Quantum Control

Quantum Technologies have a hearing at the US Congress


On the 16 March 2016, The U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission of the United States Congress held a hearing on China's pursuit of new technologies. one of the panel was focussed on Quantum Technologies.

On the 16 March 2016, The U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission of the United States Congress held a hearing on China's pursuit of new technologies.


TUM-IAS Workshop Quantum Control Theory: Mathematical Aspects and Physical Applications

workshop organized by D. Sugny, S. Glaser, G. Friesecke, and T. Schulte-Herbrüggen

poster title: "Fast circularisation of Rydberg atoms using optimal control

presented by Sabrina Patsch (UKAS), April 4, 2017

Quantum State Engineering 2017

workshop organized by H. Weimer

poster title: "Quantum simulators for open quantum systems using quantum Zeno dynamics"

presented by Sabrina Patsch (UKAS), date: March 29, 2017

German women physicists meeting 2016

Annual German women physicists meeting 2016, Hamburg

speaker: Sabrina Patsch (UKAS), date November 4, 2016

talk title: "Fast circularisation of Rydberg atoms using optimal control

Spring meeting of the German Physical Society 2017

Annual spring meeting of the German Physical Society in Mainz

poster title: "Quantum simulators for open quantum systems using quantum Zeno dynamics"

presented by Sabrina Patsch (UKAS), date: March 9, 2017

Spring meeting of the German Physical Society 2016

Annual spring meeting of the German Physical Society in Hannover

poster title: "Creation of a superposition of opposite circular states in Rydberg atoms using optimal control theory and quantum Zeno dynamics"

presenter: Sabrina Patsch (UKAS), February 29, 2016

Workshop ’Correlation and Order in Rydberg Gases’

workshop organized by A. Browaeys, K. van Druten, S. Kokkelmans, K. Mølmer, R. Spreeuw

speaker: Christiane Koch (UKAS), date: May 31, 2016

title: Quantum optimal control of Rydberg dynamics

619. WE Heraeus-Seminar ’Quantum Speed Limits’

workshop organized by Tommaso Calarco and Jacob Sherson

speaker: Christiane Koch (UKAS), date: June 9, 2016

talk title:  Identifying the quantum speed limit with optimal control


Quantum Technologies on the Move

workshop organized by Sabrina Maniscalco and Rebecca Schmidt,

speaker: Christiane Koch (UKAS), date: June 22, 2016

talk title:  Identifying the quantum speed limit with optimal control

speaker: Sabrina Patsch (UKAS), date: June 19, 2016

talk title: Quantum simulators for open quantum systems using quantum Zeno dynamics




Full Name: 
Hybrid Optomechanical Technologies
EPFL / Prof. Tobias J. Kippenberg
Running time: 
2017-01-01 - 2020-12-31

HOT is a 4-year FET Proactive project that will lay the foundation for a new generation of devices that connect or even contain several nano-scale platforms in a single “hybrid” system. These hybrid devices will allow the exploitation of the unique advantages of each subsystem, thus enabling entirely novel functionalities.

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