Green Paper on a Common Strategic Framework for future EU Research and Innovation Funding


The European Commission presented a Green Paper proposing major changes to EU research & innovation funding and is seeking the views of all interested individuals and organisations.

Preparing for FP8

On 9th February 2011, the European Commission presented a Green Paper proposing major changes to EU research & innovation funding to make participation easier, increase scientific and economic impact and provide better value for money. The changes, to be introduced in the next EU budget after 2013, would bring together the current Framework Programme for research, the Competitiveness and Innovation Programme, and the European Institute of Innovation and Technology.

QIPC2011 web site on-line


The web site for the QIPC 2011 conference in Zuerich is now available.

The web site of the international conference on Quantum Information Processing and Communication (QIPC) 2011 to be held at ETH Zurich from September 5 - 9, 2011 is open now. On the web site you find information on the program, a list of invited speakers, a list of local and program committee members, information on accommodation and the venue of the conference and much more.

Special Issue on "Trapped Ions" in Applied Physics B - Laser and Optics


Contributions are invited for the special issue on “Trapped Ions” in Applied Physics B – Lasers and Optics.

As advertised at the 1st European Conference on Trapped Ions (ECTI2010), there will be a special issue on “Trapped Ions” in Applied Physics B – Lasers and Optics. Contributions to this special issue can include all aspects of ion trapping.


2011-05-04 - 2011-05-06
Budapest, Hungary

FET 2011

The European Future Technologies (FET) Conference and Exhibition aims to be the European forum for facilitating international cross-disciplinary dialogue and discussion on visions and challenges for frontier research in future and emerging information technologies.

The deadline for proposals of conference sessions, posters and exhibits are announced on the Calls web site.

Breakthrough of the Year


Science Magazine has named "The First Quantum Machine" the "Breakthrough of the Year".

Science Magazine has named "The First Quantum Machine" the "Breakthrough of the Year".

Read the full story at Science Magazine.

Quantum Computing Reaches for True Power

The New York Times on "Quantum Computing Reaches for True Power".

International cooperation on FET research


Announcing FET-Open Objective ICT-2011.9.4: International cooperation on FET research

The Commission ICT Work-Programme 2011-2012 feature an interesting Objective under FET-Open, namely "Objective ICT-2011.9.4: International cooperation on FET research". This consist in a funding scheme that provides additional funding to existing grant for on-going FET IPs and STREPs ending at least 18 months after the submission date of the proposal (click on the tab below to access the full Objective text as published in the WP).

QIPC in the ICT Work-Programme 2011-2013


The new ICT Work Programme 2011-2012 has been published, featuring QIPC as a FET Proactive Objective.

The new ICT Work Programme 2011-2012 has been published on the CORDIS website (a copy for download is available also here), and QIPC is contemplated again amongst the FET Proactive Initiatives. 

The WP features the objective ICT-2011 9.9 "Quantum ICT including ERA-NET Plus" (click on the tab below to read the full text)

P is not equal to NP?


HP Labs' researcher Vinay Deolalikar claims to have solved the problem. His answer is that the two classes do not coincide: P is a proper subset of NP.

On August 6 HP Labs' researcher Vinay Deolalikar sent the following letter to his fellows researchers in HP Labs:

"Dear Fellow Researchers,
I am pleased to announce a proof that P is not equal to NP, which is attached in 10pt and 12pt fonts

The proof required the piecing together of principles from multiple areas within mathematics. The major effort in constructing this proof was uncovering a chain of conceptual links between various fields and viewing them through a common lens. Second to this were the technical hurdles faced at each stage in the proof.

This work builds upon fundamental contributions many esteemed researchers have made to their fields. In the presentation of this paper, it was my intention to provide the reader with an understanding of the global framework for this proof. Technical and computational details within chapters were minimized as much as possible.

First CHIST-ERA Conference

2010-05-27 - 2010-05-28
EUR - Rome

The purpose of this first CHIST-ERA conference will be to bring together personalities and scientists from the community of the call topics (Quantum Information Foundations and Technologies and Self-Awareness & Self-Consciousness) preliminarily chosen by the CHIST-ERA Consortium and that will be called for in the first CHIST-ERA transnational call for projects.

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