Quantum Simulation

Molecular magnetism group Parma

Research Type: 
-Theoretical modeling of the coherent and incoherent dynamics of magnetic molecules.
-Schemes for molecule-based quantum information processing.
-DFT calculations.
-Numerical methods.
-Lindblad formalism.
-Crystal field effects in d and f electron systems.
-Quantum Information Processing with spin systems in coplanar resonators. 
-Inelastic neutron scattering.
-Nuclear Magnetic Resonance.
Stefano Carretta

Quantum Photonics

Research Type: 

Experimental quantum optics

Continuous-variable quantum information processing

Cavity quantum electrodynamics

Rydberg atoms

Alexei Ourjoumtsev

ESAS Winter School "Novel frontiers in superconducting electronics"

2016-12-12 - 2016-12-17
Registration deadline: 
2016-10-15 (All day)
Pozzuoli (Napoli, Italy)


Dear Colleagues,

We are glad to inform you about the ESAS Winter school on Novel Frontiers in Superconducting Electronics: from Fundamental Concepts and Advanced Materials towards Future Applications.

The ESAS Winter school will take place on December 12-17, 2016, in Pozzuoli (Napoli), Italy.
We are also very glad to communicate that the following lecturers have confirmed their participation in the school:


Full Name: 
Quantum Simulation on a Photonic Chip
Fabio Sciarrino
Running time: 
2015-03-01 - 2018-02-28

QUCHIP – Quantum Simulation on a Photonic Chip is a FET-ProActive project funded under the call FETPROACT-3-2014: Quantum simulation.

The goal of QUCHIP is to study applications of quantum walks in simulating quantum phenomena.

QUCHIP involves 9 European Universities and Research Centres from 5 different European countries.


Quantum Information Lab - Sapienza

Research Type: 

The Quantum Information Lab of Rome is a research team of the Physics Department of Sapienza University of Rome. Our research is focused on the fields of Quantum Information and Integrated Photonics. 


Condensed Matter Theory

Research Type: 

The theory group in Quantum many-body systems carries out research that ranges from the development of methods (Quantum Monte Carlo, Dynamical Mean-Field, Theory, Gutzwiller) to the investigation of a variety of systems spanning the most active research lines of modern condensed matter theory, from high-temperature superconductors to nanoscale devices including many other materials, heterostructures and model systems. An important part of our research is devoted to the non-equilibrium properties of these systems, and to Quantum Annealing/Adiabatic Quantum Computation.

Giuseppe E. Santoro


Full Name: 
Multivalued and parallel logic
Francoise Remacle
Running time: 
2013-10-05 - 2016-02-29

MULTI replaces the familiar sequential model of computation that uses Boolean variables and combinational gates by logic operations that are executed in parallel on devices that have a built-in many state memory and whose inputs and outputs are multivalued. MULTI seeks to design, simulate and experimentally implement proof of principle devices on the atomic and molecular scale.

Theoretical Physical Chemistry

Research Type: 

The TCP group research activities focus on the theory and modeling of the dynamics of molecular systems subject to external perturbations, with applications to

Francoise Remacle

Quantum Optics group

Research Type: 

- Bose-Einstein condensation of photons

- quantum simulation with cold atoms and photons

- cold atoms in optical lattices

- laser cooling of dense gases

Prof. Martin Weitz

Quantum flagship - online consultation on the QUTE consensus paper and registration for the Flagship workshop


A Community consulation has been launched with respect to the Quantum Flagship - the input will be presented to the High Level Steering Committee during an open workshop on the 10th of November in Berlin.

The High Level Steering Committee (http://qurope.eu/db/news/expert-group-quantum-technology-flagship) initiated a consultation process in order to collect the community consensus about the possible structure and governance of the QT Flagship.

During the first HLSC meeting, on the 20th September, T. Calarco presented the following documents:

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