanet atmospheres.

[Physics 17, 144] Published Mon Oct 07, 2024

Categories: Physics

Positronium Cooled to Record Low Temperature

Fri, 2024-10-04 12:00

Author(s): Michael Schirber

A short-lived combination of an electron and an antielectron has been cooled with lasers to near absolute zero—a step toward tackling fundamental questions about matter and antimatter.

[Physics 17, 145] Published Fri Oct 04, 2024

Categories: Physics

Identifying Phases in Low-Speed Human Movement

Thu, 2024-10-03 12:00

Author(s): Ryan Wilkinson

By observing the motion of preschool children, researchers have developed a thermodynamic description of human movement that pinpoints collective phases emerging when social interactions are strong.

[Physics 17, s111] Published Thu Oct 03, 2024

Categories: Physics

LHC Data Constrain Multiple Higgs Models

Wed, 2024-10-02 12:00

Author(s): Michael Schirber

New experimental results from the Large Hadron Collider argue against the existence of multiple Higgs bosons, as predicted in certain “beyond-standard-model” theories.

[Physics 17, s119] Published Wed Oct 02, 2024

Categories: Physics

Magnetic Gyrations Are Excited by Strain

Tue, 2024-10-01 12:00

Author(s): Rachel Berkowitz

Imposing time-dependent strain on a magnetic disk induces vortex dynamics and offers a path toward energy-efficient spintronic devices.

[Physics 17, s117] Published Tue Oct 01, 2024

Categories: Physics

A Time Standard for the Moon—Thanks to General Relativity

Mon, 2024-09-30 12:00

Author(s): Elizabeth Fernandez

As part of an effort to establish a lunar time standard, researchers have used relativity to calculate time differences between Earth and the Moon.

[Physics 17, 140] Published Mon Sep 30, 2024

Categories: Physics

Water Waves Break Up Floating Film

Fri, 2024-09-27 12:00

Author(s): David Ehrenstein

A lab-scale model provides a testing ground for studying the breakup of ice sheets or of other thin solids floating on the surface of a fluid.

[Physics 17, 141] Published Fri Sep 27, 2024

Categories: Physics