Quantum Control

Understanding Google announcement about the D-Wave machine


A note by the QUROPE Virtual Institutes and Facilities on recent developments in quantum annealing.

The QUROPE Virtual Institutes and Facilities have produced a document aimed at understanding what is the take away message of the last preprint of Google researchers about the D-Wave machine (see this news).

The document can be downloaded following this link

Recent developments in quantum annealing


Troyer, Zintchenko and Brown (ETH Zurich) summary on recent developments in quantum annealing.

On December 7, researchers at Google have reported evidence for significant quantum effects on the latest D-Wave 2X device using problem instances that are designed to be hard for thermal annealing algorithms but easy for quantum annealers (http://arxiv.org/abs/1512.02206).

Call to accelerate Quantum Technologies across Europe


Commissioner for the Digital Economy and Society, Gunther H. Oettinger, and Minister of Economic Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Henk Kamp, stated that action is needed to ensure Europe remains a world leader in Quantum Technology.

Yesterday, During the visit at QuTech, Delft, Commissioner for the Digital Economy and Society, Gunther H. Oettinger, and Minister of Economic Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Henk Kamp, stated that action is needed to ensure Europe remains a world leader in Quantum Technology.

2016 Quantum Conference in Amsterdam


The Netherlands is planning to organize a Quantum Technologies conference in spring 2016 in Amsterdam in cooperation with the European Commission.


To enhance overall interest, activity and investment in Quantum Technologies across Europe, the Netherlands is planning to organize a conference in Amsterdam in cooperation with the European Commission. The aim of the conference is to foster collaboration between European scientific and industry communities, showcase innovation and provide a platform to present a comprehensive vision and roadmap across the spectrum of Quantum Technologies. The Presidency will report the conclusions of the Conference to the Competitiveness Council in May 2016.

First activity report of the "Russian Quantum Center"


The first activity report of the "Russian Quantum Center" has been published.

The first report of the "Russian Quantum Center" (RQC, http://www.rqc.ru) has been made public recently. It presents the results of research work since 2012, when the organizational period ended and the RQC began full operation. You can grab a copy here.

Report from the workshop on Quantum Technologies and Industry


The report of the workshop on Quantum Technologies and Industry was held in Brussels on 6 May 2015 has been published

A participatory workshop on Quantum Technologies and Industry was held in Brussels on 6 May 2015. The aim was to identify what could be the markets for quantum technologies, and how these could be industrialised. The workshop report (available here) summarises the discussions and the action plan which emerged as a conclusion.

QuTeE - Quantum Technologies and Engineering

Research Type: 

QuTeE - Quantum Technologies and Engineering focuses on modelling and control techniques to engineer quantum devices and processes. We work on techniques to design, control and optimise the behaviour of quantum processes based on methods to model and simulate quantum systems, characterise their behaviour by parameter and model learning, and visualise and analyse measurement signals. Particular application areas we pursue are related to spin dynamics, quantum spin networks, magnetic resonance imaging and spectroscopy, spintronics and semiconductor devices, and chemical synthesis.

Frank Langbein

quantum control

Research Type: 

geometric control

quantum control

control of the schroedinger equation

Mario Sigalotti

Magnetic Resonance

Research Type: 

At the Institute of Organic Chemistry and the Institute for Biological Interfaces 4 - Magnetic Resonance - of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), the group is interested in magnetic resonance methods development and applications.

Optimal control in quantum systems is used to create robust pulse sequences for all kinds of multidimensional experiments in NMR spectroscopy. Sequences are applied in the context of small organic molecules, (bio-) polymers, (nano-) diamonds and biological fluids.

Burkhard Luy

Aberystwyth Quantum Structures, Information and Control`

Research Type: 

Quantum open systems, operator algebras, quantum white noise analysis, functional and spectral analysis of dissipative systems, direct and inverse spectral theory, quantum stochastic differential equations, quantum filtering and control, coherent quantum feedback control and quantum networks.

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