Experimental Bit Commitment Based on Quantum Communication and Special Relativity

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T Lunghi, J Kaniewski, F Bussières, R Houlmann, M Tomamichel, A Kent, N Gisin, S Wehner, H Zbinden


Experimental Bit Commitment Based on Quantum Communication and Special Relativity, T Lunghi, J Kaniewski, F Bussières, R Houlmann, M Tomamichel, A Kent, N Gisin, S Wehner, H Zbinden, Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 180504 (2013)

Bit commitment is a fundamental cryptographic primitive in which Bob wishes to commit a secret bit to Alice. Perfectly secure bit commitment between two mistrustful parties is impossible through asynchronous exchange of quantum information. Perfect security is however possible when Alice and Bob split into several agents exchanging classical and quantum information at times and locations suitably chosen to satisfy specific relativistic constraints. Here we report on an implementation of a bit commitment protocol using quantum communication and special relativity. Our protocol is based on [A. Kent, Phys. Rev. Lett. 109 130501 (2012)] and has the advantage that it is practically feasible with arbitrary large separations between the agents in order to maximize the commitment time. By positioning agents in Geneva and Singapore, we obtain a commitment time of 15 ms. A security analysis considering experimental imperfections and finite statistics is presented.