Quantum Community Network

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QSA partners
QSA work packages
QSA kickoff (19.04.2018)

In order to be able to engage the large number of stakeholders in Europe appropriately, the QSA has established a network of multipliers, the National Quantum Community Network (QCN). The QCN is composed of distinguished members of the QT community, who have agreed to commit to liaising with their national stakeholders and build the links to the QSA.

  • Identify, engage and involve relevant stakeholders for the tasks of all work packages in their respective country, including:
    • Candidates for the Strategic Research Agenda Working Groups’ exploratory meetings; 
    • Outreach stakeholders, such as press offices, and candidates for the speakers’ database; 
    • Innovation stakeholders such as industry/SMEs/venture capitals/nanofabrication
    • platforms/trade associations, with emphasis on connection to academia; o (Physics) education researchers and organisations;
  • Collect and share information and/or best practices on QT-relevant activities in their country, including:
    • Research programmes and projects;
    • QT-relevant events (conferences, workshop, outreach events etc.) and news;
    • QT-related courses, internships and other education activities (and facilitate the translation to English, if necessary);
    • Offers to support deep-tech start-ups such as accelerators, innovation boot camps, coaching platforms;
  • Help coordinate the interaction between the Flagship and National Initiatives, including:
    • Support Member States (MS) to establish national QT initiatives;
    • Facilitate dialogue and programme harmonisation between national QT initiatives and the
    • Flagship;
  • Assist in the promotion of gender equality in science;
  • Complement, at national level, the QSA Helpdesk (see WP5);
  • Provide, upon request, additional information about activities, regulation etc. in their country.

Below we provide the list of the 29 QCN members

QCN member Affiliation Country
markus [dot] aspelmeyer [at] univie [dot] ac [dot] at (Markus Aspelmayer) UWIEN Austria
milos [dot] nesladek [at] uhasselt [dot] be (Milos Nesladek) UHAS Belgium
vitanov [at] phys [dot] uni-sofia [dot] bg (Nikolay Vitanov) SOFIA Bulgaria
ticijana [at] ifs [dot] hr (Ticijana Ban) INSTFIZ Croatia
dusek [at] optics [dot] upol [dot] cz (Miloslav Dusek) PALACKY Czech Republic
polzik [at] nbi [dot] ku [dot] dk (Eugene Polzik) UCOPENH Denmark
unruh [at] ut [dot] ee (Dominique Unruh) UTARTU Estonia
jukka [dot] pekola [at] aalto [dot] fi (Jukka Pekola) AALTO Finland
Philippe Grangier CNRS France
gerd [dot] leuchs [at] mpl [dot] mpg [dot] de (Gerd Leuchs) MPG Germany
dimitris [dot] angelakis [at] gmail [dot] com (Dimitri Angelakis) TUCRETE Greece
Domokos [dot] Peter [at] wigner [dot] mta [dot] hu (Peter Domokos) WIGNER Hungary
Jiri [dot] Vala [at] nuim [dot] ie (Jiri Vala) MAYNOOTH Ireland
katzn [at] racah [dot] phys [dot] huji [dot] ac [dot] il (Nadav Katz) HUJ Israel
paolo [dot] denatale [at] ino [dot] it (Paolo De Natale) CNR Italy
Andris [dot] Ambainis [at] lu [dot] lv (Andris Ambainis) ULATVIA Latvia
audrius [dot] alkauskas [at] ftmc [dot] lt (Audrius Alkauskas) SRI Lithuania
thomas [dot] schmidt [at] uni [dot] lu (Thomas Schmidt) ULUX Luxembourg
vittorio [dot] peano [at] um [dot] edu [dot] mt (Vittorio Peano) UMALTA Malta
steph [at] locc [dot] la (Stephanie Wehner) QUTECH Netherlands
Konrad [dot] Banaszek [at] fuw [dot] edu [dot] pl (Konrad Banaszek) UWAW Poland
yasser [dot] omar [at] tecnico [dot] ulisboa [dot] pt (Yasser Omar) ITELECOM Portugal
r [dot] ionicioiu [at] cantab [dot] net (Radu Ionicioiu) NIPNE Romania
mario [dot] ziman [at] savba [dot] sk (Mario Ziman) SLOVAS Slovakia
dragan [dot] mihailovic [at] ijs [dot] si (Dragan Mihailovic) IJS Slovenia
antonio [dot] acin [at] icfo [dot] eu (Antonio Acin) ICFO Spain
goran [dot] wendin [at] chalmers [dot] se (Göran Wendin) CHALMERS Sweeden
ensslin [at] phys [dot] ethz [dot] ch (Klaus Ensslin) ETHZ Switzerland
Ian [dot] Walmsley [at] physics [dot] ox [dot] ac [dot] uk (Ian Walmsley) NQIT United Kingdom