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Format: 2024-09-17
Format: 2024-09-17
Format: 2024-09-17




Quantum computers, should they be realized one day, will inevitably make errors. Therefore, they need special error correcting mechanisms. The most important part of it, a so-called Toffoli gate, has now been realized by ETH scientists with superconducting circuits. 


Using modern micro an nano-fabrication techniques combined with superconducting materials we realize quantum electronic circuits. We create, store, and manipulate individual microwave photons on a chip. The strong interaction of photons with superconducting quantum two-level systems allows us to develop components for applications in quantum information technology and also to probe fundamental quantum effects of light. Here, I will discuss experiments with up to three qubits in which we demonstrate the operation of single-, two- and three-qubit logic gates with high fidelity.


Helical modes, conducting opposite spins in opposite directions, are shown to exist in metallic armchair nanotubes in an all-electric setup [1] and in SiGe nanowires [2]. This is a consequence of the interplay between spin orbit interaction and strong electric fields. The helical regime can also be obtained in chiral metallic nanotubes by applying an additional magnetic field. In particular, it is possible to obtain helical modes at one of the two Dirac points only, while the other one remains gapped.


The main characteristics of good qubits are long coherence times in combination with fast operating times. It is well known that carbon-based materials could increase the coherence times of spin qubits, which are among the most developed solid-state qubits. Here, we propose how to form spin qubits in graphene quantum dots. A crucial requirement to achieve this goal is to find quantum-dot states where the usual valley degeneracy in bulk graphene is lifted. We show that this problem can be avoided in quantum dots based on ribbons of graphene with armchair boundaries.


Superconducting circuits based on Josephson junctions are among the most promising solid state candidates for implementing quantum computing algorithms. Although no efficient superconducting quantum processor has yet been operated since the first demonstration in 1999 of quantum coherence in the Cooper pair box circuit, significant progress has been achieved in terms of quantum coherence, readout fidelity, gate operation and circuit complexity.


We briefly review some landmarks in quantum measurements of the internal and external degrees of freedom in trapped ions. We present also novel developments, some of which have been implemented in recent trapped-ion experiments.



Superconducting circuits based on Josephson junctions are among the most promising solid state candidates for implementing quantum computing algorithms. Although no efficient superconducting quantum processor has yet been operated since the first demonstration in 1999 of quantum coherence in the Cooper pair box circuit, significant progress has been achieved in terms of quantum coherence, readout fidelity, gate operation and circuit complexity.


La simulación cuántica consiste en la reproducción artificial de un comportamiento específico, propio de un sistema físico, en otro sistema al que le es completamente ajeno. De algún modo la simulación cuántica representa la llegada del arte del teatro al mundo cuántico. Presentaremos una introducción pedagógica con ejemplos de propuestas novedosas y experimentos realizados en los últimos años.


We extend the Mermin-Wagner theorem to a system of lattice spins which are spin coupled to itinerant and interacting charge carriers. We use the Bogoliubov inequality to rigorously prove that neither (anti-) ferromagnetic nor helical long-range order is possible in one and two dimensions at any finite temperature. Our proof applies to a wide class of models including any form of electron-electron and single-electron interactions that are independent of spin.


We report the realization of a quantum circuit in which an ensemble of electronic spins is coupled to a frequency tunable superconducting resonator. The spins are Nitrogen-Vacancy centers in a diamond crystal. The achievement of strong coupling is manifested by the appearance of a vacuum Rabi splitting in the transmission spectrum of the resonator when its frequency is tuned through the NV center electron spin resonance. 

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