PhD Positions in Experimental Atom Optics and Quantum Technology

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University of Strathclyde
1 October, 2014


University of Strathclyde Strathclyde
United Kingdom

*PhD positions in experimental atom optics*

The Experimental Quantum Optics and Photonics group at the University of Strathclyde would like to announce the opening of three PhD studentships, to be filled from the 1st October 2014. The fully-funded positions are for 3.5 years, covering all fees and include a competitive stipend.

The group is part of an established and exciting research environment with internationally leading theoretical and experimental groups work on quantum optics, quantum degenerate gases, precision metrology, and quantum information. Students will receive postgraduate teaching and training as part of the SUPA (Scottish Universities Physics Alliance) partnership, as well as cutting-edge research training in optics and atomic physics. Financial support will be made available for presentation of results at national and international conferences. The studentships are open to candidates from within the EU.

The research projects will be in the areas of precision metrology for atomic clocks and quantum sensors, coherent control of four-wave-mixing in atomic vapours, and in next-generation magnetometry.

Applicants should have an excellent first degree in Physics, Engineering, or a related discipline.

Please email enquires and applications to any of:
Prof Erling Riis - e [dot] riis [at] strath [dot] ac [dot] uk
Dr Aidan Arnold - aidan [dot] arnold [at] strath [dot] ac [dot] uk
Dr Paul Griffin - paul [dot] griffin [at] strath [dot] ac [dot] uk