Quantum Computation

A trapped-ion local field probe


G. Huber, F. Ziesel, U.G. Poschinger, K. Singer, F. Schmidt-Kaler
Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics 100, 725 (2010)

We introduce a measurement scheme that utilizes a single ion as a local field probe. The ion is confined in a segmented Paul trap and shuttled around to reach different probing sites. By the use of a single atom probe, it becomes possible characterizing fields with spatial resolution of a few nm within an extensive region of millimeters. We demonstrate the scheme by accurately investigating the electric fields providing the confinement for the ion. For this we present all theoretical and practical methods necessary to generate these potentials.

Trapped electron coupled to superconducting devices


P. Bushev, D. Bothner, J. Nagel. M. Kemmelr, K.B. Konovalenko, A. Loerincz, K. Ilin, M. Siegel, D. Koelle, R. Kleiner, F. Schmidt-Kaler


Eur. Phys. J. D 63, 9-16 (2011)

We propose to couple a trapped single electron to superconducting structures located at a variable distance from the electron. The electron is captured in a cryogenic Penning trap using electric fields and a static magnetic field in the Tesla range. Measurements on the electron will allow investigating the properties of the superconductor such as vortex structure, damping and decoherence.

Quantum gate in the decoherence-free subspace of trapped-ion qubits


P. Ivanov, U.G. Poschinger, K. Singer, F. Schmidt-Kaler
Europhysics Letters 92, 30006 (2010)

We propose a geometric phase gate in a decoherence-free subspace with trapped ions. The quantum information is encoded in the Zeeman sublevels of the ground-state and two physical qubits to make up one logical qubit with ultra long coherence time. Single- and two-qubit operations together with the transport and splitting of linear ion crystals allow for a robust and decoherence-free scalable quantum processor. For the ease of the phase gate realization we employ one Raman laser field on four ions simultaneously, i.e. no tight focus for addressing.

AQUTE Flagchip box

This highlight contains a small video and the accompanying poster displaying what is know as the AQUTE Flagchip, the wondrous box containing the state-of-the-art atomic chips that has been displayed in several ICT events (the last one having been ICT 2010 Digitally Driven in Brussels). Enjoy!

Intel Labs Europe, ExaScience – High Performance Computing – imec

Imec performs world-leading research in nano-electronics and nano-technology. Its staff of more than 1,750 people includes over 550 industrial residents and guest researchers. Imec’s research is applied in better healthcare, smart electronics, sustainable energy, and safer transport.

Frontiers in Quantum Information, Computing & Communication (QICC)-2011 Meeting

2011-09-26 - 2011-09-27
In Between Massachusetts Institute of Technology & Harvard University Campuses on 777 Memorial Drive at Courtyard Marriott, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 USA

Quantum Chemistry, Single Quantum Dot Tracking, Semiconductor Nanocrystals, Caron Nanotubes for the study of DNA, Light-driven Molecular Machines, Energy Transfer Pr

Quantum Science Symposium-2011

2011-09-26 - 2011-09-27
In Between Massachusetts Institute of Technology & Harvard University Campuses on 777 Memorial Drive at Courtyard Marriott, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 USA

 QICC-Key Sessions:

Entanglement of two individual atoms using the Rydberg blockade

2010-06-07 - 2010-06-12

A. Browaeys, A. Gaetan, T. Wilk, C. Evellin, J. Wolters, Y. Miroshnychenko, P. Grangier, P. Pillet, D. Comparat, A. Chotia, and M. Viteau


19th International Conference on Laser Spectroscopy, Kussharo, JAPAN, JUN 07-12, 2009, in:Laser Spectroscopy, 63-73 (2010)

We report on our recent progress on the manipulation of single rubidium atoms trapped in optical tweezers and the generation of entanglement between two atoms, each individually trapped in neighboring tweezers. To create an entangled state of two atoms in their ground states, we make use of the Rydberg blockade mechanism. The degree of entanglement is measured using global rotations of the internal states of both atoms. Such internal state rotations on a single atom are demonstrated with a high fidelity.

Analysis of the entanglement between two individual atoms using global Raman rotations


A. Gaetan, C. Evellin, J. Wolters, P. Grangier, T. Wilk, and A. Browaeys


New Journal of Physics, 12, 12 (2010)

Making use of the Rydberg blockade, we generate entanglement between two atoms individually trapped in two optical tweezers. In this paper we detail the analysis of the data and show that we can determine the amount of entanglement between the atoms in the presence of atom losses during the entangling sequence. Our model takes into account states outside the qubit basis and allows us to perform a partial reconstruction of the density matrix describing the two atom state.

Phase space tweezers for tailoring cavity fields by quantum Zeno dynamics


J.M. Raimond, C. Sayrin, S. Gleyzes, I. Dotsenko, M. Brune, S. Haroche, P. Facchi, S. Pascazio
Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 213601 (2010)

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