Call to accelerate Quantum Technologies across Europe


Commissioner for the Digital Economy and Society, Gunther H. Oettinger, and Minister of Economic Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Henk Kamp, stated that action is needed to ensure Europe remains a world leader in Quantum Technology.

Yesterday, During the visit at QuTech, Delft, Commissioner for the Digital Economy and Society, Gunther H. Oettinger, and Minister of Economic Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Henk Kamp, stated that action is needed to ensure Europe remains a world leader in Quantum Technology. The European Union has increased R&D investment for Quantum Technologies in the Horizon 2020 Work Programme for 2016-2017, potentially more than doubling the amount available for research on this topic from €10 million to over €20 million; on the other hand, the Netherlands is investing €135 million over 10 years.

To stay at the forefront of this burgeoning technological area, Europe has to build on its scientific excellence and create a booming and competitive industry for future independence and prosperity. In this respect, the Commissioner and the Minister welcomed the preparation of a so-called "Quantum Manifesto" describing a common European vision on how to maintain Europe's world leadership in Quantum Technologies. The Manifesto should be ready for endorsement in May 2016.

Stakeholders from science & industry and Member States will be invited to contribute to this vision, which will be finally endorsed during a dedicated Conference in Amsterdam on May 17-18th 2016 during the Dutch EU Presidency.

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