Quantum Communication

QIPC Virtual Observatory


QUIE2T WP2 has submitted a report on its deliverables D2.3.1 and D2.3.2.

The reports are available for public download at the WP2 deliverables page. They contain a detailed description of the features that are integrated in the qurope.eu web site, that allow a classification and analysis of the database material that is relevant to QIPC.

Updating the Roadmap and QICS


The Virtual Institutes have been contacted to start work on the final update of the QIPC Roadmap and the QICS.

The update is expected for the end of the QUIE2T project, i.e. Feb 2013. It is expected that the QIPC Roadmap and the Quantum Information Classification Scheme are going to see a new major revision within the next few months.


2013-10-06 - 2013-10-12
Erice (Sicily), Italy

title abbreviation: NIC@QS13

dates of the conference: October 6-12, 2013

title of the conference: Noise, Information and Complexity at Quantum Scale

place: Ettore Majorana Centre, Erice (Sicily), Italy

www address: http://events.phys.unicam.it/nic-at-qs13/

brief description of the Conference:


Full Name: 
Quantum States: Analysis and Realizations
Prof. Harald Weinfurter
Running time: 
2012-01-01 - 2013-12-31

Quantum Information Processing and Quantum Communication brought a radical, paradigmatic change in our understanding of the nature of information and of its use. Progress in efficient quantum computation and communication will be possible provided we gain a significantly improved comprehension of the underlying principles of quantum physics, have scalable analysis tools available to study the dynamics, decoherence, as well as the applicability of large quantum states, and, last but not least, have reliable and robust quantum technology components available.

Benchmarking a Quantum Teleportation Protocol in Superconducting Circuits Using Tomography and an Entanglement Witness


M. Baur, A. Fedorov, L. Steffen, S. Filipp, M. P. da Silva, and A. Wallraff


Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 040502 (2012)

Teleportation of a quantum state may be used for distributing entanglement between distant qubits in quantum communication and for quantum computation. Here we demonstrate the implementation of a teleportation protocol, up to the single-shot measurement step, with superconducting qubits coupled to a microwave resonator. Using full quantum state tomography and evaluating an entanglement witness, we show that the protocol generates a genuine tripartite entangled state of all three qubits.

Efficient controlled-phase gate for single-spin qubits in quantum dots


T. Meunier, V.E. Calado, L.M.K. Vandersypen


Physical Review B 83, 121403

Two-qubit interactions are at the heart of quantum information processing. For single-spin qubits in semiconductor quantum dots, the exchange gate has always been considered the natural two-qubit gate. The recent integration of a magnetic field or g-factor gradients in coupled quantum dot systems allows for a one-step, robust realization of the controlled-phase (C-phase) gate instead.

Generating Entanglement and Squeezed States of Nuclear Spins in Quantum Dots


M. S. Rudner, L. M. K. Vandersypen, V. Vuletić, and L. S. Levitov


Physical Review Letters 107, 206806

We present a scheme for achieving coherent spin squeezing of nuclear spin states in semiconductor quantum dots. The nuclear polarization dependence of the electron spin resonance generates a unitary evolution that drives nuclear spins into a collective entangled state. The polarization dependence of the resonance generates an area-preserving, twisting dynamics that squeezes and stretches the nuclear spin Wigner distribution without the need for nuclear spin flips. Our estimates of squeezing times indicate that the entanglement threshold can be reached in current experiments. 

Quantum Information Classification Scheme updated


Version 1.2 of the QICS is available.

The on-line version of the document can be browsed here.
A pdf of the full document will be generated following this link.
Old versions of the QICS are archived here.

Quantum Technologies for Information Science (QUTIS)

Research Type: 

QUTIS develops interdisciplinary research in:

  • Quantum Information
  • Quantum Technologies
  • Quantum Optics
  • Superconducting Circuits
  • Quantum Biomimetics
Prof. Enrique Solano

QIPC cluster review meeting

2012-04-18 - 2012-04-20
NH Hotel Bingen, Museumstrasse 3, D-55411 Bingen (Mainz) Germany

This is the traditional QIPC cluster reviews. The program is as follows:

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