
International Workshop “Quantum Matter” at Benasque, Spain

2014-06-15 - 2014-06-27
Registration deadline: 
2014-04-10 (All day)
Benasque, Spain

The focus of this workshop is on strongly entangled phases of quantum matter, including topics such as the classification of quantum phases, topological order and anyons, quantum Hall liquids, spin liquids, topological insulators and superconductors, and exotic gapless phases. 

2nd Seefeld Quantum Information Workshop

2014-06-29 - 2014-07-04
Registration deadline: 
2014-03-16 (All day)
Seefeld, Austria

This workshop will be the successor of the 1st Seefeld Workshop on Quantum Information Theory, which was held in 2012. The aim of this series of workshops is to bring together researchers working on quantum information theory. A range of topics will be covered, such as entanglement theory, Bell inequalities, non-locality, information theory, quantum measurements and tomography, quantum channels, as well as some selected topics in quantum computation. The schedule of the workshop is such that there will be enough time for many informal discussions.

WE-Heraeus Seminar on Quantum Simulators

2014-02-10 - 2014-02-12
Registration deadline: 
2013-12-20 (All day)
Bad Honnef, Germany

The 553. WE-Heraeus-Seminar "Discrete and Analogue Quantum Simulators" will take place on 10-12 February 2014 in Bad Honnef (Germany). The topics of the workshop are: Quantum magnetism in spin systems, Simulation of gauge fields, Discrete quantum algorithms, Topological insulators, Non-equilibrium quantum dynamics, Thermodynamics of a unitary Fermi gas. For more information, you can visit or download the conference flyer (

Benasque Workshop on "Quantum Science: Implementations"

2014-06-29 - 2014-07-19
Registration deadline: 
2014-05-01 (All day)
Benasque, Spain


This workshop is intended to discuss recent progress and challenges in the physical implementation of quantum science (e.g. quantum information and computation, simulation, cryptography, metrology, foundations, etc.). Therefore, the workshop aims at a balanced mixture between theorists and experimentalists from a variety of fields: optical lattices, trapped ions, atomic ensembles, cavity QED, NV-centers, quantum dots, quantum circuits, quantum nanomechanical resonators, (nano)photonics, etc.

Workshop on Quantum Communication Networks

2014-01-09 - 2014-01-10
Leeds, UK

Workshop on
Quantum Communication Networks
9-10 Jan 2014
University of Leeds, UK

WE-Heraeus-Seminar "Quantum Contextuality, Non-Locality, and the Foundations of Quantum Mechanics"

2014-02-17 - 2014-02-19
Bad Honnef, Germany

Registration is now open for the 554. WE-Heraeus-Seminar "Quantum
Contextuality, Non-Locality, and the Foundations of Quantum Mechanics"
to take place from 17th–19th February 2014 in Bad Honnef (Germany).

The topics of the seminar are quantum contextuality and non-locality, generalized
physical theories, device independent protocols, uncertainty relations, and
completeness of quantum mechanics. Confirmed speakers are:

7th Workshop on „Advances in Foundations of Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Information with atoms and photons"

2014-05-26 - 2014-05-31
Turin (Italy)

7th Workshop on „Advances in Foundations of Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Information with atoms and photons‰

Turin (Italy) 26 - 31 May 2014

Organizing and Scientific Committee
Marco Genovese m [dot] genovese [at] inrim [dot] it (phone +39 011 3919253)
Giorgio Brida g [dot] brida [at] inrim [dot] it
Maria Luisa Rastello m [dot] rastello [at] inrim [dot] it
Augusto Garuccio garuccio [at] fisica [dot] uniba [dot] it

2013 Workshop On Quantum Simulations With Trapped Ions (iQSim 13)

2013-12-16 - 2013-12-19
Registration deadline: 
2013-09-12 (All day)
Brighton, England

As part of the COST network IOTA, we are organising the ‘2013 Workshop On Quantum Simulations With Trapped Ions (iQSim 13)’ to be held in Brighton, England, 16-19 December 2013 ( which is intended to start a biennial workshop series on quantum simulations with trapped ions.

QCD-TNT-III From quarks and gluons to hadronic matter: A bridge too far?

2013-09-02 - 2013-09-06
Villazzano TRENTO (TN)

Perspectives on Quantum Many-Body Entanglement

2013-09-25 - 2013-09-27
Mainz, Germany

Dear colleagues,

This is the first announcement of the 3-day workshop "Perspectives on Quantum Many-Body Entanglement", to take place at the Johannes-Gutenberg University in Mainz (Germany), September 25-27 2013.

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