Quantum flagship - online consultation on the QUTE consensus paper and registration for the Flagship workshop


A Community consulation has been launched with respect to the Quantum Flagship - the input will be presented to the High Level Steering Committee during an open workshop on the 10th of November in Berlin.

The High Level Steering Committee (http://qurope.eu/db/news/expert-group-quantum-technology-flagship) initiated a consultation process in order to collect the community consensus about the possible structure and governance of the QT Flagship.

During the first HLSC meeting, on the 20th September, T. Calarco presented the following documents:

Public call for applications to extend membership of the high-level expert group on quantum technologies


The call aims to include 12 new members from industries with interest in the Quantum Technologies

DG Connect, as follow up to the recent appointment of the High-Level expert group, has opened a public call in order to add 12 more members to the group.

The Call is aimed to industries with interest in the field of Quantum Technologies. Additional members will be individuals appointed to represent a common interest or organisations. Therefore, there will be two types of membership:

Expert group on Quantum Technology Flagship


Following the nomination of the chair, Prof. Mlynek, the Commission has now formally set-up the Commission Expert Group, with 13 very high level academic members, that will provide recommendations on the preparation of the Quantum Technology Flagship.

The Commission Expert Group on Quantum Technologies - High Level Steering Committee has now been established as a high level expert group with a mandate of one year. Its members will best represent collectively the diversity of stakeholders in Europe, both from the academic as from the industrial sides.

The group will be composed of the following academic members:

Quantum Technologies: Implications for European Policy


The Joint Research Centre, the European Commission's in-house science service, has published a Science for Policy report on Quantum Technologies.

At the Amsterdam conference the Joint Research Centre (JRC) Deputy Director General Maive Rute announced at the Amsterdam Conference on Quantum Technologies, an issue paper titled "Quantum Technologies: Implications for European Policy".

Calarco/Bolle: new cooperation models are needed to bridge the "valley of death"


Prof. Tommaso Calarco, Institute of Complex Quantum Systems, and Michael Bolle, President of R&D, Robert Bosch GmbH, argue that new cooperation models are needed to bridge university research and industry.

In today's blog post of Commissioner Oettinger features the discussion between prof. Tommaso Calarco, Institute of Complex Quantum Systems, and Michael Bolle, President of R&D, Robert Bosch GmbH, concerning the need of new cooperation models to bridge the "valley of death".

Nature: Europe plans giant billion-euro quantum technologies project


The article, published today on Nature, featuring also an interview to Tommaso Calarco, details the start of the initiative and the weight of the Quantum Manifesto had on the final decision from the commission.

Nature dedicated a short article/interview to the Europe Flagship initiative, giving information on how everything started, which will be the role of the EC and what it is expected to achieve. It underlines also the differences that the flagship must have in comparison with the graphene and with the brain flagship. The article contains also some dissonant voices.

Link: http://www.nature.com/news/europe-plans-giant-billion-euro-quantum-technologies-project-1.19796

Computer gamers solve quantum problems


More than 10,000 computer-game enthusiasts have helped physicists in Denmark to design better protocols for running quantum computers.

More than 10,000 computer-game enthusiasts have helped physicists in Denmark to design better protocols for running quantum computers.

Quantum Information added to Physical Review A’s statement of coverage


Physical Review A has recently changed its formal statement of coverage to explicitly include Quantum Information.

Physical Review A has recently changed its formal statement of coverage to explicitly include Quantum Information.

Annales Henri Poincare opens a Section in Quantum Information Theory


One of the most prestigious journals on mathematical and theoretical physics, “Annales Henri Poincaré” (AHP), has opened a Section in Quantum Information Theory.

One of the most prestigious journals on mathematical and theoretical physics, “Annales Henri Poincaré” (AHP), has opened a Section in Quantum Information Theory.

Airbus Group sets up a quantum computing unit


"With Airbus Group’s recent move to set up a quantum computing unit at its Newport plant, the Company aims to leverage the colossal power offered by quantum computing and apply it to its aerospace activities."

"With Airbus Group’s recent move to set up a quantum computing unit at its Newport plant, the Company aims to leverage the colossal power offered by quantum computing and apply it to its aerospace activities."

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