Quantum Control

Workshop 2018: Quantum Engineering of Levitated Systems

2018-09-17 - 2018-09-21
Registration deadline: 
2018-07-25 (All day)
Centro de Ciencias de Benasque
Dear members of 'The QUROPE mailing list’,

Wiley-VCH to launch of a new journal: "Advanced Quantum Technologies" - now open for submission!


Wiley-VCH is currently preparing the launch of a new journal, Advanced Quantum Technologies (www.advquantumtech.com). The journal is now open for submission

We would like to inform you that the Editorial Office of Wiley-VCH is currently preparing the launch of a new journal, Advanced Quantum Technologies (www.advquantumtech.com). The journal is now open for submission.

EC vice-president Ansip: "I would like Europe to be the home to a world-class quantum industry"


EC vice-president and Commissioner for the Digital Single Market, Andrus Ansip, makes positive remarks about Quantum Technologies and talk about what will be the next steps in Europe for the QT.

In a recent post on his blog, EC vice-president and Commissioner for the Digital Single Market, Andrus Ansip, expresses his hopes and vision for the Quantum Technologies.

FOMO2018 Summer School of the Conference Frontiers of MatterWave Optics

2018-09-10 - 2018-09-14
Registration deadline: 
2018-07-01 (All day)
Crete, Greece

Scope of the Summer School

The summer school aims at providing a strong background in matter-wave physics to those starting in the field, be it PhD students or early stage post-docs. The school will consist of a series of in-depth lectures by leading experimentalists and theorists in the field. The summer school is to some extent a preparation to the conference, which follows the week after.

The summer school will take place in the village of Archanes, close to Heraklion on Crete (Greece).  

High Level Steering Committee Final Report published


The final report of the High Level Steering Committee for Quantum Technologies has been published.

On the 18th of September the final report of the High Level Steering Committee on Quantum Technologies has been published. This documents complete the intermidiate report which was published in February. The final report expands the section dedicated on the implementation and include a proposal for the governance structure of the QT flagship.

you can find the document at this link https://ec.europa.eu/digital-single-market/en/news/quantum-flagship-high...

Pre-publication of the LEIT-ICT WP18-20 (including QKD Testbed)


The European Commission has made available the prepublication version of the calls for the ICT part of the Work-programme 2018-2020. the documents contains the call for the QKD testbed

Following up yesterday announcement, with the prepublication of the FET workprogramme (you can find the previous announcement here http://qurope.eu/db/news/prepublication-h2020-fet-work-programme-2018-2020 ), the European Commission has made available the prepublication version of another piece of the 2018-2020 work-programme, the one dedicated to the Information and Communication Technology (ICT), which include the call for the QKD testbed. you can find the document here https://ec.europa.eu/programmes/horizon2020/sites/horizon2020/files/h202...

Prepublication of the H2020 FET work Programme 2018-2020


The EC has made available a prepubblication version of the H2020 Work programme 2018-2020

The European Commission has made available a draft version of the work-programme 2018-2020, which can be found at this link: https://ec.europa.eu/programmes/horizon2020/en/what-work-programme

This is still a preliminary version pending formal adoption by the European Commission, which should happen in October.

The European quantum technologies flagship programme - Special Issue in Quantum Science and Technology


A recently published article on the Quantum Science and Technology tackles the topic of the European Quantum Technologies Flagship Programme

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