
Quo Vadis, Quantum Hybridium?

2012-10-24 - 2012-10-26
Ischia, Italy

The Workshop is a satellite event to the MAMA-Hybrids Meeting and is co-sponsored by the European Commission ( FET Open Programme ) and by the MAMA-Hybrids Project.

The Workshop is dedicated to reviewing the achievements and outlining the perspectives of the emerging field of quantum hybrid systems , encompassing interconnects and interfaces between spintronic , superconducting , ultracold- atom and molecular modules intended for quantum information processing and quantum metrology applications.

Horizons of Quantum Physics: from Foundation to Quantum-Enabled Technologies

2012-10-14 - 2012-10-18
Taipei, Taiwan

Dear colleagues and friends,

we are pleased to announce that the International Workshop titled "Horizons of Quantum Physics: from Foundation to Quantum-Enabled Technologies" will take place from October 14th to 18th 2012 in Taipei, Taiwan.

iSense Workshop 2012

2012-06-09 - 2012-06-12
Hannover, Germany

Dear all,

we are pleased to announce the 2012 iSense Workshop from 9.-12.6. 2012 at the Leibniz University Hannover, focusing on Geodesy with Intertial Quantum Sensors. The workshop will bring together the communities of applied Geophysics and Geodesy with the community of applied atom interferometry and quantum metrology. Experts from both fields will be giving keynotes on their research:

Jacob Flury (Leibniz University Hannover) - Satellite based Gravimetry with GRACE and GRACE Follow-on

Workshop on the Quantum Physics of Phase

2012-04-23 - 2012-04-26

The workshop aims to gather world leading experts on the physics and applications of quantum phenomena in microwave circuits at low temperatures. This will include the following topics:

- Quantum computation schemes and devices
- Circuit MASERS and parametric amplifiers
- Quantum limited measurement and squeezing
- Quantum phase slips and geometric phases
- Single charge pumping and quantum metrology
- Superconducting and electromechanical technologies
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Theory of Quantum Gases and Quantum Coherence

2012-06-05 - 2012-06-08
Lyon, France

This workshop is dedicated to the theoretical challenges in the field of quantum gases, with a strong connection to condensed matter physics - including strongly correlated systems, low-dimensional systems, disorder effects etc.


2012-05-20 - 2012-05-26
Torino, Italy

Purpose of this workshop is to favour the exchange of ideas and discussion on last results among leading physicists working in the interconnected fields of Quantum Information and Foundations of Quantum Mechanics, in particular in the framework of quantum optics.

IonTech: Techniques for Trapped Ions

2012-05-07 - 2012-05-09
Siegen, Germany

We invite you to participate in the Workshop
IonTech: Techniques for trapped ions
taking place on
May 7th – May 9th, at the University Siegen, Germany

Trapping of charged or neutral atoms and molecules is essential for very diverse research fields including astrophysics, chemistry, precision measurements in physics, and quantum information science. In addition, mass spectrometers – widely used in research and industry – often rely on similar technologies.

Workshop on Quantum Information in Seefeld in Tirol, Austria (1.7.-6.7.2012)

2012-07-01 - 2012-07-06
Seefeld in Tirol, Austria

Dear colleagues,

we would like to draw your attention to the upcoming

Seefeld Quantum Information Workshop (1-6 July 2012),

to be held in the beautiful village of Seefeld in Tirol, Austria.

CEQIP 2012

2012-06-07 - 2012-06-10
Smolenice, Slovakia

CEQIP'12 (Central European Quantum Information Processing workshop) is focused on current challenges and paradigms of quantum information processing. Although the workshop is open for any topic of quantum information theory, this year we plan to focus more on quantum randomness, novel schemes for quantum communication, quantum entanglement theory and novel algorithms for simulations of quantum systems.

IOTA-COST Workshop on Cold Molecular Ions

2011-11-23 - 2011-11-25
Sandbjerg Estate, Denmark

The first IOTA-COST Workshop on Cold Molecular Ions, Sandbjerg Estate, Denmark, November 23-25, 2011, is now open for registration and submission of abstract via the website:
The scope of the Workshop is dedicated to the task of advancing methods to prepare cold molecular ions and address new applications.

Topics of the workshop will include:

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