Quantum Control


Full Name: 
Optomechanical Technologies
EPFL / Prof. Tobias J. Kippenberg
Running time: 
2016-10-01 - 2020-09-30

A H2020 Marie Curie Skłodowska - European Training Network (ETN) coordinated by EPFL

OMT is a Marie Curie collaborative research and training network focused on exploring new applications of Optomechanical Technologies (OMT), which brings together 14 EU partners, including IBM and Bosch. OMT kicked off on 1st October 2016, offering 15 PhD students (early-stage researchers) the opportunity to join leading research groups and participate in competitive experiments.

9th Optoelectronics and Photonics Winter School: IQP – Integrated Quantum Photonics

2017-03-26 - 2017-04-01
Registration deadline: 
2017-02-28 (All day)
Folgaria (Trento), Italy

The Optoelectronics and Photonics Winter Schools are biannual meetings which address relevant arguments of Optoelectronics and Photonics. The School has the tradition to bring together a large number of PhD students and young researchers from all parts of the world who, in a one-week of an intense program, follow a series of lectures on selected topics. The lectures are held by internationally recognized experts in the field. At the same time, the students are encouraged to enjoy the beautiful location where the school is organized.

Minutes of the High Level Steering Committee meeting of the 10th November 2016

As follow up to the publication of the minutes of the Flagship Berlin workshop, we publish here below the minutes of the High Level Steering Committee meeting, which took place after the workshop.

QT Flagship Community Consultation Workshop - minutes of the meeting


we publish the minutes of the QT Flagship workshop that took place the 10th November in Berlin.

Here you can download the minutes of the workshop


If you have any question, further input, or need any clarification, please do not hesitate to contact us at mattia [dot] giardini [at] uni-ulm [dot] de

Institute for Quantum Optics / hybrid Quantumsystems

Research Type: 

Quantum Optics, Quantum Information and hybrid Quantumsystems:

  • color center in diamond
  • cavity QED
  • nonlinear optics
  • single-photon sources
Alexander Kubanek

QuantumMagnonics at KIT

Research Type: 

Quantum state manipulation in natural and artificial spin systems

Dr. Martin Weides

Quantum Systems Engineering Research Group

Research Type: 
  • The application of Systems Engineering Methods to accelerate Blue-Sky and low TRL devices and technologies.
  • The development of new Systems Engineering methods that will be needed in the quantum technologies industry specifically in the areas of Quantum Design for … (test, reliability, manufacture). Here, for example, we are pioneering the use of phase space methods for feedback & control and certification of quantum systems.
  • Additive manufacture for developing quantum technologies (currently focused on superconductors).
Mark Everitt

Quantum and Atom Optics Group

Research Type: 
  • Dynamics of ultracold atoms, matter-wave solitons, and Bose-Einstein condensates trapped in optical potentials for matter wave interferometry and atomtronic devices.
  • Applications of EIT, CPT and STIRAP in very different fields like quantum information, single-site addressing in optical lattices and nanoscale microscopy.
Jordi Mompart and Veronica Ahufinger
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