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Format: 2024-09-17
Format: 2024-09-17
Format: 2024-09-17

Der ETH-Physiker Andreas Wallraff entwickelt Mikrochips, die tausendmal energieeffizienter sind als herkömmliche Computer.


Diamond spins are an ideal test bed for exploring quantum physics of few well controllable qubit systems. Defect center electron spins show strong coupling to a light field and at the same time interact with few surrounding nuclei in the lattice. As a result the system usually constitutes a few qubit system with excellent coherence and controllability even at room temperature. It fulfills all characteristics of a quantum register including single shot read-out capability.


Bridging the gap between quantum-optical and solid-state implementations of quantum information is currently one of the major challenges in the field. Microscopic quantum systems have long coherence times, whereas artificial superconducting atoms can be manipulated and entangled very rapidly and with high fidelity; it is therefore appealing to combine them to form “hybrid” quantum circuits. In a first set of experiments towards this goal, we have demonstrated the strong coupling between an ensemble of electronic spins and a frequency tunable superconducting resonator [1].


Spins confined in semiconductor quantum dots offer new possibilities for realizing quantum optical systems with unique properties. Conversely, optical measurement techniques provide a powerful tool for studying mesoscopic condensed-matter systems.


The main characteristics of good qubits are long coherence times in combination with fast operating times. It is well known that carbon-based materials could increase the coherence times of spin qubits, which are among the most developed solid-state qubits. Here, we propose how to form spin qubits in graphene quantum dots. A crucial requirement to achieve this goal is to find quantum-dot states where the usual valley degeneracy in bulk graphene is lifted. We show that this problem can be avoided in quantum dots based on ribbons of graphene with armchair boundaries.


Superconducting quantum circuits with Josephson junctions have shown in the last decade very rich and successful quantum experiments. They appeared as the most promising solid state scalable quantum system for quantum information processor. These superconducting circuits behave as artificial atoms and were extensively studied to test fundamental concepts of quantum mechanics. This research is always in strong development.


We report the realization of a quantum circuit in which an ensemble of electronic spins is coupled to a frequency tunable superconducting resonator. The spins are Nitrogen-Vacancy centers in a diamond crystal. The achievement of strong coupling is manifested by the appearance of a vacuum Rabi splitting in the transmission spectrum of the resonator when its frequency is tuned through the NV center electron spin resonance. 


We report the observation of photon generation in a microwave cavity with a time-dependent boundary condition. Our system is a microfabricated quarter-wave coplanar waveguide cavity. The electrical length of the cavity is varied by using the tunable inductance of a superconducting quantum interference device. It is measured at a temperature significantly less than the resonance frequency. When the length is modulated at approximately twice the static resonance frequency, spontaneous parametric oscillations of the cavity field are observed.


One of the most surprising predictions of modern quantum theory is that the vacuum of space is not empty. In fact, quantum theory predicts that it teems with virtual particles flitting in and out of existence. While initially a curiosity, it was quickly realized that these vacuum fluctuations had measurable consequences, for instance producing the Lamb shift of atomic spectra and modifying the magnetic moment for the electron. This type of renormalization due to vacuum fluctuations is now central to our understanding of nature.


Interaction of defect centers in diamond and molecules with thin metal wires, bow tie, and other antenna structures: By studying the coupling efficiency and mechanism we achieve an improved insight into the quantum plasmon interaction.


Helical modes, conducting opposite spins in opposite directions, are shown to exist in metallic armchair nanotubes in an all-electric setup. This is a consequence of the interplay between spin orbit interaction and strong electric fields. The helical regime can also be obtained in chiral metallic nanotubes by applying an additional magnetic field. In particular, it is possible to obtain helical modes at one of the two Dirac points only, while the other one remains gapped.


The main characteristics of good qubits are long coherence times in combination with fast operating times. It is well known that carbon-based materials could increase the coherence times of spin qubits, which are among the most developed solid-state qubits. Here, we propose how to form spin qubits in graphene quantum dots. A crucial requirement to achieve this goal is to find quantum-dot states where the usual valley degeneracy in bulk graphene is lifted. We show that this problem can be avoided in quantum dots based on ribbons of graphene with armchair boundaries.


Helical modes, conducting opposite spins in opposite directions, are shown to exist in metallic armchair nanotubes in an all-electric setup. This is a consequence of the interplay between spin orbit interaction and strong electric fields. The helical regime can also be obtained in chiral metallic nanotubes by applying an additional magnetic field. In particular, it is possible to obtain helical modes at one of the two Dirac points only, while the other one remains gapped.


Diamond defects allow for precise measurement of single electron and nuclear spin quantum states. The excellent controllability of these spins as well as efficient decoupling from environment make them an ideal playground for engineering complex quantum states and development of elaborate control schemes. The talk will describe how nuclear spin states can be efficiently read-out and used as Qbits in spin clusters. Routes towards the controlled engineering of extended spin arrays as well as coupling to control structures will be discussed.


I review the theoretical concepts for spin qubits and scalable quantum computers in nanostructures and highlight the experimental progress in this fast moving field. I describe the standard model of quantum computing and the basic criteria for its potential realization in solid state systems such as GaAs heterostructures, carbon nanotubes, InAs or SiGe nanowires, etc. Other alternative formulations such as measurement-based and adiabatic quantum computing are mentioned briefly. I then focus on qubits formed by individual electron spins in single and double GaAs quantum dots.


In circuit quantum electrodynamics (QED) the cavity-mediated dispersive interaction is the dominant inter-qubit coupling mechanism when the qubits are detuned from the resonator. This mechanism can be used to realize two-qubit gates. Here, we investigate the strength of this interaction explicitly considering the Fabry-Perot like multi-mode structure of the microwave frequency transmission line resonator. We observe the formation of dark states when the qubits are driven jointly by the same resonator microwave field and tuned into resonance with each other.

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