Quantum flagship - online consultation on the QUTE consensus paper and registration for the Flagship workshop


A Community consulation has been launched with respect to the Quantum Flagship - the input will be presented to the High Level Steering Committee during an open workshop on the 10th of November in Berlin.

The High Level Steering Committee (http://qurope.eu/db/news/expert-group-quantum-technology-flagship) initiated a consultation process in order to collect the community consensus about the possible structure and governance of the QT Flagship.

During the first HLSC meeting, on the 20th September, T. Calarco presented the following documents:

  • The Quantum Technologies scientific roadmap, which is the result of the process initiated by the ERA-Pilot initiative in 2005 and now in its 9th version, and has been edited by the members of the QT Virtual Institutes and Virtual Facilities (http://qurope.eu/vi).
  • A consensus report resutling from the work QUTE Flagship Working Group (members listed at the end of the report), which was nominated last June by the Strategic Advisory Board of the Coordination Action QUTE-Europe (http://qurope.eu/content/qute-europe-sab);

The documents can be retrieved at http://qurope.eu/content/quantum-flagship-consultation-documents along with a description of the QUTE Flagship Working Group and of the four people (T. Debuisschert, T. Strohm, R. Thew, F. Wilhelm-Mauch) who are currently moderating the group, following the nomination of T. Calarco to the HLSC. (NB: to access the page, you must be logged into your QUROPE account)

You have two opportunities to participate, which are open to the whole community: an online feedback channel, and a European-wide workshop, taking place on November 10th in Berlin right before the HLSC’s next meeting. You are therefore invited to:

- Indicate your interest to join the Berlin workshop via https://goo.gl/forms/2vjdqv1gCQRa6WEF2 by October 11th;

- Provide your feedback on the above documents via https://goo.gl/forms/EnvJjzC6OmdVDNW82 by October 25th;

- Register your group on the Europe database (http://qurope.eu/db/groups) if not yet present.

The QUTE Flagship Working Group will:

- Send, in the week following October 11th, confirmations of participation to the Berlin workshop (we are still looking for a venue, so space may be limited, but we will try to broadcast the event via web and to provide an online chat for real-time feedback), as well as its agenda;

- Compile, in the weeks following October 25th, your feedback collected via the online form, to be presented in Berlin on November 10th;

- Prepare a first draft of the Flagship research agenda, based on the scientific roadmap and on input from industries, to be also discussed at the Berlin workshop.

The HLSC members will be present at the workshop, and will use the resulting outcomes as an input in view of preparing its recommendations to the EC.