
Quantum 2014

2014-05-26 - 2014-05-31
Torino, Italy

Purpose of this workshop is to favour the exchange of ideas and discussion on last results among leading physicists working in the interconnected fields of Quantum Information and Foundations of Quantum Mechanics, in particular in the framework of quantum optics.
It is organized "ad memoriam" of our colleague and friend Carlo Novero who gave birth to this research line in our Institute.

Quantum Simulations

2013-09-29 - 2013-10-04
Benasque, Spain

Dear Colleagues,

The organizers of the "Benasque Workshop on Quantum Simulations" are glad to announce this event that will take place in Benasque, Spain, from September 29th until October 4th 2013. See list of invited speakers and full information at

There, you find all information to apply for contributed talk, poster presentation, or just attendance. Any additional information can be obtained by writing to info [at] benasque [dot] org

Single Photon Workshop 2013

2013-10-15 - 2013-10-18
Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA

SPW 2013 is the sixth and latest installment in a series of workshops on single-photon technologies and applications. Single-photon technologies are vital to applications such as quantum cryptography, quantum information processing, quantum imaging, and quantum metrology. Fields such as astrophysics, nuclear physics, and biology also benefit from developments in single-photon technologies.

2013 STE-QUEST Workshop

2013-05-22 - 2013-05-23
Noordwijk - The Netherlands

22-23 May 2013
ESTEC, room Newton
Keplerlaan 1, Noordwijk - The Netherlands

Dear Colleague,

The dates of the STE-QUEST Workshop are approaching. Please, take note of the following deadlines:

- 01 May: Deadline for hotel booking at discount rate;
- 01 May: Abstracts submission deadline;
- 15 May: Registration deadline.

DCM 2013

Buenos Aires - Argentina

Call for Papers

DCM 2013

Developments in Computational Models

Buenos Aires, Argentina

Monday August 26 2013

A satellite event of CONCUR 2013


Workshop on Quantum Telecommunications

2013-05-15 - 2013-05-17
Lisbon, Portugal

The Workshop on Quantum Telecommunications will be held on 15-17 May 2013, in Lisbon, and aims at disseminating the latest theoretical and experimental results in quantum telecommunications, quantum information and quantum cryptography, in an informal setting, with plenty of time for discussions. The number of participants is limited.

For more information and registration, please see:

Quantum Many Body Systems out of Equilibrium

2013-08-12 - 2013-08-30
Dresden, Germany

The last half-decade has witnessed an explosion of activity and interest in non-equilibrium dynamics in collective quantum systems. The experimental context is predominantly ultracold atomic gases, with a rapidly growing number of non-equilibrium experiments appearing each year. The field is complemented by new solid-state experimental possibilities such as ultrafast pump-probe experiments and controlled mesoscopic transport. At the same time, a growing community of theorists is developing new paradigms to address fundamental issues concerning quantum non-equilibrium situations.

Quantum Magnets 2013

2013-09-09 - 2013-09-13
Kolymbari, Crete

The workshop ‘Advances in Quantum Magnets – Dynamics’ addresses fascinating recent developments in the field of quantum magnetism. Topics of the Workshop include: quantum spin chains and ladders, spin ice, spin liquids, frustrated magnets, dynamics of quantum magnets, transport in quantum magnets, iridates, new materials and applications.

Mathematical Aspects of Quantum Modeling, Estimation and Control

2013-06-25 - 2013-06-27
Padova, Italy

It is a pleasure to announce and invite you the workshop: "Mathematical Aspects of Quantum Modeling, Estimation and Control", which will be held between 25. June – 27. June 2013 in Padova, Italy.

This workshop aims to offer researchers in the fields of quantum control, quantum information theory and mathematical physics an occasion to communicate their most recent advances and to explore new challenges of mathematical quantum system theory in an interdisciplinary environment.

AQuA Student Congress on Quantum Information and Computation

2013-08-30 - 2013-09-01
London, UK

The AQUA conference provides a unique opportunity for graduate students to present their current research through a short presentation or a poster. This allows students to meet their peers and learn about their research whilst gaining valuable experience showcasing their work in a relaxed environment.

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