QSA kick off meeting

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The QSA'a kick off meeting will happen in an event titled "European Quantum Technology Community Meeting" on April 19, 2018 at the ZEISS Forum in Oberkochen, Germany.

Participants will have the opportunity to:

  • Learn about the latest Quantum Flagship developments;
  • Voice opinions in a discussion with representatives of the Flagship HLSC and the European Commission
  • Participate in workshops on
    • The Flagship’s Strategic Research Agenda
    • Academia-industry partnerships and innovation
    • Outreach and education in the field of Quantum Technology
    • The Flagship’s governance and implementation

The detailed agenda of the meeting can be found below. QT community memebers are enocuraged to register and participate and use this chance to help shape the future of our field!

Also, the scientific ZEISS symposium “Optics in the Quantum World” will be held at the same location during the two days before the community meeting. Our host ZEISS kindly invites you to also participate in this exciting event! Notice that no participation fee will be charged for either event.



8:00 Welcome
8:15 Setting the scene
8:35 Introduction of the Quantum Community Network (QCN)
8:55 Strategic Research Agenda Working Group (SRA WG): Goals and working mode
9:15 BREAK
9:45 Break-out sessions on SRA

- Communication
- Computation
- Simulation
- Sensing and Metrology
- Engineering and Control 
- Software and Theory
- Basic Science

11:00 Presentation of break-out session results in plenum
11:45 LUNCH
12:45 Break-out sessions on

- Innovation
- Education & Outreach
- Governance & Implementation
- Infrastructure for QT
- QT in space
- International cooperation

14:00 BREAK
14:30 Presentation of break-out session results in plenum
15:00 Current statuus of the Flagship and next steps
15:10 Panel-discussion: The Quantum Flagship after the ramp-up phase
16:00 END