Near unity efficiency nanowire single photon sources...


By embedding quantum dots within tapered nanowires the TU-Delft team demonstrated near unity efficiencies for single photon generation...

In a recent publication in Nature Communications the TU-Delft team including SOLID partner Leo Kouwenhoven demonstrated a semiconductor nanowire based single photon source with a near unity efficiency.  To do this, the group positioned single quantum dots on the axis of a tailored nanowire waveguide using bottom-up growth. In comparison to quantum dots in nanowires without waveguides, the group could demonstrate a 24-fold enhancement in the single-photon flux, corresponding to a light-extraction efficiency of 42%. Such high efficiencies in one-dimensional nanowires are promising to transfer quantum information over large distances between remote stationary qubits using flying qubits within the same nanowire p–n junction.