Quantum Computation

First CHIST-ERA Conference

2010-05-27 - 2010-05-28
EUR - Rome

The purpose of this first CHIST-ERA conference will be to bring together personalities and scientists from the community of the call topics (Quantum Information Foundations and Technologies and Self-Awareness & Self-Consciousness) preliminarily chosen by the CHIST-ERA Consortium and that will be called for in the first CHIST-ERA transnational call for projects.

Single atoms go transparent


Electromagnetic Induced Transparency (EIT) seen in single atoms, real and artificial

Making an opaque material transparent might seem like magic. But for well over a decade, physicists have been able to do just that in atomic gases using the phenomenon of electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT). Now, however, this seemingly magical effect has been observed in single atoms – and in "artificial" atoms consisting of a superconducting loop – for the first time.

Full story available here.

Quantum Information, University of Leeds

Research Type: 
  • Quantum Information Theory and Computation (Beige, Dunningham, Kendon, Pachos, Spiller)
  • Foundations of Quantum Mechanics (Dunningham, Beige, Spiller)
  • Optical and Solid State Implementations (Beige, Pachos, Spiller)
  • Bose Einstein Condensation (Dunningham, Pachos, Spiller)
  • Topological Quantum Computation (Pachos)
  • Quantum Simulations and Transport (Kendon)
  • Quantum Cryptography (Razavi, Spiller, Beige)
  • Quantum Communication Networks (Razavi)
Tim Spiller

Combing makes for neat qubits


Frequency comb entangles two atomic qubits

Physicists in the US (including AQUTE physicist C. Monroe) have used an optical "frequency comb" to reliably entangle a pair of atomic qubits. The breakthrough bodes well for practicable quantum computing because it allows for simpler manipulation of quantum states than in previous systems.

BEC coupled to mechanical oscillator


Ultracold gas offers new way of probing tiny vibrations

Physicists in Germany and France (including AQUTE members Theodor W. Hänsch, Jakob Reichel, and Philipp Treutlein) have coupled a Bose–Einstein condensate (BEC) of ultracold atoms to the vibrations of a mechanical oscillator for the first time.

Full story available here.

BEC Center, Trento

Research Type: 

Theory of quantum gases and experiments with ultracold gases

Sandro Stringari (parte teorica); Gabriele Ferrari (laboratorio sperimentale)

Quantum Coherence

Research Type: 
  • Superconducting circuits (Josephson junctions)
  • Semiconductor circuits
  • Nanofabrication 
Christopher Bauerle (?)

Nanospintronic and Molecular Transport

Research Type: 
  • Spintronics and molecular electronics 
  • Single molecular magnets

This entry should be deleted. It corresponds to the entry: Nanospin, Grenoble, Institut Néel

Bernard Barbara (emerit)

CNR-IMM Si-based Quantum Computation

Research Type: 

Theory and simulation

  • theory of multi-spin systems defined in quantum dots as qubit holders
  • Finite Element Method-based simulations of CMOS compatible nanodevices 
  • dynamical decoupling and quantum error correction schemes to mitigate the decoherence effects in qubits
  • theory of shallow donors in silicon



Prof. Marco Fanciulli

Ion Quantum Technology Group

Research Type: 
  • Quantum computing
  • Quantum simulation
  • Quantum sensing
  • Quantum control
  • Quantum Engineering
  • Ion trapping
Prof. Winfried K. Hensinger
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