PhD and Postdoc positions in theoretical quantum optics

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University of Basel
8 June, 2014


Uiversity of Basel Basel
47° 34' 2.7912" N, 7° 35' 51.1836" E

PhD and Postdoc positions in theoretical quantum optics are available in the new group of Nicolas Sangouard at the Department of Physics of the University of Basel (Switzerland).

Our team will focus on applications of quantum theory to phenomena involving light and its interaction with atomic and mechanical systems. Its primary objective is to collect evidence that quantum features can survive at "large" scales. Three main research directions will be investigated, each exploring a different facet of the notion of "large." In the first research direction, the meaning of large is related to the distance. The goal is to show that entanglement can be distributed over very long distances through quantum networks. In the second direction, "large" refers to the number of photons. The objective is to demonstrate macroscopic quantum effects in purely photonic scenarios. The third research project aims to demonstrate that entanglement applies to large masses using optomechanical systems. Aside from the many applications, e.g. in quantum key distribution and quantum sensing, our research looks to gain insight into the emergence of the classical world out of the quantum domain. The research work will be realized in close collaboration with leading experimental groups.

Candidates should send a CV, a motivation letter, and the contact details of one to two referees to nicolas [dot] sangouard [at] unige [dot] ch

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