Quantum Metrology, Sensing and Imaging

Former name: Quantum Technologies

Public call for applications to extend membership of the high-level expert group on quantum technologies


The call aims to include 12 new members from industries with interest in the Quantum Technologies

DG Connect, as follow up to the recent appointment of the High-Level expert group, has opened a public call in order to add 12 more members to the group.

The Call is aimed to industries with interest in the field of Quantum Technologies. Additional members will be individuals appointed to represent a common interest or organisations. Therefore, there will be two types of membership:

Expert group on Quantum Technology Flagship


Following the nomination of the chair, Prof. Mlynek, the Commission has now formally set-up the Commission Expert Group, with 13 very high level academic members, that will provide recommendations on the preparation of the Quantum Technology Flagship.

The Commission Expert Group on Quantum Technologies - High Level Steering Committee has now been established as a high level expert group with a mandate of one year. Its members will best represent collectively the diversity of stakeholders in Europe, both from the academic as from the industrial sides.

The group will be composed of the following academic members:

Difference-frequency combs in cold atom physics


Russell Kliese, Nazanin Hoghooghi, Thomas Puppe, Felix Rohde, Alexander Sell, Armin Zach, Patrick Leisching, Wilhelm Kaenders, Niamh C. Keegan, Alistair D. Bounds, Elizabeth M. Bridge, Jack Leonard, Charles S. Adams, Simon L. Cornish, Matthew P. A. Jones


Eur. Phys. J. Special Topics 225, 2775–2784 (2016)



Optical frequency combs provide the clockwork to relate optical frequencies
to radio frequencies. Hence, combs allow to measure optical frequencies
with respect to a radio frequency where the accuracy is limited
only by the reference signal. In order to provide a stable link between the
radio and optical frequencies, the two parameters of the frequency comb
must be fixed: the carrier envelope offset frequency fceo and the pulse

Quantum Engineering Centre for Doctoral Training

Research Type: 

Quantum engineering is a revolutionary approach to quantum technology. It encompasses both fundamental physics and the broad engineering skill-set necessary to meet the practical challenges of the future.

Mark Thompson

Centre for Quantum Photonics

Research Type: 

Our goal in the Centre for Quantum Photonics is to explore fundamental aspects of quantum mechanics, as well as work towards future photonic quantum technologies by generating, manipulating and measuring single photons as well as the quantum systems that emit these photons.

The Centre spans the School of Physics and Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering in the Faculties of Science and Engineering, and the Centre for Nanoscience and Quantum Information.

Jeremy O'Brien


Research Type: 

Quantum Communication
Quantum Sensing & Metrology
Quantum Computing

Quantum Engineering Technology Labs:
QET Labs delivers a radically new generation of machines that exploit quantum physics to transform our lives, society and economy:

Jeremy O'Brien

UK National Quantum Technology Hub in Sensors and Metrology

Research Type: 

Quantum sensors based on atomic probe particles, including atom interferometers for inertial sensing, atomic microwave and optical clocks, magnetometers based on thermal and cold atoms and ions as well as multi-mode entangled light sources.

Kai Bongs

Atom Interferometry and Inertial Sensors

Research Type: 

The activity of the team Atom Interferometry and Inertial Sensors of SYRTE - Observatoire de Paris concerns the applications of atom interferometry to high precision measurements, and especially to the realization of inertial sensors. The principle of the duality between wave and matter postulates that to each particle a wave-packet (called de Broglie wave) can be associated, which can be manipulated in the same way as light in optics. For example, these atom wave-packets can be split or recombined to make them interfere.

Franck Pereira dos Santos


Full Name: 
Cavity quantum phonon dynamics
Mika Sillanpää
Running time: 
2015-01-01 - 2019-12-31
Large bodies usually follow the classical equations of motion. Deviations from this can be called
macroscopic quantum behavior. These phenomena have been experimentally verified with cavity Quantum Electro Dynamics (QED), trapped ions, and superconducting Josephson junction systems. Recently, evidence was obtained that also moving objects can display such behavior. These objects are micromechanical resonators (MR), which can measure tens of microns in size and are hence quite macroscopic. The degree of freedom is their vibrations: phonons.


Full Name: 
Information, fluctuations, and energy control in small systems
Jukka Pekola
Running time: 
2013-01-01 - 2015-12-31

Information is physical. During the last decade, this basic concept has led to a revolution in our understanding of quantum mechanics. Less attention has been paid so far to equally important implications of this principle in statistical mechanics of small systems, where statistical fluctuations are large and make their thermodynamic properties extremely dependent on the information available. The most basic process illustrating the importance of information to statistical systems is the information-to-energy conversion in the famous Maxwell’s Demon (MD).

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