Solid State Quantum Optics group

Research Type: 

Our research is devoted to the study and development of quantum functionalities in semiconductor systems using the nanofabrication techniques of opto-electronics. We develop high performances integrated sources of quantum light, non-linear devices operating at the single photon level, spin-based quantum memories and optomechanical platforms for quantum information processing.

Pr. Pascale Senellart

Theoretical Quantum Optics, University of Siegen

Research Type: 
  • Quantum information processing: Entanglement theory, correlation measures,
  • Foundations of quantum mechanics: Quantum contextuality, Bell inequalities
Otfried Gühne

First CHIST-ERA Conference

2010-05-27 - 2010-05-28
EUR - Rome

The purpose of this first CHIST-ERA conference will be to bring together personalities and scientists from the community of the call topics (Quantum Information Foundations and Technologies and Self-Awareness & Self-Consciousness) preliminarily chosen by the CHIST-ERA Consortium and that will be called for in the first CHIST-ERA transnational call for projects.

Participants list (last update 26.05.2010)

  1. Alberto Marchetti-Spaccamela (Università La Sapienza, Roma, Italy)
  2. Giuseppe Falci (Università di Catania, Italy)
  3. Orla Slattery (Tyndall National Institute, Ireland)
  4. Raymond Fournier (ANR, France)
  5. Girerd Mathieu (ANR, France)
  6. Andy Lawrence (EPSRC, UK)
  7. Cristoph Peschke (DLR, Germany)
  8. Francesco Cataliotti (MIUR, Italy)
  9. Ricardo Sanz (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid)
  10. Daniele Binosi (ECT* - Fondazione Bruno Kessler)

Invited speakers

Quantum Information Foundations and Technologies
Elisabeth Giacobino
Laboratoire Kastler-Brossel Ecole Normale Superieure, France

Markus Aspelmeyer
Faculty of Physics at the University of Vienna, Austria

Venue and Accommodation


The CHIST-ERA Conference will take place @

Ministero Istruzione, Università, Ricerca (MIUR), Sala Conferenze (C), Piano Terra Piazzale Kennedy, 20 – 00144 ROMA EUR

How to get there

Once you are in Roma Termini station, the MIUR can be reached in two ways by public transportation:

  • Underground B, direction "Laurentina". Stop: EUR FERMI. You can then walk from there (10 minutes)
  • Underground B, direction "Laurentina". Stop: EUR MARCONI. Exit the station and take either the 791 or the 170 bus
    • Bus number 791 direction "Nervi/Palazzetto dello Sport": exit at the bus stop "Piazzale dell’Agricoltura"; the MIUR is on the opposite side of the street
    • Bus number 170 direction "Piazzale dell’Agricoltura": same as before, exit at the bus stop "Piazzale dell’Agricoltura"; the MIUR is on the opposite side of the street

A map of the EUR area can be found in the attachment section.
A map of the Rome undergrounds is available here

More travelling tips (e.g., how to arrive from Ciampino airport, taxis, etc.) are available below in the attachment section.  


MIUR has stipulated a special convention with the nearby

Hotel dei Congressi **** 
Viale Shakespeare, 29 00144 Roma
T. +39 06 5926021
F. +39 06 5911903

The prices (including breakfast) are 105€ for a single room and 120€ for a double room (single occupation).
To book send an email to alessiaruggieri [at] hoteldeicongressiroma [dot] com (or phone directly to the hotel at the reservation number +39 06 5911923) and quote the CHIST-ERA conference.

If you want to stay in the city centre, you can get a (.doc) list of hotels in the Colosseum area or near the Termini station from the attachment below.


The two topics selected for the first CHIST-ERA transnational call are Quantum Information Foundations and Technologies e Self-awareness and self-consciousness. To pin down the topic scope within the CHIST-ERA call is an objective of this conference; however and as a term of reference, a preliminary scope is given below.

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