Quantum Simulation

Quantum Technologies have a hearing at the US Congress


On the 16 March 2016, The U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission of the United States Congress held a hearing on China's pursuit of new technologies. one of the panel was focussed on Quantum Technologies.

On the 16 March 2016, The U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission of the United States Congress held a hearing on China's pursuit of new technologies.


Spring meeting of the DPG, Mainz (Germany), 6–10 March 2017

Talk by Antoine Browaeys: "Implementation of spin hamiltonians in arrays of individual Rydberg atoms"

Workshop UQUAM, Berlin (Germany), 24–27 October 2016

Talk by Antoine Browaeys: "Implementation of spin hamiltonians in arrays of individual Rydberg atoms"

Workshop of the SFB FoQuS, Innsbruck (Austria), 6–7 October 2016

Talk by Thierry Lahaye: "Realizing spin Hamiltonians in tunable 2D arrays of single Rydberg atoms"

BEC2016 Quantum gases and quantum coherence, Salerno (Italy), 1–3 September 2016

Talk by Antoine Browaeys: "Implementation of spin hamiltonians in arrays of individual Rydberg atoms"

European Conference on Trapped Ions, Arosa (Switzerland), 29–31 August 2016

Talk by Antoine Browaeys: "Implementation of spin hamiltonians in arrays of individual Rydberg atoms"

Gordon research conference on Quantum Science, Stonehill College, (USA), 1–5 August 2016

Talk by Antoine Browaeys: "Implementation of spin hamiltonians in arrays of individual Rydberg atomsQuantum simulation of Ising-type Hamiltonians in tunable 2D arrays of single Rydberg atoms"

COLOQ'15, Congrès OPTIQUE 2016, Bordeaux (France), 4-7 July 2016

Talk by Daniel Barredo: "Quantum simulation of Ising-type Hamiltonians in tunable 2D arrays of single Rydberg atoms"

Correlation and order in Rydberg gases, Leyden (the Netherlands), 1–3 June 2016

Talk by Antoine Browaeys: "Gates, entanglement, many-body physics and all that using individual Rydberg atoms"

Many-Body physics with synthetic quantum systems, Stellenbosch (South Africa), 4–8 April 2016

Talk by Antoine Browaeys: "Implementation of the Quantum Ising model in arrays of individual Rydberg atoms"

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