EC - H2020


Full Name: 
Superconducting quantum heat engines and refrigerators
Jukka Pekola
Running time: 
2017-10-01 - 2022-09-30

The aim of the proposed work is to realize experimentally the first genuinely quantum mechanical refrigerator/heat engine in the solid state, and test whether one can boost its performance by information/feedback, optimized control, and merely by exploiting the quantum coherences vs the classical dynamics. To achieve this goal, we will investigate experimentally and theoretically the thermodynamics of open quantum systems.


Full Name: 
Hybrid Optomechanical Technologies
EPFL / Prof. Tobias J. Kippenberg
Running time: 
2017-01-01 - 2020-12-31

HOT is a 4-year FET Proactive project that will lay the foundation for a new generation of devices that connect or even contain several nano-scale platforms in a single “hybrid” system. These hybrid devices will allow the exploitation of the unique advantages of each subsystem, thus enabling entirely novel functionalities.


Full Name: 
Optomechanical Technologies
EPFL / Prof. Tobias J. Kippenberg
Running time: 
2016-10-01 - 2020-09-30

A H2020 Marie Curie Skłodowska - European Training Network (ETN) coordinated by EPFL

OMT is a Marie Curie collaborative research and training network focused on exploring new applications of Optomechanical Technologies (OMT), which brings together 14 EU partners, including IBM and Bosch. OMT kicked off on 1st October 2016, offering 15 PhD students (early-stage researchers) the opportunity to join leading research groups and participate in competitive experiments.


Full Name: 
Quantum Simulation on a Photonic Chip
Fabio Sciarrino
Running time: 
2015-03-01 - 2018-02-28

QUCHIP – Quantum Simulation on a Photonic Chip is a FET-ProActive project funded under the call FETPROACT-3-2014: Quantum simulation.

The goal of QUCHIP is to study applications of quantum walks in simulating quantum phenomena.

QUCHIP involves 9 European Universities and Research Centres from 5 different European countries.



Full Name: 
Novel Quantum Emitters monolithically grown on Si, Ge and III-V substrates
Stefano Sanguinetti
Running time: 
2017-01-01 - 2020-12-31
We propose to forge a partnership between the leading European groups working on the next generation of solid state quantum emitters based on novel growth methods such as Droplet Epitaxy. Future, practical Nano-photonics and Quantum Circuits applications demand semiconductor quantum dots that can be grown on substrates with different lattice parameters (Si, Ge, GaAs), different substrate orientations (such as (001) and (111)) and tuneable optical, electrical and spin properties.


Full Name: 
Genuine quantumness in cooperative phenomena
Prof. Gerardo Adesso
Running time: 
2015-05-01 - 2020-04-30

The proposed research programme addresses issues of fundamental and technological importance in quantum information science and its interplay with complexity. The main aim of this project is to provide a new paradigmatic foundation for the characterisation of quantumness in cooperative phenomena and to develop novel platforms for its practical utilisation in quantum technology applications. To reach its main goal, this programme will target five specific objectives: O1.


Full Name: 
All-Phononic circuits Enabled by Opto-mechanics
Clivia Sotomayor-Torres
Running time: 
2016-09-01 - 2019-08-31

This project is at the intersection of photonics, RF signal processing and phononics, aiming to achieve an all-optical phononic circuit using coherent phonons as the state variable. The concept is based on cavity optomechanics (OM) to develop GHz- frequency in-chip phononic circuits for room temperature operation.


Full Name: 
Quantum Environment Engineering for Steered Systems
Mikko Möttönen
Running time: 
2017-01-01 - 2021-12-31

The superconducting quantum computer has very recently reached the theoretical thresholds for fault-tolerant universal quantum computing and a quantum annealer based on superconducting quantum bits, qubits, is already commercially available. However, several fundamental questions on the way to efficient large-scale quantum computing have to be answered: qubit initialization, extreme gate accuracy, and quantum-level power consumption.


Full Name: 
Quantum devices in topological matter: carbon nanotubes, graphene, and novel superfluids
Pertti Hakonen
Running time: 
2016-01-01 - 2020-12-31

The project addresses quantum devices in hybrid systems formed using carbon nanotubes, graphene, and 3He superfluid, all with particular topological characteristics. Topological properties of these non-trivial materials can be drastically modified by introducing defects or interfaces into them, like single layer graphene into superfluid helium, boron nitride between graphene sheets, carbon nanotubes in 3He superfluid, or misfit dislocation layers into HOPG graphite.


Full Name: 
Quantum Probes for Complex Systems
Sabrina Maniscalco
Running time: 
2015-04-01 - 2018-03-03

QuProCS is a joint research project that is part of FET PROACTIVE QUANTUM SIMULATIONS, funded through the Horizon 2020 Programme of the European Union. We are a consortium of seven different institutions with longstanding theoretical and experimental expertise in quantum optics and many-body physics.


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