PhDs in Optical Quantum Technologies: Quantum-Enhanced Sensing and Quantum Information Science

University of Oxford
31 July, 2014

The Optical Quantum Technologies group at the University of Oxford is looking for two PhD/DPhil students in the general area of quantum optics and quantum information science. The group’s research interests are in the general areas of experimental and theoretical quantum optics and related quantum technologies. Recent work has focused on developing methods to create, manipulate and measure non-classical states of light based upon time-frequency pulsed modes.

Post-doctoral fellowships in Atomic Physics

AtomChip Laboratory, Ben-Gurion University, Israel (
15 July, 2014

The position (experiment and/or theory) is in the field of quantum optics, cold atoms, and atom spectroscopy.

Applicants should have extensive experience in atomic physics and ultra-cold atoms. Very competitive salaries are available, including generous re-location packages.

PhD (Marie Curie ITN) Quantum logic spectroscopy with a state selected simple molecular ion

LKB Paris
30 November, 2014

Ions confined in radiofrequency (Paul) traps, highlighted by Dave Wineland’s 2012 Nobel Prize, constitute an almost ideal quantum system, in the sense that they can be maintained for long times in a well-controlled environment, virtually free from external perturbations. This makes them attractive for applications such as quantum information processing and high-precision measurements. Two important ingredients in this kind of experiment are the control of the external motion by laser cooling, and of the internal quantum state of the ions.

PhD Positions in Experimental Atom Optics and Quantum Technology

University of Strathclyde
1 October, 2014

*PhD positions in experimental atom optics*

The Experimental Quantum Optics and Photonics group at the University of Strathclyde would like to announce the opening of three PhD studentships, to be filled from the 1st October 2014. The fully-funded positions are for 3.5 years, covering all fees and include a competitive stipend.

PhD position in quantum information

CEOSpaceTech Research Centre in Bucharest
1 September, 2014

We have an opening for a full-time PhD position in quantum information at CEOSpaceTech Research Centre in Bucharest.

The Research Center for Spatial Information (CEOSpaceTech), Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technology, University "Politehnica" Bucharest (UPB) fosters and develops a leading-edge research and an academic focal point, in areas of Radar and THz sensors and imaging, sensor networks, information extraction from sensor data, Mining Big Data and Quantum Information.

PhD Thesis: Rare earth based optical-microwave quantum interface

Saarland University
1 September, 2014


PhD Thesis:

Rare earth based optical-microwave quantum interface

PhD position in Quantum Information Theory

University of Copenhagen
5 October, 2014

There are currently PhD openings (including in quantum information theory) in the Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Copenhagen. For more information see:

Please note that the deadline is very soon (10th of May 2014).

Best wishes, Matthias.

Matthias Christandl
Department of Mathematical Sciences
Copenhagen University
email: christandl [at] math [dot] ku [dot] dk

Funded PhD studentships in Experimental Quantum Technologies

1 September, 2014

Funded PhD studentships in Experimental Quantum Technologies


Title: PhD Studentships in Experimental Quantum Technologies


Stipend: £15,726 per annum plus fees for 4 years


PhD position at the University of Vienna: Quantum Information Theory + High Energy Physics

University of Vienna, Austria
18 May, 2014

In 1964, the physicist John St. Bell initiated a new research field by studying quantum mechanics closer. Until today, many interesting and fruitful directions have emerged and even the first applications are on the market. In a different field, in particle physics, experiments are achieving ever higher precision such that the borderline of known physics will be reached. The project combines both fields and its aim is to tackle some of the most fundamental questions of quantum mechanics and to relate them to the most fundamental questions in particle physics.

PhD and Postdoc positions in theoretical quantum optics

University of Basel
8 June, 2014

PhD and Postdoc positions in theoretical quantum optics are available in the new group of Nicolas Sangouard at the Department of Physics of the University of Basel (Switzerland).

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