Fibre optic multi-photon sources for quantum information

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University of Bristol, UK
3 March, 2012


United Kingdom
51° 27' 16.2468" N, 2° 35' 16.476" W

In Bristol we focus on optical realisations of quantum information primitives (CNOT gates, cluster states, quantum relays) using pairs and multipairs of photons generated using fibre optic pair photon sources. These exploit nonlinearities and novel phasematching in micro-structured optical fibres. These sources have demonstrated the highest efficiency for the production and detection of pair photons in well defined spatial modes and temporal modes. We are thus now linking these pair photons up to develop multiphoton sources which will allow multi-qubit information processing demonstrations. This project will investigate the development of ‘cluster state’ computation using these sources and metrology experiments exploiting the dual wavelength nature of the photons. The project will involve collaboration with the University of Bath and has strong links with EU projects.

Further reading:Halder et al, Nonclassical 2-photon interference with separate intrinsically narrowband fibre sources, Optics Express 17,  4670-6, 2009

J. Fulconis, etal, Nonclassical interference and entanglement generation using a photonic crystal fiber pair photon source, Phys. Rev. Letts. 99, 120501, 2007.

Other student projects will be available for 2012 entry, see: (Centre for quantum photonics) and (Photonics group) websites for details of the group and wider projects.


Studentship details: This is a 36-42 month studentship funded from an EU grant. UK/EU level fees are paid and students are covered with stipend of ~£13590 pa.

Qualification requirements: A good degree (better than 2.1 equivalent) in Physics or Engineering at Masters level with good project marks and good performance in optics modules.

Further information contact: Prof. John G. Rarity, E&EE, University of Bristol, John [dot] Rarity [at] bristol [dot] ac [dot] uk

Application will then be through University of Bristol online postgraduate application process. We expect a student to start in this post between October 2011and March 2012


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