Quantum Metrology, Sensing and Imaging

Former name: Quantum Technologies

2016 Quantum Conference in Amsterdam


The Netherlands is planning to organize a Quantum Technologies conference in spring 2016 in Amsterdam in cooperation with the European Commission.


To enhance overall interest, activity and investment in Quantum Technologies across Europe, the Netherlands is planning to organize a conference in Amsterdam in cooperation with the European Commission. The aim of the conference is to foster collaboration between European scientific and industry communities, showcase innovation and provide a platform to present a comprehensive vision and roadmap across the spectrum of Quantum Technologies. The Presidency will report the conclusions of the Conference to the Competitiveness Council in May 2016.

First activity report of the "Russian Quantum Center"


The first activity report of the "Russian Quantum Center" has been published.

The first report of the "Russian Quantum Center" (RQC, http://www.rqc.ru) has been made public recently. It presents the results of research work since 2012, when the organizational period ended and the RQC began full operation. You can grab a copy here.

Report from the workshop on Quantum Technologies and Industry


The report of the workshop on Quantum Technologies and Industry was held in Brussels on 6 May 2015 has been published

A participatory workshop on Quantum Technologies and Industry was held in Brussels on 6 May 2015. The aim was to identify what could be the markets for quantum technologies, and how these could be industrialised. The workshop report (available here) summarises the discussions and the action plan which emerged as a conclusion.

LUH / PTB Quantum Engineering with Trapped Ions

Research Type: 
  • Surface-electrode ion traps
  • Microwave control of trapped ions
  • Towards quantum logic inspired cooling and detection of single (anti-)protons
Christian Ospelkaus

QUEST Institute for Experimental Quantum Metrology

Research Type: 
  • Quantum metrology
  • Quantum logic spectroscopy
  • Quantum engineering
  • Tests of fundamental physics
  • Quantum logic with molecular ions
  • Laser spectroscopy
  • Optical clocks, frequency combs, ultra-stable lasers
  • Quantum logic with molecular ions and highly-charged ions
Prof. Dr. Piet O. Schmidt

Quantum Physics and Information Technology (QPIT)

Research Type: 

Continuous Variables

Squeezed Light

Two-Mode Squeezing

Quantum Key Distribution

Quantum Metrology

Quantum Information Processing


Diamond NV Centers

Ulrik Lund Andersen

Quantum Optics Lab

Research Type: 

Quantum optics

Non-linear optics

Quantum information processing

Entangled photon spectroscopy



André Stefanov

Nonlinear Quantum Optics

Research Type: 
Roman Schnabel

10 Key Tenets of Quantum Investment and QT2 Innovation


DK MataiChairman and Founder at Quantum Innovation Labs (QiLabs.net) take a look of what he believes are the 10 key facts for investing in the Quantum Technologies field.

DK MataiChairman and Founder at Quantum Innovation Labs (QiLabs.net) take a look of what he believes are the 10 key facts for investing in the Quantum Technologies field.

Read the full Linkedin entry here.

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