Quantum Communication

Deterministic quantum teleportation of photonic quantum bits by a hybrid technique

S. Takeda, T. Mizuta, M. Fuwa, P. van Loock and A. Furusawa
Nature 500, 315 (2013)

A quantum access network

B. Fröhlich, J. F. Dynes, M. Lucamarini, A. W. Sharpe, Z. Yuan and A. J. Shields
Nature 501, 69-72 (2013)

QKD guarantees secure communication against unbounded eavesdroppers and represents a mature quantum
technology. However, so far no convincing answer has been given to the question of how to extend the scope
of QKD beyond applications in dedicated high security networks.

In their work, Fröhlich and colleagues show that adopting simple and cost-effective telecommunication
technologies to form a quantum access network can greatly expand the number of users in quantum networks

Experimental demonstration of long-distance continuous-variable quantum key distribution

P. Jouguet, S. Kunz-Jaques, A. Leverrier, Ph. Grangier and E. Diamanti
Nature Photonics 7, 378-381 (2013)

Continuous-variable systems represent a valid alternative to QKD systems based on finite-dimensional
encodings. Their major advantage is that they only require standard telecommunication technology, and in
particular, that they do not use photon counters. However, these systems were considered up till now
unsuitable for long-distance communication.

In their work, Jouguet and colleagues overcome all previous limitations and demonstrate for the first time

Experimental Bit Commitment Based on Quantum Communication and Special Relativity

T. Lunghi, J. Kaniewski, F. Bussières, R. Houlmann, M. Tomamichel, A. Kent, N. Gisin, S. Wehner and H. Zbinden
Physical Review Letters 111, 180504 (2013)

Bit commitment is a fundamental cryptographic primitive in which Bob wishes to commit a secret bit to
Alice. Perfectly secure bit commitment between two mistrustful parties until recently was thought to be
impossible even when the parties exchange quantum messages.

However, Kent recently showed that perfect security is indeed theoretically possible, if Alice and Bob split

Air-to-ground quantum communication

S. Nauerth, F. Moll, M. Rau, C. Fuchs, J. Horwath, S. Frick and H. Weinfurter
Nature Photonics 7, 382–386 (2013)

Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) is the first commercial application in the field of quantum information science, with the first routine applications in government and financial sectors and with successful demonstrations of trusted node networks. Today, the main goal is efficient long-range key distribution via either a network structure called 'quantum repeaters' or via satellite, with a view to enabling global secure communication.

Quantum Technologies

Research Type: 

Quantum cryptography and communication

Quantum Optics

Nonlinear Optics

Single photon detection

Quantum Metrology

Entanglement and Nonlocality



Hugo Zbinden & Rob Thew

EC Vice-President Neelie KROES speech at Davos


Quantum made it to European Commission Vice-President Neelie KROES speech at Davos World Economic forum!

On the 22nd of January 2014, Neelie KROES, the current Vice-President of the European Commission and responsible for the Digital Agenda, delivered a speech entitled "A vision for Europe" at the World Economic Forum held in Davos.


2013-12-07 - 2014-04-01

Specific challenge: Devices that exploit quantum phenomena such as superposition and entanglement have the potential to enable radically new technologies. Several promising directions are now well known, for instance in quantum computation and simulation, quantum communication, quantum metrology and sensing. However, overcoming basic scientific challenges as well as bridging from the scientific results to concrete engineering technologies has proved difficult.

Experimental Bit Commitment Based on Quantum Communication and Special Relativity


T Lunghi, J Kaniewski, F Bussières, R Houlmann, M Tomamichel, A Kent, N Gisin, S Wehner, H Zbinden


Experimental Bit Commitment Based on Quantum Communication and Special Relativity, T Lunghi, J Kaniewski, F Bussières, R Houlmann, M Tomamichel, A Kent, N Gisin, S Wehner, H Zbinden, Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 180504 (2013)

Bit commitment is a fundamental cryptographic primitive in which Bob wishes to commit a secret bit to Alice. Perfectly secure bit commitment between two mistrustful parties is impossible through asynchronous exchange of quantum information.

Near unity efficiency nanowire single photon sources...


By embedding quantum dots within tapered nanowires the TU-Delft team demonstrated near unity efficiencies for single photon generation...

In a recent publication in Nature Communications the TU-Delft team including SOLID partner Leo Kouwenhoven demonstrated a semiconductor nanowire based single photon source with a near unity efficiency.  To do this, the group positioned single quantum dots on the axis of a tailored nanowire waveguide using bottom-up growth.

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